As for those extraterrestrial demons, although Ichigo felt that they were cruel and evil, and he wanted to destroy them, he was simply disgusted with what they did.

Not to mention that Ichigo is an outsider like those outside demons, although Ichigo is more righteous than the outside demons, and the real person Guangjie has no idea what method he used to solve the hidden danger of this outsider inadvertently. But no matter what, it still doesn't change the fact that Ichigo is an outsider.

Of course, as the former two-dimensional god, Ichigo's conception of the division of the world is extremely small.

In Yihu's eyes, there is not much difference between the demons outside the sky and other planes.

These things have nothing to do with themselves.If Ichigo is strong now, maybe he will not be able to understand the behavior of these extraterrestrial demons, and maybe they will be eliminated easily.

But all of this is based on Ichigo's strength.

But now Ichigo's strength is so low, just kidding, if it is according to what Guangjie said, even the weakest demon, I am afraid it can easily crush the current self.

Ichigo doesn't have the kind of consciousness to sacrifice his life for justice. He won't do things that don't benefit him, and even say something ugly, even if there is an alien demon with similar strength to him right in front of him , I'm afraid Ichigo won't do it easily.

This kind of uncertainty, it is possible to put yourself in, there is no trace of profit, and Ichigo will definitely not do it.

In the eyes of Ichigo, this is completely thankless. There are countless life and death matters in this world every day. If someone is killed, they can only blame their own strength, not others.

Don't say that Ichihu is cold-blooded, and don't say anything about righteousness, heroism, killing evil for the people, etc. In this world of cannibalism, these are extremely ridiculous.Ichigo has long been accustomed to life and death.

In this world of natural selection, only interests and strength will always be able to keep people alive.Ichigo was still young, and he didn't want to be the unlucky person who died for some righteous cause.

For the sake of justice, Master Guangjie spent more than a thousand years here with the demons outside the sky, spending all his energy, his time, and his space here.

This kind of behavior may make Ichigo admire him, but Ichigo will never follow his example.If it was Ichigo, he would definitely not do it like the real Guangjie.

Even after Ichihu heard what Immortal Guangjie said, he had already made up his mind secretly that from now on as long as his strength has not recovered, as long as he hears about things related to the demons outside the sky, he will stay far away. Get out of the way, definitely don't make this trouble for yourself.

The poor Master Guangjie was speaking to Ichigo awe-inspiringly, but he didn't know what Ichigo was thinking at this moment. If Master Guangjie knew about it, I wonder if he would be pissed off.

However, God is always joking with people, and the more you don't want to do things, the more they will lean on you. ..

Chapter 297 The real plan of Guangjie

Ichigo was still letting his thoughts fly, but the real Guangjie over there told him that he planned to use his hand to solve the sealed devil.

As soon as the real Guangjie said these words, Ichigo stopped doing it, and didn't bring such a rude person.

The next moment, Ichigo immediately turned his attention, and then said to Master Guangjie: "Old man, even if you can't solve the devil, even if I take action, it won't help, right?"

When the real Guangjie heard the words, he gave an angry glance: "Nonsense, I also know that your cultivation level is not the opponent of the old demon, and I never thought of using your power. Don't worry, I am a teacher. It has already been arranged in advance, and it is absolutely foolproof.”

As soon as the guardian heard it, his brows were even more wrinkled. God knows what the old guy is planning. Almost every time before, the real Guangjie said something nice first, but in the end, which time was not covered in bruises and bruises, saying that he was not dead, but all Dangerous.

This sloppy old man is really unreliable.

Thinking of this, Ichigo frowned and said, "Old man, do you have the heart to let me take risks with such a dangerous thing? You see, if I encounter danger, it is a small matter, but if you break your inheritance, it will be a big deal. "

The real Guangjie who heard Ichigo's words was so angry and funny that he could not wait to kick Ichihu's two feet. The teacher is unfortunate, why did he accept such a strange apprentice.

Immediately, he said angrily and hilariously, "Don't worry, I didn't tell you to die. Your master, I have already prepared everything."

"Moreover, the arrangement of my journey is impossible for non-sect disciples to use. Only those who have the same cultivation technique as me can really use each of these formations."

"If other people wanted to get close to this place, they would have already been killed by that great formation, and outsiders wouldn't be able to get close at all. If it wasn't for my inheritance, they would be able to break through these formations. Legal, and absolutely rare.

And you are my only disciple, and in this world, only you can enter the formation. "

After hearing this, Ichihu's face turned dark: "Sure enough, there is no good thing in the world, old man, so you have planned to accept me as your apprentice?"

The real person Guangjie blushed when he heard the words, and then realized that he had accidentally left his mouth, so he had to hit haha.

"Don't worry, there is absolutely no danger, I can assure you that the old demon has already been seriously injured by me in the previous struggle.

As long as you do as I say and be more careful, there will be absolutely no surprises, and maybe you will get a chance. "

As soon as Master Guangjie said these words, Ichigo's eyes moved slightly.In fact, he is not afraid of danger. In his eyes, as long as his strength can be improved, no matter what the danger is, he is willing to go for it.

In Ichigo's dictionary, there is no such definition of fear of danger and not doing it.If he was afraid of danger, then Ichigo would never have become the god of the second dimension.

Ichigo is just unwilling to do things that don't benefit him.In fact, as soon as Ichihu heard about the chance, he had already made a decision. As long as it was beneficial to him, he would not be afraid of the big difficulties.

After all, Ichigo is in urgent need of strength now, so as long as there is an opportunity to improve his strength, he will never let it go.

However, the basic appearance still needs to be done, and Ichigo squinted his eyes slightly, looking like he didn't believe it.

"Since there is a chance, then old man, why don't you go down there yourself? I believe that since the situation is as you said, I am afraid that as long as you take action, the old devil is definitely not worth mentioning."

Hearing Ichigo still saying such words, Master Guangjie couldn't help but give Ichigo a blank eye again.If I can get in, what do I need you for?

Immediately, Master Guangjie said helplessly: "Although I have arranged countless formations here, the old demon has also arranged many means, as long as I show up, I am afraid that I will be greeted by a violent storm. .

Moreover, if I were to fight the old demon under the seal formation, I am afraid that the formation would not be able to withstand the fluctuations of spiritual power that would be emitted when I fought the old demon, and it could collapse at any time.

In addition, after so many years of competition with the old demon, I gradually discovered that I am a successor and a loser, and now the means of suppressing this old demon has now become an obstacle for me to solve this old demon.

If I want to completely solve this old demon, I can't do it alone.It can only be done with the strength of two people. "

Master Guangjie's stinky and long explanation sounded a bit cloudy. He didn't know what it meant. Master Guangjie's strength couldn't completely solve the old demon, but if he added himself, he would Can deal with the old demon.

is it possible?It's not that Ichigo is mocking himself, but that he clearly knows his current state, which is only the Great Perfection of Foundation Establishment and the mid-level Yellow Rank of Body Repair.

If this strength was placed in Cangyu City, he might already be considered a master, but in front of a master like Master Guangjie, it is definitely not enough to see.

Although Ichigo didn't know what kind of master Guangjie was, but he thought it was very high. This can be seen from the words and deeds of Guangjie.

As for the devil who can entangle with the real person Guangjie for thousands of years, the strength is obvious, and from the words of the real person Guangjie, it is not difficult to hear that the old devil's strength has also increased greatly over the years.

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