Immediately, bright red marks began to appear on the blade of the Moyin Sword, and the whole Moyin Sword was constantly shaking, as if it could leap up at any time and send out the destruction of the sky. A blow to the ground is normal.

This is the blood-dropping technique of the Myriad Spirit World, which is equivalent to Ichigo leaving his own mark on the Moyin Sword.

As long as there are not too powerful beings that directly erase these marks, then this sword will always belong to Ichigo, unless he dies.

After Mo Yinjian recognized its master, the light on its blade began to decline, and the blood-red mark spread and roamed, and it didn't take long for the entire blade to be covered.

At this moment, the Mo Yin Sword was shaking continuously. When the bright red symbols were beating, the light emitted by the Mo Yin Sword immediately disappeared, and Bao Guang was completely restrained.

The Mo Yinjian was like a hidden peerless sword at this time, and it could explode with extremely powerful power at any time.

Ichigo waved it lightly, and suddenly one after another fierce sword light shot out from the Mo Yin sword, this is really a good sword.

On the side, the real person Guangjie was also slightly stunned when he saw this. He didn't expect that Mo Yinjian would be subdued by Yihu so easily. You must know the origin of this Mo Yinjian is not simple, even if it is placed in the entire Wanling world. There will definitely be competition from all parties.

Even at the beginning, even the peerless Tianjiao of the Extreme Dao Sword Sect was very moved by this Moyin Sword, and wanted to exchange other treasures with Master Guangjie, but Master Guangjie didn't agree at that time, but now it's cheaper .

I saw Master Guangjie paused for a while, and then said angrily: "It's alright, alright, I'll give you this sword. You can go to Cangyu City quickly."

Immediately after he finished speaking, Master Guangjie immediately disappeared, leaving Ichigo in a daze. This old man is too unreliable, right?He hadn't told himself how to go to Cangyu City.

This deep mountain old forest, where should I go?

Ichigo was very depressed, he looked around and had no clue.

Because when Master Guangjie brought him here, he was in a coma all the time, and he had no idea what path Master Guangjie had gone through.

After thinking for a long time, Ichihu saw a general direction, and then jumped up. Since Master Guangjie said that the current Cangyu City can help him, then he will go back to Cangyu City to take a look. After all, his current strength is not bad.

However, the number of battles with the monks in this world is still very small. Ichigo needs to know more about the various attack methods of the monks in this world. After all, he estimates that he will still practice in this world for a long time.

In the future, Ichigo will have to deal a lot with the monks in this world of all spirits. If they don't understand their fighting methods, it will definitely be very troublesome.

At this moment, Ichigo's feet felt like the wind was blowing, and the whole person shot directly into the distance. His footsteps moved repeatedly on the branches and leaves, and the movements were extremely fast.

However, just as he clicked on Yihu's feet, not far away, a pair of blood-red eyes were staring at him, and there was a bloodthirsty gleam in these eyes.

This is a bloodthirsty wolf. The speed of this beast is extremely fast, and it can be compared with monks or beasts whose realm is much higher than it.

Moreover, this beast is extremely evil and bloodthirsty. It usually kills its prey even if it does not eat it.And now that Ichigo passed through its territory, the beast had naturally been eyeing him.

The cultivation of this bloodthirsty wolf has already reached the level of the Great Perfection of Foundation Establishment.

It can be said that this bloodthirsty wolf is already the king of the group. After all, I have never heard of a bloodthirsty wolf at the stage of forming a pill, so this is already a bloodthirsty wolf king. ..

Chapter 321 Instant Kill

This bloodthirsty wolf king's body was covered with blood-red demonic rays of light that kept flashing, and fierce killing intent was constantly radiating from its body, but at this time it seemed to be deliberately suppressing it.

In its eyes, there is an extremely terrifying blood-red light, as if it may burst out and hurt people at any time. Now the bloodthirsty wolf king's body is lying down slightly, his killing intent is restrained, and his eyes are dead. staring at its prey.

Ichigo was beating between the mountains and forests at the moment, as fast as the wind, and the scenery on both sides quickly passed by.At this moment, Ichigo didn't seem to feel the dark murderous intent hidden in the dark at all.

