Death Sutra

Chapter 985: Original intention

Until the beginning of the second half of the night, Nanping came back. No one knows where he went, but he really came up with the idea of ​​lifting his heart. ◎ Literature Museum r/>

Chu Nan Screen is no longer a teenager. The cold and feminine appearance makes people think that he has a mature mind, but he still has a simple side, sometimes even childish than a teenager.

This evening, Tie Ling was worth the night, and the first south screen went straight to her hiding place. She looked up and said, "Follow me."

"Go away." Tie Ling whispered angrily, martial arts has been far from falling, and now even the killer skills are seen at a glance, which has greatly affected her self-esteem.

"Let's end everything, it's today." There was a repressed excitement in the voice of Chuan Nanping, which is very different from his usual. It seems to hide an important secret that will be announced in public.

Tie Ling opened the cloak and jumped off the eaves. This position allowed her to monitor half of the guards and was not easily found by outsiders. "Where?"

Chu Nan screen did not answer, turned and left, he did not dare to talk more, just for a while, the original rock-solid determination has been shaken, the living person stood in front of her, and she is still different from the imagination.

This is the situation described in the secret of the investigation. He thinks that only by removing this obstacle can it truly enter the ruthless situation.

The two went to the study of the Dragon King in tandem. He always slept very late, and today is no exception.

Chu Nanping stood outside the door. "Dragon King, I have something to see you with Tie Lingling."

Tie Lingling snorted, "I have something, not me."

Gu Shen in the room sighed silently and let the two come in.

Under the illumination of the lights, the south-south screen became more and more sorrowful, and the hair, clothes, and boots were all wet. With some straw sticks and mud, it seems to be coming out of the swamp.

Chu Nan screen did not explain his own symptoms, nodded to the Dragon King, then turned to look at Tie Linglong, thinking that this is the last gaze, so allow yourself to indulge a little, stare for a while, then openly, no one knows This is difficult for him. It’s even harder than killing the girl in front of the sword. “Please ask the Dragon King to accept her.”

The room was quiet, and the other two understood the meaning of the South-South screen, but did not understand his intentions. Gu Shen knew that the idea of ​​Chunan Screen was not the same as that of ordinary people. How could he not expect him to figure out such an idea of ​​killing the situation?

Stupid, noisy, unreasonable... Gu Shen can think of a lot of words to describe the current South Screen, did not wait for him to open his mouth, Tie Ling first shot.

This slap is full of power, if it is not too excited, and even the internal interest is not stable, the strength will be even greater.

The first south screen did not hide, leaving a clear fingerprint on the left cheek. Blood lingered along the corners of his mouth, but he smiled. "This is also your wish, isn't it?"

"It doesn't matter to you." Tie Lingling has never been so angry. Pull out the narrow knife and reach the chest of the south screen. "There is a better way to make you ruthless: dig your heart out."

Chu Nan screen still does not hide, "When you belong to the Dragon King. I will not think about you again, and I will not need to kill you to break the barrier..."

Gu Shen found out that he was a superfluous person in his own house. But he must do something, and the first screen of the South is going on like this. Tie Lingling is only afraid that he will kill. "Get the knife away."

"But he..." Tie Linglong suddenly changed his mind and obeyed the knife. He said: "Yes, I voluntarily dedicate myself to the Dragon King, as long as... The Dragon King does not oppose it."

Her gaze has been staring at the south screen, the green eye is like a burning jade, but the voice is slightly trembled. She once "dedicated" herself once, was interrupted because of an accident, but the reaction of the dragon king was directly rejected. almost.

She has been unable to withstand more frustration.

"I don't object," Gu Shen said.

Chu Nanping and Tie Lingling gaze at each other, one is getting colder and colder, one is more and more hateful, and the answer to the Dragon King is deaf to the ear, and it will take a while to understand.

"What?" Tie Ling asked in amazement.

"Since the two of you have the same idea, I have no reason to object." Gu Shen said casually, as if she was about to receive a gift that was ordinary.

Chu Nanping also turned around, and he was telling whether the Dragon King’s words were true or false.

"The first match, I want you to win, no matter what means, you have to win. I have given you the opportunity to choose between Tie Ling and Jian Jian, you choose the latter, I respect." Gu Shenwei He said to Tie Linglong: "I like you very much. You want to be a killer. It is essential to break your body. I would rather accept you, but that's all. You are still a guard afterwards."

"As long as I stay with the Dragon King, I have no luxury." Tie Ling said, trying to control myself not to look at the South Screen, try to make the sound calm and cold.

The room was once again in silence.

"You can go out." Gu Shen said.

