Four enchanting blood lotus imprints bloomed within Ichigo, and on Ichigo's flesh, a large number of inscriptions were faintly flashing.

An extremely terrifying aura continued to condense on Yihu's body, and his body radiated purple light, and in the light, there seemed to be endless stars gathering.

The Jiu Yao War God Art has been cultivated to the highest realm, which can capture stars and moons, move mountains and reclaim the sea, and when you think about it, it is a vicissitudes of life, and its power is naturally incomparably powerful.

It is not impossible to leapfrog the challenge. Ichigo's current spiritual power cultivation base is a bit weak. Even if his cultivation technique is strong, he may not be able to kill this golden tree, but his physical cultivation base is higher than that after all. some.

Compared with the spiritual practice, using the physical training method is more natural to grasp the enemy.

The IQ of that golden tree is not too low, and it can naturally feel the change in Ichigo's aura, knowing that Ichigo is about to fight to the death.

Immediately, he was screaming in the sky, no longer holding hands, endless vines kept spreading out, like long snakes, and like a wooden gun, surging frantically.

This time, although the speed of the Youluo Golden Tree seems to have slowed down, its attack strength is actually much stronger.

The next moment, Ichigo's palm was slapped out suddenly, and the palm was like lightning, hitting it fiercely, colliding with the branches controlled by the Youluo Golden Tree: "Xingchenfall!"

With this palm hitting, Ichigo immediately shook uncontrollably, and even a trace of blood seeped out from the corner of his mouth.

The energy generated by the collision was too huge, and Ichigo couldn't take it anymore. After all, his body was already injured, but at this moment, Ichigo was absolutely impossible to give up!

Break it for me!Yihu's face is determined, he is the dignified god of the second dimension, how could he be defeated like this?To be defeated by a small golden golden tree is too shameless!

Boom!At the point of impact, a wave of air surged out, and Ichigo's body shook even more, but he still did not stop attacking.

After fighting for a while, Ichigo's hands suddenly exerted force and directly broke some branches in front of him. Ichigo's palms were like the most terrifying steel knives in the world, cutting these branches directly. , without the slightest suspense.

With the passage of time, the four blood lotus marks kept vibrating in Yihu's body, gradually superimposing them together, and at the same time, the thunder light on Yihu's body also flourished.

Boom, the sound of clicking was incessant, most of the branches that spread over were directly interrupted by Ichigo, and Ichigo's palm directly hit the body of the Youluo Golden Tree.

This time, the Youluo Golden Tree was directly hit hard. Ichigo's palm was very terrifying, and its strength was also terrifyingly strong. A huge dent was directly punched on the body of the Youluo Golden Tree.

But it's not over yet, as the name suggests, Ichigo's move, Xingchen Fall, is that even the stars can make it fall.Although Ichigo's strength cultivation base has not yet reached home, the Jiuyao War God Art is too powerful.

I saw countless rays of light gathered in the palm of Yihu, constantly destroying the vitality of the Youluo Golden Tree until it was completely destroyed.

boom!It didn't take long for the body of the Youluo Golden Tree to explode directly, turning into pieces of sawdust, leaving only one soul orb that fell to the ground.

But at this moment, Ichigo didn't have the extra energy to check the soul bead any more. He sat directly on the ground and started breathing heavily.

After this battle, Ichigo's physical load was too great, and he also suffered a lot of injuries, and the consumption was also enormous.But fortunately, I finally killed this golden golden tree.

In general, after this battle, Ichigo was also somewhat beneficial. Through the battle with the Youluo Golden Tree, Ichigo's mastery of his current strength and skills was finally a little higher.

In this world of all spirits, with the improvement of cultivation, it is also necessary to experience battles.

After all, although Ichigo's strength and vision were extremely powerful in the past, he is currently not very familiar with the fighting methods in this world. ..

Chapter 329

Although Ichigo suffered some injuries in this battle, his gains were also not small.Ichigo quietly meditated in place, and the Dayan Heart Sutra and Jiuyao War God Art he practiced began to work.

These two peerless exercises occupied half of Yihu's body, constantly absorbing the spiritual energy from the outside world, and the [-] orifices of Yihu's body all rose up with bursts of spiritual power storms.

A large amount of spiritual power kept pouring into Yihu's body, repairing the wound on Yihu's body.

Immediately after, Ichigo took out a black robe from his space ring and put it on. His physical body had reached the late stage of the Yellow Rank, so the injury recovered quite quickly.

However, the toxins of the golden trees left on Yihu's left arm were a little troublesome, because he didn't have any antidote on his body.

Ichigo is extremely annoyed now, why did he forget to ask Master Guangjie for some healing medicine, that old man definitely has a lot of treasures on him.

I am afraid that a pill that Guangjie took out at random is enough to solve all the injuries he has suffered right now.

But after complaining for a while, Ichigo stopped his thoughts, there was no way, who made him forget to get some medicine pills from Gentleman Guangjie, so now, Ichigo can only rely on the stupidest method.

Ichigo raised his arm slightly, and then a ray of light flashed on his finger instantly, followed by a cut directly above his left arm.

Ichigo suddenly exerted strength, and a lot of black blood flowed out of his arm in an instant, which looked extremely terrifying.

A little bit of sweat dripped from Ichigo's head, and even his face began to turn pale, and it seemed that there was no blood at all.

Obviously, Ichigo had to spend a lot of effort to force these toxins out. I saw the black blood flowing from Ichigo's arm dripping on the ground, making a sizzling sound.

The blood even corroded a hole in the ground, and a burst of black smoke and extremely unpleasant gas came out.

It didn't take long before Ichigo finally expelled all the poisonous blood. The next moment, Ichigo's fingers moved one after another to seal the major acupoints on his left arm. After all, this poisonous blood was also blood, and it all came from him. flow out of the body.

After detoxifying the blood, Ichigo's body can be said to be extremely weak. After all, in addition to being poisoned, he also received extremely strong trauma, which now looks extremely penetrating.

Yihu sat cross-legged on the ground, took out a few medicinal pills and swallowed them directly. These medicinal pills were obtained when he was in Cangyu City, and they were not too low just in terms of grade.

In Cangyu City, it can definitely be regarded as a top-level medicinal pill, but after using the medicinal medicinal herb that Master Guangjie came up with, Yihu now has a high vision. .

However, although these medicinal herbs are low in potency, they are better than nothing. Ichigo grabbed a handful, and threw it directly into his mouth like eating jelly beans.

After chewing a few mouthfuls, I swallowed it directly.In an instant, a medicinal force surged frantically along Ichigo's limbs.

Although these medicinal pills are not very good, after all, they are better in quantity. Many medicinal medicinal herbs can provide a considerable amount of energy to Yihu.

And Ichigo's Jiuxiao Lei spirit body is also extremely terrifying. Originally, his recovery ability was very heaven-defying, but now with the addition of the medicinal power of medicinal pills, Ichigo's recovery ability is even more terrifying.

As Yihu's cultivation technique continued to run for a while, the wounds on his body were constantly being repaired, and the healing process of Yihu's wounds could even be seen with the naked eye.On his body, streaks of white energy continued to rise, as if becoming an immortal.

In this way, after Ichigo meditated and practiced for more than an hour, the scars on his body were almost healed.

However, the internal injuries that Yihu suffered, I am afraid it will take a few days to heal. For example, his broken ribs, and his almost broken internal organs, strange meridians and eight meridians, it is not so easy to recover.

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