However, at the moment, the spiritual power storm in the central area has become more and more terrifying. One after another gust of wind and waves are surging towards the spiritual sea of ​​Ichigo, and it is about to destroy the spiritual sea of ​​Ichigo directly. .

At this moment, the scriptures transformed by the Dayan Heart Sutra were like a purple chain, slammed over, and directly locked these energy storms, preventing them from causing trouble again.

However, the spiritual power storm in the center is getting more and more terrifying, and now, both qualitatively and quantitatively, the power of this spiritual power storm is far from the level of the Great Perfection of Foundation Establishment.

This is already the threshold of reaching the Core Formation Stage. If it wasn't for Ichigo's physical strength comparable to the late Yellow Rank, his body would definitely have been blown up.

But even so, Ichigo is definitely not feeling well right now.The black hole in the center of Yihu Linghai is like a bottomless pit, constantly absorbing energy.

And the green lotus plant outside is like a treasure house of energy, emitting energy continuously, no matter how much Ichigo's body absorbs, it seems to have never changed.

And the energy it emits is completely thousands of times purer than the spiritual power of the outside world.

With the support of this almost infinite energy treasure house, the energy storm within Ichigo is still accumulating.In Ichigo's spiritual sea, a huge energy vortex has formed.

At this time, just relying on the chains of scriptures transformed by the Dayan Heart Sutra could no longer lock this huge energy storm.At this time, the other two scriptures were also sucked in. The Dayan Heart Sutra was originally the way of the universe, so these two scriptures were naturally "accommodated" by it.

Combined with the power of the three scriptures, this energy storm is worthy of being locked. No matter how turbulent the energy storm is, it cannot break through the blockade of these three scriptures.

You must know that these three exercises, each of which has a lot of background, and now that the three are combined into one, how can it be easy to deal with?

The flaming stars, the nine elements are unified, the avenues are fifty, the heavens are four and nine, the jade is the most holy, and the ethereal and free.With the combined force of these three exercises, even if the energy storm is one level stronger, it would be a bit difficult to break through this blockade.

These real people of Guangjie are naturally seen in his eyes, Ichigo's spiritual sea is in sight in his eyes, and nothing can be hidden from his eyes.

However, the expression of the real person Guangjie did not change in any way. Instead, he looked a little weird. He sat by himself and muttered, "Is it still impossible to break it? Well, let me help!"

"The distant chaos, the heaven and the earth are not established, the yin and yang are not divided, the blue light comes from the east, the purple sun shines for thousands of years, and there are wood carvings.

As the real person Guangjie recited the debut sound, the stems and leaves of Qinglian moved again. This time, the range of motion was significantly larger than the last time. If the last time was just a slight shake, then this Once it was shaken violently.

The next moment, a azure light flew out directly, and this time the azure light was very different from the past.

This time the energy is obviously a bit more pure, and it should not be ordinary in this world.And with this sway, this green lotus is actually full of endless vicissitudes.

Just like it has existed for countless years, it has gone through a long history.As soon as this breath came out, Ichigo's body seemed to be suppressed, and it instantly became calm.

The energy storm in the body disappeared without a trace, as if nothing had happened before.

However, the actions of the real person Guangjie proved that what really happened before.The real Guangjie looked at Ichigo, his right hand was holding the shabby wine gourd, while his left hand stretched two fingers far away.

His fingers just stopped in mid-air, as if he had touched something out of thin air, but it was completely invisible to what Master Guangjie touched invisibly.

After a while, Guangjie's eyes turned back, as if nothing had happened.He raised the wine gourd and took a big gulp of wine. Due to the force, the wine dripped out of his mouth, but Master Guangjie just sucked it lightly, and the dropped wine beads came back again. back to his mouth.

"Broken!" Immediately after, the real person Guangjie spit out a word, and then a strange scene happened.

With the voice of Master Guangjie, Ichigo's body seemed to be boiled, and the energy storm spun again. Even the chain composed of the three scriptures was broken and melted instantly. In that energy storm.

At the center of Ichihu's Spiritual Sea, the huge vortex grew bigger and bigger, kept spinning, and the endless spiritual power and energy were being swallowed continuously, which looked extremely strange. ..

Chapter 308

The huge vortex was getting bigger and bigger, and the energy began to surging continuously. The huge waves came with the force of the sky, as if to shred everything that was blocked in front of it.

And these energies are even more violent after constant tossing.Unspeakably weird.

However, the sudden increase of these energies must have a lot to do with the real Guangjie who just recited Daowen lightly.However, why did the real Guangjie do this?

This is really confusing, and it is full of strangeness, but it does not wait for people to think about it carefully, but his eyes are attracted by the terrifying energy storm in Ichigo's body.

This incomparably terrifying energy is like a violent storm, and everything it passes is a mess, and there is no existence in Ichigo's spiritual sea that can stop it.

Even the three scriptures that originally suppressed energy were directly torn to shreds, and after the energy chains composed of the three scriptures were torn apart, they headed straight into the vortex and were carried away by this energy storm.

Nine shining stars, infinite light, heaven spreads all things, four and nine do not exist, drifting freely, dust does not grow.After all, these three mantras are somewhat weak, and they cannot stop this monstrous storm.

In just an instant, it has disappeared, completely merged by it, and not even a trace of waves appears.

Click!A crisp sound came from Ichigo's body, as if something suddenly shattered. This sound was not loud, but in this strange situation, it was extremely clear.

If anyone could see Ichigo's spiritual sea now, they would find that his spiritual sea was already covered with tiny cracks like spider webs.

Although these cracks are very small, they can't even be seen with the naked eye, but if you observe them carefully, they actually exist.

And this gap is constantly expanding, very quickly, and even the naked eye can already see it clearly.

Kacha, Kacha, this sound was louder than a sound, and a crack appeared in Ichigo's spiritual sea in an instant. Like a broken eggshell, the inner wall of the spiritual sea began to fall off, and Ichigo's spiritual sea began to burst continuously. like a gap.

Once opened, it can no longer be held back, and Ichigo's spiritual sea began to break continuously, bang!The crazy energy storm also intensified again in an instant, causing Ichigo's spiritual sea to be broken again!

The energy rushed into his body directly, and kept hitting all parts of his body, the limbs and the Zhou Tianqiao acupoint. Although Ichigo's consciousness is not yet awake, his body has made instinctive reaction.

The muscles all over his body seemed to be convulsing, and he was shaking with pain, and if Ichigo's physical strength had not reached the realm of the late Yellow Rank, I am afraid that at this moment, he would be torn to pieces by the rampant energy in his body. .

But even so, Ichigo is definitely not feeling well. Although the body of the late Huang level can help him resist the attack of the outside world, but this kind of pain originating from the inside of the body, Ichigo is powerless and can only try to protect himself. His body was not torn apart by this terrifying impact.

Right now, the energy accumulated in Yihu's body is really too huge, and it can even be said that he can't bear it at all.

Moreover, that green lotus is still constantly supplying energy to Ichigo's body. This energy that others can't ask for, but now it is put on Ichigo's body, but it is like a deadly poison.Too much energy will kill people, and Ichigo can't refuse.

In addition, the most important thing is that Ichigo is now completely unconscious, and the whole person is still not awake, just lying there peacefully.The expression of the whole person is also extremely peaceful, as if all this happened to someone else.

At this time, Ichigo's breathing was steady, and he was actually asleep!

This scene is really incomparably weird, and it is really hard to understand. If someone sees this scene, I am afraid they will be shocked immediately, this is too...

However, the real Guangjie who witnessed all of this on the side turned a blind eye, as if none of this happened, maybe he thought it should be the case.

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