His figure flashed again and again, and the spiritual power swiped directly across his body. Although the power was still terrifying, none of them hit his body.

The seven strong men, seeing that none of their attacks hit, couldn't help but change their expressions, their expressions became extremely serious, and even slightly stunned.

"How is this possible? A few of us have taken action and have completely sealed all the space that Leng Xuan can dodge. How did he avoid our attack?"

The seven spirits and gods were secretly shocked in their hearts. If it was any of them, they would at least be seriously injured in this round of attacks.

The next moment, the seven people looked at each other again, followed by a series of extremely terrifying spiritual power pressure that continued to flow out of their bodies, and a series of different colors of spiritual power kept flying out, as if It's like tearing up the entire space.

A terrifying spiritual power storm is rapidly gathering, and at this moment, many people around are starting to retreat. Such a powerful coercion, just the aftermath, is not something they can bear.

In the face of this terrifying spiritual power storm, the ancestor of Cangyu City was still as motionless as a mountain, only the robe on his body swayed constantly with the wind.

Leng Xuan looked at them, his fingers gently stroked, his fingers clenched, and he stood in front of him. At this moment, his whole person was like the ruler of this world.

The endless spiritual power was continuously gathering behind him, and it was even stronger than the spiritual power gathered by the seven spiritual powerhouses!

"The slaughter of the sky!" Suddenly, the ancestors of Cangyu City shouted in a low voice, and the seven old men who had attacked the ancestors of Cangyu City, all paused for a while, and then felt an invisible wave. The coercion wrapped them in an instant.

They felt that the surrounding space was constantly squeezing them, as if they were going to be directly squeezed, and they were immediately shocked, and one of the most powerful one pushed out his palms desperately: "Cracking Mountain Palm !"

At the moment when the two palms were pushed out, the old man was even more horrified to find that his palm didn't hit anything. It seemed that there was nothing in front of him, and immediately, a huge energy suddenly acted on On his body, the spiritual powerhouse immediately spurted out a mouthful of blood.

His body retreated again and again, the old man's palms were dotted in the air, and rays of light flew out from his fingertips, and the pressure was instantly much less.In this way, the old man barely stabilized his body.

But just after he was fortunate that he had stabilized his body, another huge palm print appeared in front of the old man's eyes without any warning. In his eyes, the shadow of a palm was rapidly magnifying.

Leng Xuan, the ancestor of Cangyu City, did not know when he had come to the old man's eyes, and his palm was slapped down fiercely. Leng Xuan's palm had extremely terrifying power gathered.The old man in the spiritual realm wanted to move, but he was shocked to find that his body couldn't move at all!

He could only watch helplessly, this palm print on his forehead, "No! Forgive..." At the critical moment, the old man thought of asking for mercy, but Leng Xuan had no intention of holding back.

This palm finally landed on the forehead of the Spiritual God Realm old man!Just hearing a bang, the old man's body exploded on the spot, and he didn't even hold it at all.

Immediately, a ray of light flew out from the old man's body. It was the spiritual god of the old man.

This spiritual god was conceived by the cultivator's elixir, and the spiritual power was transformed into the substance to produce a qualitative change, which is the spiritual realm, and the spiritual power was condensed and nurtured by the elixir, which is the spiritual realm.

Right now, this is the spirit of the old man. As long as the spirit is immortal, there is still a chance to be reborn, no matter whether it is by taking a house or by other means.

However, just when the old man's spiritual god was about to escape, the big hand of the ancestor of Cangyu City stretched out directly. As soon as he grasped the spiritual god, a golden light flashed across his hand, and the spiritual god instantly Crushed by him!

And at this moment, the remaining six spiritual gods have just broken through the squeeze of space. Just when they were lucky, they happened to see the scene in front of them, and they were all stunned. How could it be? ! ..

Chapter 260 Magic Cultivation

how come?how is this possible?How could he be so terrifying, how long did it take, the most powerful one of them fell like this.

This undoubtedly made them a little unbelievable. Eight people killed each other and injured one?How terrifying this is, the fighting spirit of these spiritual masters has been high, but now it is a little low.

