Master Guangjie's fingers gently swiped, and behind him, a huge sword energy stood up in the clouds and shot directly into the boundless sky.

Afterwards, Master Guangjie's right foot drew a circle on the ground, and then stomped his foot fiercely, the whole ground shook, and above the ground, boundless fiery red spiritual power was constantly moving towards his palm away.

At the same time, in the depths of the Yunduan Mountains, boundless volcanic lava is constantly surging. This is an ocean of flames, and the fire attribute spiritual power is constantly surging, frantically moving towards the ground. go.

These lava, like a huge storm, are rushing wildly.If anyone can see this scene, they will find that at the center of this endless flame vortex is the real person Guangjie.

To be precise, it was the red flame gathered in the hands of Master Guangjie, and the boundless flame aura was constantly gathering towards the bright red flame in the hands of Master Guangjie.

Slowly, on the hands of the real person Guangjie, a bright red color is continuously deepening at a speed visible to the naked eye. From a distance, it looks like a smear of blood.

At the same time, the beads of sweat on the forehead of the real Guangjie also became more and more, and even the blue veins burst out on the forehead of the real Guangjie.

With the passage of time, the surroundings of Master Guangjie seemed to become a sea of ​​fire, and even the air turned into flames, and the shabby Taoist robe on Master Guangjie was also burned by the flames.

Instead, the real person Guangjie was put on a black Taoist robe again. Although this robe is not very new, it is at least normal clothes, and there are two words pierced with gold threads on the cuffs of the clothes. Too fake!

Putting on this set of clothes, the real Guangjie looked much younger at once, and the whole person was much more energetic than before. With his gray hair, beard and eyebrows, he was really immortal.

And his outfit, under the calcination of countless flames around him, has nothing to do.You must know that this is the condensation of the lava fire at the bottom of the entire Yunduan Mountains. Even if a spiritual powerhouse is here, I am afraid that it will be turned to ashes in an instant.

And this robe is less said to have been burned by a stick of incense in the fire.Therefore, this robe is probably the same treasure.

Under the feet of Master Guangjie, the earth qi rose rapidly, and the fire in the vortex of underground flames directly passed through the body of Master Guangjie and gathered towards his palm.

And in the palm of his hand, the place where the red flames condensed had also formed a flame vortex, and the boundless energy kept gathering, and finally all entered this small vortex.

At the same time, bursts of coercion emanated from it, and even the earth seemed to be unable to withstand this terrifying coercion, and it cracked open in a large area.

In just this moment, the surrounding area for ten kilometers seemed to be placed in a sea of ​​flames, and even the space seemed to collapse.Seeing that the surrounding earth and mountains were about to be unbearable, seven sword qi rose directly behind the real person Guangjie, and then penetrated into the ground ruthlessly.

The seven swords were linked together, and a star-crossing sword formation was arranged, which fixed the surrounding space, earth and mountains.

At this time, in the hands of Master Guangjie, in the center of the red vortex, a red fire pill was taking shape. ..

Chapter 289 Three-color fire pill

This is a blood-red fire pill, which is emitting an extremely strange bright red light, and as it takes shape, the surrounding flame vortex finally begins to dissipate.

This fire pill is only an inch in diameter. If you just look at the appearance, it looks like a red agate, very beautiful.

But if someone underestimates its power, it is really a big mistake.

You must know that this small fire pill has gathered the incomparably terrifying underground lava power in the Yunduan Mountains. With so much lava power, I am afraid it is more than enough to destroy a mountain.

At this moment, once this fire pill is formed, the real person Guangjie does not dare to stop.I saw his palm waving constantly, and then his figure flashed, and the whole person instantly appeared on the top of the highest peak in the Cloud Broken Mountain Range.

This mountain peak is much higher than other mountain peaks, and the entire mountain peak is like a sharp sword soaring into the sky, straight into the sky.

Beneath this mountain peak is a piece of greenery, and it is in the scorching heat of the scorching sun. It is really extremely hot.But on the top of the mountain, it was extremely cold at the moment, and the white snow was probably several feet thick.

