As long as Uncle Ping makes a move, no matter how powerful you are, it is absolutely impossible to resist.

It should be noted that Uncle Ping is a master of the Great Perfection of Foundation Establishment, and he has studied this realm for a lot of time. It can be said that he is one of the masters of their Hu family who are most likely to enter the Core Formation Stage in the future.

Even in the previous battle with the wicked leader who was in the Pill Realm, Uncle Ping was able to fight for a long time. If it wasn't to protect Hu Yueer and Hu Yu, I am afraid that Uncle Ping would not have been so easily injured by the wicked leader.

At this time, seeing Uncle Ping's shot, even Hu Yu couldn't help but look at it a few more times, and now she doesn't know what it's like, after all, one escort saved her life.

But Ichigo who hurt their Hu family now is already on the opposite side of their Hu family, and she doesn't know what to do now.

Moreover, Uncle Ping has already taken action at this moment, and Ichigo may not be able to resist.

Hu Yu also knew how powerful Uncle Ping was, and although Ichigo was powerful, he could even kill the man with scars in seconds, but in Hu Yu's eyes, the man with scars was somewhat underestimated at that time.

If they really fight against each other, I am afraid that it is not certain who will die, so at this time, Ichigo may not be the opponent of Uncle Ping!

Hu Yu thought about it, and she was a little confused for a moment. She didn't know what to do next.

For the time being, I can only wait and see how things change, Hu Yu thought helplessly, after all, her cultivation level at the fifth level of Qi Gathering is really too weak.

But at this moment, seeing the middle-aged man called Uncle Ping rushing towards him, wanting to rescue the Hu family guard in his hands, Ichigo couldn't help sneering, wanting to save someone?I won't let you save me!

The next moment, Ichihu's palm directly exerted force, killing the Hu family guard with a knife, then raised his hand and threw him out, towards Uncle Ping.When he was about to die, the Hu family guard still had a look of unwillingness and a trace of regret on his face.

How could he be so stupid, why did he force his way out?This is good, I lost my life in vain...

Soon, the corpse of the Hu family guard had already arrived in front of Uncle Ping. Uncle Ping reached out and grabbed the person directly in his hand, but the body he started had already lost its breath.

Seeing this, Uncle Ping's face instantly turned ashen, he put down the body directly, and then rushed towards Ichigo: "Boy, you are really brave, you dare to kill our Hu family!"

Ichigo's body did not move at all, as if this uncle Ping didn't catch his eyes at all, he just said lightly: "You are so arrogant, you should pay the price."

Chapter 339 Ridiculous Iron Spirit Palm

"It was your Hu family who started it first. Could it be that the people of your Hu family want to kill me, and I have to do it without my hands? Only he is allowed to kill me, but not me? Just a joke, how can there be such a reason in the world?"

When Uncle Ping heard the words, his face was a little gloomy and uncertain, and he seemed to be too angry to speak, but his movements were non-stop. As the head guard of the Hu family, he had to fight for the honor of the Hu family. Can't tolerate someone insulting their Hu family!

And Hu Yue'er's face was ashen at this time, and she said coldly: "You guy, I just ordered my subordinates to teach you a lesson, but you directly kill?"

Hearing Hu Yue'er's words, Ichigo didn't take it seriously, and just said lightly, "This is the end of the weak who are beyond their own power."

When Hu Yue'er heard this, her complexion became even more powerful. Judging from her expression, I am afraid that her complexion can be compared to steel!

At this moment, Hu Yu's heart is also not feeling well. It is obvious that Yihu killed her Hu family's bodyguard, but Yihu is her savior.

It can be said that Hu Yu's heart is now a mess.

On the side, the uncle Ping saw that Ichigo was so arrogant, and was also furious: "Boy, you will kill me!" At this moment, his spiritual power of foundation-building great perfection completely erupted!

He raised his palms together, and the spiritual power gathered in front of him like a turbulent wave. The next moment, Uncle Ping suddenly roared, and the spiritual power directly wrapped his palm. I saw that his palm suddenly became Like a giant sword of spiritual power.

At this time, the huge spiritual power released by Uncle Ping attracted the side of the old man in the late stage of the formation of pills, who also looked slightly sideways. From the beginning to the present, the old man naturally saw everything that happened, but he But don't care.

