Perhaps if he were given some more time to fully integrate into the world of all spirits, the aura of the outsider would eventually be eliminated, but at this moment, he was breaking through the realm of cultivation so fast that it even disturbed Heavenly Dao.

That's why this shred of the power of heavenly punishment was triggered, but because Ichigo was originally no different from the human beings in this world of ten thousand spirits, the trace of outsider aura on his body was not too heavy, and because he cultivated in harmony with beast spirits Two-for-one beast spirit body.

This beast spirit was originally a creature belonging to the world of all spirits, and naturally it also bears the imprint of the world of all spirits, and Yihu, the god of the second dimension, used supreme power to truly break the barriers of space. In the process of traveling through the dimensional wall, the brand has almost been wiped out.

After this fusion, the imprint of the outsider on the body is also very weak, but when the calamity is over, I was noticed by this robbery. In fact, even this Fang Tiandao is not sure, whether Ichigo is an outsider or not. .

But Tiandao is ruthless, everything is strangled in the cradle, Tiandao directly dropped endless thunder, intending to kill Ichigo directly.

However, this black token of Master Guangjie also has a great background. It is a proof that Master Guangjie once eliminated demons and defended Dao, but this demon is not those Dao Dao, but refers to those extraterrestrial demons. .

This represents the contribution that Master Guangjie has made to this world. Although Master Guangjie does not know that Ichigo came from another world, he seems to be able to use it to reason with the Tao of Heaven. a token.

Fortunately, in the end, Guangjie made the right bet. Originally, Tiandao was not sure that Ichigo was an outsider. Now, with the help of this token, Tiandao finally calmed the thunder penalty.

Under the constant illumination of this black light, the black thunderclouds on the sky were constantly retreating, and gradually the endless thunderclouds began to dissipate, and the long-lost rays of light penetrated through the gaps in the thunderclouds. come out.

This ray of light shines on the body of Guangjie and Yihu. Guangjie is okay, but Yihu was severely injured by this day's punishment, and he has also experienced catastrophe before. At this moment, these things are finally eliminated.

He only felt relaxed for a while, the sunlight shining on his body was really comfortable, but a strong sense of exhaustion also came from Ichigo, and Ichigo immediately felt that his body began to change again. Incredibly heavy.

Immediately, his head sank, and he couldn't help but fell asleep, and suddenly lay on the ground, what kind of ear power of Master Guangjie, he immediately looked over.

Seeing Ichigo, he was lying on the ground like this and fell asleep at the moment, and Guangjie couldn't help but laugh a little: "This kid is really... He can fall asleep."

But after saying this, Master Guangjie also felt a sense of weakness coming from his body. Although the previous battle was nothing to him, the previous bet with Tiandao was really It made him nervous.

At this moment, he also felt a sense of exhaustion. The real Guangjie shook his head, and couldn't help but laugh a little. When did he live and go back?

However, Master Guangjie did not realize that since he had the apprentice Yihu, the number of emotional fluctuations had also increased.

If it was put in the past, what a condescending figure of his Guangjie Zhenren, how many people have been in his eyes in this lifetime, and how many things can move him?

But now because of Ichigo, his mood swings are much more frequent than before.

Looking at the sleeping Ichigo lying there, Master Guangjie felt a little helpless. He picked up the tattered wine gourd around his waist again and took a sip of it.

Looking up at the sky, above the sky at this moment, the many thunderclouds have already completely dissipated, and the sky has regained the sunny and white clouds, which seems to make people feel a new one.

This time the catastrophe can be regarded as the real past. It took almost four days and three nights since Ichigo started to transcend the catastrophe.

It's really been a long time. If you know that ordinary people can survive the calamity, it will only take half a day to end. How can someone like Ichigo take such a long time in a row.

But this is because the catastrophe that Ichigo crossed and the catastrophe of the earth fire are completely different from ordinary people, not to mention the nine-nine-eighty-one thunderbolts that are almost the limit of divine punishment.

