Death Sutra

Chapter 995: Feeding medicine

The lotus girl felt the horrible light. The Dragon King said that he did not like the enemies and friends hiding in the dark. Isn’t she so? I am used to it in the dark, and I can’t stand the stimulation of the light.

The back is always empty. After the Dragon King left, this feeling is even stronger. The assassin who killed Shangguanhong seems to be pleaing smugly. He can shoot at any time, and she has to be vigilant all the time.

There are also Xiaoyuetang disciples. Under the obedience of the surface, there is a sinister desire to hide. Although no one has urged it, the Dutch woman can find the anxiety of the disciples: the sergeant promises that everyone has antidote, why is it delayed? Do you want to catch Han Wuxian?

Even Shang Guanhong’s death, they also blame the squad on the head of the squad, at least blame the sinners did not immediately retaliate. Xiaoyuetang disciple does not care about Shangguanhong, but he is eager to see the imperial masters reveal the true face of cruelty.

The Dutch woman looked at everything, but refused to make too many compromises. Sending Han Fen was the only reaction. The unqualified disciple was in danger every day in Xiaoyuetang.

The Dutch woman actually gave birth to a trace of nostalgia, and Han Fei’s laughter was usually the only evidence that there were still living people around her. She was also a guardian who was not perfect but trustworthy behind her.

After all, she was not a disciple of Xiaoyuetang. The lotus girl thought that she was standing among a group of wolves. In vain, she hoped to transform them into leopards. As a result, both sides felt nervous and alert, failed? She does not recognize it.

The Dragon King has a plan, the One Step King has a plan, the Central Plains has a plan, and even Luo Ning Tea has a plan. She is naturally no exception. She wants to bury the plan deeply and not share it with anyone, even if the disciples are Unhappy, she will not disclose.

The Dutch girl suddenly stood up. Going outside the door, thinking of Luo Ning tea, she also remembered Shangguanfei, this is a rare mistake, I hope that did not make a big mistake, if Shangguanfei can not control himself ... the lotus girl feels good. But it is too cheap for Luo Ning tea, the woman should suffer more severe retribution.

A female disciple appeared quietly, and before the squadron approached, the door lock was opened, and then immediately retired, obedient as a ghost.

The Dutch woman could not help but be vigilant and once again warned that she must not get used to this convenience.

In the room, Luo Ning tea is staring at Shangguan Fei with strange eyes. "Xu Yanwei? You know Xu Yanwei? Hey. You are right!"

Luo Ning tea stood up and stood up, Shangguanfei was shocked, recovered a bit of reason, and hurriedly stepped back.

The Dutch woman came in at this time. She pointed a finger on Shangguanfei’s back and gave him a pill after the passage.

Shangguan Fei did not look at it, and threw the pills into his mouth sideways.

Luo Ning tea did not notice this quick scene, she was angrily glaring at the Dutch woman coming on her face. In a satirical tone, "Ah, isn't this the Xiaoyuetang sect of the lord?" Finally I vacated the air to see me. Should I thank you?"

"You should thank me for not killing you." The lotus girl stopped in front of Luo Ning tea, only one arm away from her.

The face of Luo Ning tea suddenly became red. Not only did she think that the Dutch girl had kidnapped her in Longting, but she also stabbed her in Stone Fort many years ago. The scar left by the hidden weapon is the only imperfect place on her body.

"Don't be too proud." Luo Ning tea wants to calmly threaten, but the sound is very sharp. "The one-step king can't stop you, the dragon king can't control you, but now the Zhongyuan people support me, the district Xiaoyuetang, but it is only an ant. If you look at you still have some use, I... Why, you gave me a meal. what?"

Luo Ning tea held his throat in horror, retching a few times, and did not spit it out. He blamed her for being too excited and talking too fast. It was too late to stop the pill entrance.

"The little things of Xiaoyuetang are my meeting for you."

Shangguanfei, standing at the door, felt that he had returned to normal. He was relieved and looked at Luo Ning tea, which was red-faced and angry and angry. He was very puzzled. Why are there so many big people who like this stupid woman?

"Give me an antidote." Luo Ning tea ordered a word and a word, "Otherwise, our cooperation will end. Without you, the Central Plains will waste a little more time."

The Dutch girl seemed to be scared. She took out a small wooden box, carefully opened it and handed it over. "One grain is enough."

Luo Ning tea glanced at it. There were dozens of tiny pills inside. The whole body was green and oily. Under the illumination of the light, it made a strange glow. "What is this?"


"I don't eat, you lie to me!"

The Dutch woman put away the wooden box and turned to Shangguan Fei and said, "How are you discussing?"

Shangguanfei hurriedly went up two steps and said: "I have an idea. I can use the smoke of the Queen of the Queen to start with the smoke, and then plant it for the Queen. This way, the Dragon King can’t say anything, and he will also provoke the One Step King. Revenge, killing two birds."

Luo Ning tea has to be blown up, and Xu Yanming is her idea. Shangguan Fei guessed it. She did not mention her merits. She wanted to ask questions. The abdomen suddenly felt a sharp pain, as if the intestines were beaten. A knot, hurriedly reached out and wondered what was wrong with dinner? If you are distracted, you will forget if you ask questions.

"Not bad." The woman nodded. "It seems that I don't need to provide a new plan."

Shangguanfei showed excitement. "Of course, there are still many details to be perfected, such as how to persuade Xu Yanwei? What poison is used? How to make the Queen look like it?"