After a while, Ichigo's speed has slowly slowed down, and his body is also scurrying at a low place, and at this moment, a loud roar suddenly sounded, which sounded extremely infiltrating.

A blood-red paw print grabbed directly towards Ichigo's back center. This time the power was extremely terrifying, and the bloodthirsty wolf king finally couldn't bear it any longer, and grabbed directly at Ichigo.

The corner of Ichigo's mouth evoked a faint arc, and the bloodthirsty wolf king's claw directly grabbed on Ichigo's body, but there was no blood splash as he imagined, but there was a burst of gold and iron clashing. sound.

The full blow of this bloodthirsty wolf king left a white mark on Ichigo's body at most, and did not hurt Ichigo at all.

You must know that Ichigo's physical strength has now reached the level of the late yellow level, and the bloodthirsty wolf king's full-strength blow will naturally not hurt him at all.

After Ichigo was attacked, he turned around and smashed it with a palm. He didn't use any spiritual power this time. Just relying on his powerful physical strength, this time also produced a great sound of sonic boom.

boom!This palm directly killed the bloodthirsty wolf king. I saw that the bloodthirsty wolf king's eyes were full of astonishment and unwillingness. How could it be possible, how could this person be so terrifying?

At this time, Ichihu slashed the bloodthirsty wolf king to death with one palm, but his footsteps did not stop at all, but it was just a beast with a great foundation. For Ichigo at the moment, it was completely Not lethal.

Moreover, Ichigo has already discovered the existence of this bloodthirsty wolf, not to mention that he has now reached the stage of forming a pill. Even if he has not reached the stage of forming a pill, he can still discover this bloodthirsty wolf with his extraordinary consciousness. wolf's.

However, when he found out that the bloodthirsty wolf wanted to hunt him, Ichigo didn't immediately take action. He wanted to see how powerful his physical strength had become.

Facts have proved that his physical strength is not bad, this bloodthirsty wolf is no longer weak, with the physical advantage of the beast, its attack is comparable to the master of the formation stage, and even some monks in the formation stage, In terms of attack power alone, it can't compare to it.

But even so, Ichigo still managed to withstand the blow of this bloodthirsty wolf unscathed. This kind of physical strength is really terrifying.

For this result, Ichigo felt quite satisfied, so he didn't stop, and continued to run towards the front.

As for the corpse of the bloodthirsty wolf, Ichigo didn't even look at it, although the corpse of this fierce beast had many uses, for example, its hide could be used to make armor and other armor.

Even its bones can be made into bone swords, or weapons such as bone knives, and its flesh and blood is also a great supplement for monks.In general, the beasts of the Great Perfection of the Foundation can already be sold for a good price.

However, after having the treasures that Guangjie Master gave to Ichigo, Ichigo now doesn't care much about these low-level things.

He simply ignored the bloodthirsty wolf corpse, and then Ichigo ran towards the front again. This time, Ichigo drove the road for more than a day in one breath, but he still didn't see anything. There was nothing in front of him except the woods or the woods, as if there was never an end.

However, along the way, I also encountered a lot of beasts, all of which were easily dealt with by Ichigo. Those are all beasts below the core formation stage with limited strength, and Ichigo can take care of them easily.

Ichigo's current location is at the junction of the Yunduan Mountains and the great wilderness area near Cangyu City. In the Yunduan Mountains there is an old demon sealed by the real person of Guangjie.

Even if this old demon is sealed, it is extremely terrifying, and even the terrifying aura it leaks at will, it is not something that ordinary beasts can resist.

As early as more than a thousand years ago, the beasts in the Cloud Broken Mountains escaped and died, and there was not much left behind. In addition, the old demon burst into power from time to time, so no beasts dared to stay there. here.

Even if there is, it was expelled by the real person Guangjie. This is not the real master of Guangjie, but the words of these fierce beasts staying here all the time.

Once the old demon erupts, I am afraid that these beasts will become the nourishment of the old demon, which is not good for him or those beasts.

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