Even the vision of the heaven and earth in Jiulong Jiuhua is definitely extremely rare throughout the ages, and I have never even heard of anyone who has it.

That's why this tribulation took such a long time, and there is a stronger confrontation with heavenly punishment later. After this, time has been passing, and it is not even clear how much time has passed at that time. These are still just now. The real Guangjie can count it with his fingers.

Thinking of this, Master Guangjie raised his head again, and then took a sip of wine. At this time, Master Guangjie had a relaxed look on his face, and this catastrophe was finally over.

After four days and three nights of hardships, he finally succeeded. Guangjie looked at the surrounding environment, and now he was completely destroyed by the falling catastrophe.

Afterwards, with the gentle wave of the palm of Guangjie's real person, the rays of light radiated out, and the next scene that made people stunned happened. ..

Chapter 274 Strength

With the continuous flashing of light in the hands of Master Guangjie, the surrounding mountains and forests, which had been severely damaged by the thunder, began to recover miraculously.

You must know how terrifying the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth is, and how terrifying the destruction caused by the power of Heavenly Punishment.

Once traumatized, what can these silent mountain forests do?In addition to silently enduring, suffering from natural disasters that are illusory to them, what else can they do?

Originally, Master Guangjie didn't have to do this at all, and those who were rushing over were completely ignored by Master Guangjie, and he didn't need to hide anything at all.

But at this moment, Master Guangjie did this. Only standing at his height can he know the value of life. Although these mountains, these plants and trees are all dead things that cannot move, in his eyes, these things have own life.

In the eyes of the real person Guangjie, they are no different from any life in the world, so if there is anything that can help them, it is better to do something.

Right now, with the changes in the gestures of the real person Guang Jie, there seems to be an incomparably mysterious aura constantly emitting from his body.

The palm of the real person Guangjie waved gently, and the broken mountain ranges became their original appearance again, and the dead trees were even in spring, and countless fallen or damaged trees also came back to life. In the past, there was basically no difference.

Even vaguely, these grasses and trees are growing even better than before.

During this period, I don't know what method Guangjie used, and I don't know if it was a reverse flow of time or a space rotation. In short, it looked extremely wonderful.

After doing all this, Master Guangjie's body trembled for a while, and fine beads of sweat were dripping down from his forehead.

If it was in the past, maybe the real Guangjie would not be like this, but at this moment he is indeed a little out of strength. After all, he has been fighting against the endless thunder for a long time.

Seeing that the surrounding terrain has returned to its original appearance, Master Guangjie breathed a sigh of relief, and Ichigo next to him was relieved a lot at the moment, but the injury inside his body could not be quickly resolved at this moment.

The next moment, I saw the finger of the real person Guangjie pointing directly at Ichigo. As a very soft light shone on Ichigo, Ichigo only felt that his body was wrapped in waves of gentle power.

This feeling is extremely strange, Ichigo's own consciousness is also slightly blurred, and the whole person's consciousness seems to be trapped in this feeling.

There was an illusory feeling that kept coming towards his consciousness, but Ichigo could feel that his body was constantly recovering with the help of this illusory power.

The severely damaged meridians in the body are constantly being repaired, the injuries on Yihu's body surface are also constantly recovering, and the spiritual sea in the body has been reorganized in an instant.

This kind of recovery speed is extremely fast, and Ichigo can sense that his body will numb from time to time in this virtual feeling.

The internal organs, which had been greatly injured, also began to recover. The original speed of the spleen and stomach and other organs had slowed down, but at this moment, they were gradually recovering.

One year, one withering, one flower, one world, this illusory feeling is both real and incomparably illusory. Even Ichigo, who is now in it, is even vaguely indistinguishable. Reality or fantasy.

On the other side, the real Guangjie had a smile on the corner of his mouth, and this smile showed full confidence in himself.

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