Luo Ning tea slammed down on the ground, causing a painful embarrassment, and huddled at the foot of the lotus girl.

The Dutch woman did not respond to this, as if the woman behind her did not exist. "Are you willing to kill your sister?"

Shangguanfei also pretended not to see, scratching his head. "No way, who would let her return to the city of Yuyu and rebuild the society, and also participate in the competition of the city? If she is honestly returning to the country of Xiangxiang, do not participate in the competition of Yuyucheng, No one wants to get rid of her, right? So she took the initiative to smash the water and block the way of others. I wonder if my heart is hot. Besides, in the country of Xiangji, I begged her to leave me. She does not care about her brother and sister, and refuses to swear. I don't owe her anything."

The cockroaches of Luo Ning tea became screaming, and there was no way to talk about abdominal pain. They could only reach out to catch the female ankle.

The Dutch woman took two steps forward, although it was only a distance. However, Luo Ning tea can't be overstepped. She must shrink her whole body to relieve pain. The pain can only be compared with the experience of being a bureaucrat.

"Everyone participates in the battle of the city has a purpose, what is Shangguanru?" asked the woman.

The screams came into the ear, and Shangguanfei’s heart was numb. Looking down and meditating, even Yu Guang did not dare to look at Luo Ning tea. "I guess she wants to stop the Dragon King and the One Step King. They both love him. As long as she meets one in advance, she can always find a way to let the other party admit defeat. And thus lose the qualification for competition."

"Isn't the person who admits to lose a big loss?" The Dutch woman seems to think about the question of Shangguanru for the first time.

Shangguan Fei regarded this as a test and immediately replied: "So she has to form a scorpion. She still has to rely on four sangha. If I guess it is correct, she will give the party a lot of benefits to compensate. Much like her, isn't it? And I still have a guess, the opponent that my sister most wants to meet in advance is the Dragon King."

The Dutch woman seemed to recognize his statement. After thinking for a while, she turned and kicked on Luo Ning tea. "What is the plan of the Central Plains? It is said that they do not want the Dragon King to encounter the One-Step King. Why do you want to get rid of Shangguan?"

"I want to kill..." Luo Ning tea just opened. The first sentence is the threat of evil.

Shangguan Fei is going to pity her.

The lotus girl kicked another foot and said to Shangguanfei: "No matter the Central Plains, the task of pulling Xu Yanwei can only be handed over to you. You live in the army, it is more convenient. As for the deception is to buy. It is up to you. Once you have the opportunity, come find me to take things."

It’s one thing to talk about getting rid of your sister’s plan, but it’s another thing to implement it. "Yes." His head hangs lower.

After waiting for a while, the lotus girl turned back to play Luo Ning tea.

Luo Ning tea no longer swears, but cries.

"Answer my question." The tone of the Dutch woman did not change.

Luo Ning tea struggled to get up, sitting sideways on the bed, rubbing the towel to wipe the tears, gnashing his teeth, but still spoke. "The Central Plains people have their own plans, do not need Shangguanru, the swordsman named Luo Qikang will force the one-step king to admit defeat, but Shangguan, if it is blocked, is probably the Dragon King. It is the opposite of the plan of the Central Plains. Moreover, the Yushe and the Sijialan are too close. The Central Plains suspects that Shangguan is also ambitious, so... you must give me an antidote."

The lotus girl took out the same small wooden box. This time, Luo Ning tea no longer questioned the true and false, immediately picked up a piece and sent it into the mouth. "You will regret it." She still couldn't hold back.

The Dutch woman took up the antidote. "I need to see Pang Jing personally."

"You did this to me, did the Central Plains dare to see you?"

"So I need you to convince him."

Luo Ning tea turned his head and was full of anger. "You simply kill me. I won't do things for you. Cooperation ends here. You want to use the power of the Central Plains to find a solution."

The lotus girl was slightly side-by-side and said to Shangguanfei: "You can leave, your mission must be completed before the Shangguan, such as the competition, and every three days, come to take an antidote."

Shangguan Fei humbly rushed to his former female killer, and hurriedly withdrew from the room. As he expected, the Dutch woman did not completely solve the poison in his body.

Luo Ning tea was surprised to hear that "three days and one collar drug", faintly disturbed, although his eyes are still despising, but dare not speak again.

There are only two people left, the Dutch girl asks: "Tell me, who are you doing for?"

"What do you mean?"

"I know that you are stepping on two boats. Both Dragon King and Pang Jing regard you as your own. What is your intention?"

"My intention is of course to do things for myself... and there are children, for our mother."

"Well, your antidote has been served for seven days, and, are you satisfied with Han Fen?"

Luo Ning tea suddenly changed his face, thinking that he was stupid, and the Dragon King was stupid. How can he hand over his son to the daughter of the Dutch woman? "You just want to see Pang Jing, not..."

"You can rest assured that I just don't like to talk outside the air. If I want to do something for the Central Plains, I will never do it in person."

"Okay, I will try." Luo Ning tea succumbed, do not understand why he had to join the woman in the lotus, right, because the queen, the pretending false woman, "the queen must die, even if the dragon king and her She is born, and she has to die."

The Dutch woman looked up. "You have a ready-made knife in your hand. Why not?"

"I don't have a knife." Luo Ning tea was foggy.

"Use your skills on men, even a humble man can do big things for you, think about it."

Luo Ning tea began to think. (To be continued.)

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