If someone steps on it, it will definitely fall.This mountain is like a combination of heat and ice.There is not only the scorching heat, but also the icy cold air that exudes infinite coldness, as if it will freeze people.

Right now, Master Guangjie's palm is constantly flipping, and under this white snow-capped mountain, white rays of light are constantly gathering, and looking at its color, it seems that it is no different from those white snow and ice.

However, it looks like both white ice and snow, and a flame-like object, which is extremely strange.

This is like a white flame of ice and snow. Although it does not seem to be very powerful, when Master Guangjie is collecting these flames, the sweat on his forehead has become more and more.

His palms flipped again and again, and mysterious runes hit the white light. In an instant, the entire mountain was shaking, and the entire mountain seemed to be about to burst.

In the snow on the top of the mountain, one after another long white dragons began to roll continuously, all gathered in the palm of Master Guangjie.You know, the snow on this mountain has existed for hundreds of thousands of years.

And for hundreds of thousands of years, this extremely cold snow and ice has always covered the extremely hot mountains.It is important to know how powerful the fire energy of this Cloud Broken Mountain Range is.

This cold and heat conflicted and blended with each other, coupled with the secret methods of the Fire Spirit Race and the special means of controlling fire, and finally produced this strange white flame.

Although it seems normal, the power contained in this flame is extremely terrifying. The extreme heat and extreme cold have gathered together, and the terrifying evil spirit accumulated over hundreds of thousands of years. If it erupted in one day, the power would be extremely astonishing. .

This white flame was gathering continuously on the palm of Master Guangjie at this time, and soon, like the previous red flames, it formed a fire pill.However, this time, the fire pill was as white as jade.

From a distance, it seems that it will exude an incomparably cold air at any time.If the previous overall red elixir can be called a fire pill, then this white pill seems to be unable to be linked to the word fire.

If I had to give it a name, I'm afraid it would be more appropriate to call it Huohan Dan.

Right now, with the completion of this Fire Cold Pill refining, Master Guangjie's body is like a big roc, rushing directly to the sky, his body just dodged, and he has already rushed to the altitude of tens of thousands of meters.

Followed by another shock, it reached an even more terrifying height.Ascending here, the eyes of the real person Guangjie can already see the stars one by one.

In fact, at this moment, these stars are still very far from the real person Guangjie, but in the eyes of the real person Guangjie, they seem very close.

At this time, these stars in the sky are flashing mysterious blue light from time to time.Real Guangjie's eyes were gently closed, his mouth was muttering words, and he even made some extremely strange movements in his hands.

If there are people from the Fire Spirit Clan, you will find that the real person Guangjie is using is the secret method of the Fire Spirit Clan to communicate with the stars.

And looking at the posture of the real person Guangjie, it seems that he is about to start to use his means to refine the star fire.If anyone from the Fire Spirit Clan really saw this scene, they would definitely be surprised.

Although the Fire Spirit Clan said that the technique of controlling fire with one hand is invincible, when it comes to truly communicating with the stars and refining the fire of the stars, this was something that very few people in the former Fire Spirit Clan could do.

At this moment, Master Guangjie has already used this secret technique.I saw that countless heaven and earth stars lit up with the runes on the hands of the real person Guangjie, as if they were arranging in a very strange way.

Looking at its style, it looks a bit like a flame.At this moment, the whole sky seemed to be lit up, countless stars and rays of light gathered directly towards the hands of Master Guangjie, and half of the sky was lit up at this moment.

The dazzling light of the stars condensed directly into the palm of Master Guangjie, and in the center of the stars in the sky, a little blue light was flying out of it.

Looking at it carefully, this blue light is actually a little flame. Each flame seems to be very small in size. Compared with the huge star, it is more like a speck of dust.

However, the number of stars in the sky is so large, and the power of countless stars gathers together, even if a little dust gathers together, I am afraid it is enough to form a big mountain.

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