Chunan screen seems to wake up at the beginning of the big dream, watching the dragon king, I believe that he is not vocal, slowly retreat, when he closes the door outside, believe that his heart is dead, instead of killing Tie Ling, it is better to kill "Death" yourself, this is the way he wants to break the barrier.

Tie Ling stood in the same place, angry, fearful, expectant, uneasy, and looked smaller than the actual age.

Gu Shenwei suddenly remembered the scene when the two met for the first time. The girl in front of him was the same as the little girl who was rescued by him. The time seemed to have disappeared on her.

"Blow the lights off," he said.

On the eaves of Tie Ling’s waiting room, the south screen guards saw the lights go out. He began to concentrate on monitoring everything around him, but he was always looking away, and his eyes could not help but turn to the house.

The heart is not enough to die, it takes a little time, he thought.

Tie Linglong slowly forgot the outside of the South Screen, trying to focus on the Dragon King in the dark, the heartbeat is getting faster and faster, the whole body is shaking slightly, from a long time ago, she has this wish vaguely However, when the wish is about to be realized, what she feels the most is fear and embarrassment, not the joy of imagination.

After blowing off the oil lamp, she couldn't move at the same time. She could only stand on the table and hope that the Dragon King would do something, and hoped that he would never move.

The Dragon King’s footsteps were silent, but she could feel a familiar atmosphere approaching and surrounded herself.

Gu Shen gently hugged the thin and stiff body, stroking her hair, whispering in her ear: "You can cry, can laugh, can kill, can not kill, but never violate the heart Intention, there is my protection, you don't have to go my old way."

The first thing that Tie Linglong did first was crying. She hugged the Dragon King, buried her head in his arms, crying without cover, and pouring out all the sadness that had been accumulated for a long time.

I don't know how long it took, she whispered and asked: "Why should he humiliate me? Why?"

"Because he loves you." Gu Shenwei said that he is extremely uncomfortable with his current role, but he knows that it is only a trivial matter in him, but it is a big thing for Tie Linglong and Chu Nan Screen. Things must be handled with care.

"I don't want his love, I don't want this kind of love." Tie Ling looked up and looked at the vague shape in the darkness. "Dragon King... What do you say... is it true? Really... want me?"

"Nobody won't want you." Gu Shen said in a word, he had to let the little girl regain self-confidence. "I am the same, even the dog and the old man are no exception."

Tie Lingling couldn't help but smile and broke free from the dragon king's arms. "I don't want them two, but... but you are cheating him, and me, are you?"

"I said, everything is up to you to choose, don't do anything for me, don't do anything for the first screen. You are a person who is like Tie Linglong and the dragon king can do whatever he wants."

Tie Linglong laughed again, followed by a long silence, Gu Shen stood patiently waiting for her.

"I...have not thought about it yet." Tie Ling said softly, being ashamed of his hesitation.

"then keep thinking."

"But I will never pay attention to the first screen, never, he humiliates me and despise me, is a big bastard."

"He is a jerk, but he will eventually wake up."

"Then I don't care about him. I am not his plaything. I want it, I want to throw it and throw it."

"Well, this is the real iron exquisite."

Tie Lingling was embarrassed to get up. Although the wish of "dedication" was not realized, she did not have any disappointment. Instead, she was so happy because she was crying, and she was in a good mood. This made her understand that she deeply liked the Dragon King. But that is the feeling of father and brother, not the love between men and women.

"He will definitely think... What does the Dragon King want me to say?"

"Don't say anything, let him go all the way he wants to go."

Tie Linglong solemnly nodded, remembering that the Dragon King might not see it, and seriously sighed, then remembered one thing and asked: "When do I go out? This kind of thing needs..."

"Await another meeting."

Tie Linglong nodded again and saw the blurred figure walking away. "Sorry, I have delayed the Dragon King for so much time."

"It doesn't matter, I just took the opportunity to practice a practice?"

"What is the practice?" Tie Linglai came to the interest.

"The exact method of doing things in the dark."

"This is quite good. Does Dragon King intend to use this trick to defeat the One-Step King?"


"How can we let the lights go out when it is comparable?"

"I am thinking."

Tie Lingling did not speak, but also helped to think, the idea was a lot of out, each of them is whimsical, even she felt that there is no value.

"You can go out and light the lamp."

Tie Lingling obeyed the act, just opened the door and saw the dragon king's waiter Qin Yeming stalked like a ghost, his face could not help but red, hurried away.

Seeing this scene in the far south of the screen, I found that my heart is not dead, but broken.

Qin Yeming stood at the door. "Dragon King, a man named Fang Wen is a self-proclaimed military sergeant. You must see you at this time."

Fang Wen actually came back from the North Court. There was no letter notice beforehand. "Take him in immediately." Gu Shen ordered, and guessed that there was something big happening in the grassland.

(Seeking for a recommendation)

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