The old man's mind was all focused on the son of his family from beginning to end, and he didn't care about the struggle between Ichigo and the Hu family.What's more, there is another party who is just an ordinary person who is not even a monk.

But at this moment, the ordinary person in the eyes of the old man was able to force a cultivator who had established the Great Perfection of the Foundation to use his full strength, which was really interesting.

The old man could not help but take a few more glances, but that was all.Even a monk who established the Great Perfection of the Foundation, in the eyes of the old man, was just an ant that was a little bigger than an ordinary ant.

However, Uncle Ping's martial skill of transforming his spiritual power into a sword made the old man a little stunned. He didn't expect that the Hu family's guard chief could use spiritual power like this, which is really a trick.

At this time, Uncle Ping's spiritual power has finally been accumulated, and it can be felt that his momentum is a bit stronger than before.

The next moment, Uncle Ping saw that Ichigo was just standing there, and couldn't help sneering: "What an ignorant boy. My move is called Iron Spirit Palm. Before using it, it needs to be charged. Once it is successfully used, the power will be extremely powerful."

"You were so stupid that you didn't know to interrupt me just now. No matter how evil you are now, you are really going to die in my hands."

Hearing this, Ichigo said lightly, "By the way, although you are a bit ugly, you think you are pretty. Just because you want me to take action ahead of time? You are not worthy."

When Uncle Ping heard this, he was even more angry. He stopped holding his hands and rushed towards Ichigo. At the same time, he struck forward with both palms. In just a moment, endless spiritual power was on the guard of the Hu family. The headmaster started to roll over and over again.

Like a stormy sea, the source is endless, and this force is getting stronger and stronger, and it smashes straight towards Ichigo!

However, seeing such a terrifying fluctuation of spiritual power, Ichigo did not react at all, and his feet did not take a step back. No matter how powerfully the fluctuation of spiritual power slapped him, Ichigo remained motionless. !

But that uncle Ping showed a trace of disdain at the moment. In his opinion, Ichigo was [-]% stupid.I don't even know how to dodge, I know that this move is not so easy to resist, Ichigo will only be waiting for death!

In an instant, Uncle Ping's palm had slapped in front of Yihu, and at this moment, Yihu moved, only to see him sticking out his hand, his palm flashed like electric light, and instantly grabbed Uncle Ping's palm.

Uncle Ping was obviously stunned when he saw this, but this was exactly what he wanted. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Uncle Ping waved out his spiritual power palms one after another, and one after another of spiritual power palm prints rushed towards Yihu.

However, these spiritual power palm prints are all like mud cows entering the sea in the end, and soon there will be no response at all! "how can that be?"

Uncle Ping was instantly stunned, knowing how domineering his palm prints are, I am afraid that even if he is also a master of the Great Perfection of Foundation Establishment, he will not be able to bear this trick.

At this moment, Uncle Ping's palm print attacked Ichigo, but it didn't even have any effect. This time, his heart immediately panicked, this kid is really weird.

Immediately following, Uncle Ping immediately retreated when he saw that the situation was not good. In his hand, a series of spiritual attacks were fired one after another, but Ichigo didn't make any movements, and let these attacks all hit him. , He didn't change his face and didn't pant.

These attacks hit him, but he didn't even leave a trace of the ground, and there was even a faint sound of gold and iron fighting, but under the skin of the shield that could not be seen, one after another inscriptions flashed. However, all these spiritual powers have been dissolved!

You know, now that Ichigo's physical strength has reached the late yellow level, the middle-aged man's cultivation is not enough to tickle him, and the spiritual power is directly resolved by Ichigo's body repair inscription. , not even a trace of the waves can be turned up!

But Uncle Ping is already stunned now. He has used all the means, but it has no effect at all. At this moment, he is really frightened, and even can't help but want to scold his mother. Is this kid really? Man, why are you so perverted?

retreat!This is the only thought in Uncle Ping's mind now. Since he knows that Ichigo is weird and can't be hard, he can only step back.Uncle Ping's body went straight to the back in an instant.

But under such an excellent opportunity, how could Ichigo let him retreat?Immediately slapped it with a palm and blasted towards Uncle Ping. ..

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