And in the attack just now, the six of them all felt some difficulties working together, and even the six of them broke through this space and squeezed a lot of effort.What's more, now, one of them has fallen.

At this time, it was absolutely impossible for them not to panic. The six looked at each other, and everyone's eyes were extremely solemn.

This time, they must not hold back. Although they shot together before, everyone has a different mind, and their strength will naturally decline.

But at this moment they have to go all out, but even so, they have no certainty of winning.

So at this time, the expressions on the faces of the six of them are extremely solemn, and these six people can cultivate to the level of spiritual gods, and their fighting consciousness will definitely not be weak. They did not expect that the ancestor of Cangyu City would make a The method of attacking from space was a bit unexpected for a while, and they suffered a big loss.

And now that there are precautions, it is naturally impossible for the situation just now to happen again.

The six people made eye contact, and immediately rushed up together, and the ancestor of Cangyu City, Leng Xuan, had just launched an attack. Although there was no major problem, his face at the moment turned extremely pale.

The blood on his body continued to flow, but facing the six people who were attacking quickly, Leng Xuan still did not change his expression much, as if these six people were not in his eyes at all.

And these six spirits and gods, the attack this time is much closer than the previous one. Six people attack one corner, and each attack is launched almost at the same time.And everyone did their best.

The six extremely terrifying spiritual power fluctuations directly pressed towards the ancestor of Cangyu City, and there was a gray light in the invisible place. This light was very obscure, hidden in the light of these spiritual power Down.

It is invisible and invisible. If you don't look carefully, it is impossible to find out that this is a soul attack used by one of the spiritual powerhouses. If someone is hit by this soul attack, I am afraid that they will become idiots even if they don't die. .

This attack was launched by one of the Spiritual God powerhouses who was good at soul attack, and the combat power of this Spiritual God powerhouse was among the top three among the six spiritual God powerhouses.

Although his attack is not the most powerful, when it comes to the strangeness of the attack, this person is definitely ranked first, even other spiritual powerhouses of the same realm would not dare to enmity with him.

At this moment, the strong man also showed his fangs and launched a strange soul attack.

In an instant, when the attack of these six people was about to hit Leng Xuan, the old ancestor suddenly raised his hands, and above his hands, there seemed to be endless black rays of light flashing non-stop.

And behind the ancestor, there seem to be endless black phantoms jumping frequently. At this moment, the ancestor suddenly exudes endless murderous aura, as well as an extremely strong death aura.

Leng Xuan subconsciously looked at his hands. His hands were now wrapped in endless black light and blood.

At this moment, the attacks of the six masters around him seemed to have been ignored by him, or in other words, he did not take them to heart from beginning to end.

Ignoring Leng Xuan around him, he was muttering to himself, "You're gone, so what's the point of me being alone? Heaven is ruthless, this dark world is full of helplessness, but this kindness and weakness are my own after all. The incompetence, from now on, I want myself not to be soft-hearted!"

As these words came out, the murderous aura and death aura on the ancestors of Cangyu City became even more terrifying. Behind him, a god of death could be seen standing proudly in the air, exuding endless demonic energy.

Looking at the six powerful spirits who attacked, the ancestor of Cangyu City shouted: "Want my Leng Xuan's life? Just waiting for you is not enough!"

When the voice fell, a blood-colored light shot out from Leng Xuan's eyes, and then collided with the obscure soul power.

I saw that when the blood-colored light was rushed, the gray soul light immediately dissipated, and at the same time, the spiritual powerhouse who launched the soul attack fell towards the ground, his eyes, nose and ears. Inside, there is blood oozing out!

The face of the strong man suddenly became extremely ugly, and it seemed that in an instant, the whole person's spirit and energy had been completely drained, and the whole person was shriveled in an instant, and it seemed that he couldn't believe it. He whispered in his mouth: "You, you, you are a magician..."

After this sentence was finished, the entire body of this spiritual powerhouse had turned into a pool of blood, only a little bit of broken bones remained there, and everything else was gone!

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