Why take the risk yourself?I really want to throw my life here now.At this moment, Young Master Qi's face was pale, and he hurriedly shouted: "Uncle He, save me! Save me!"

Uncle He in the mouth of the Qi family's son, naturally refers to the old man, but the old man has only advanced more than ten feet, and his body is still in the air, so he can't reach it.

The old man also secretly hated in his heart, why did he lose his mind just now?If he could follow Qi Family Young Master inseparably, it would be impossible for the wicked leader to distance himself from him.

Naturally, it is impossible to rescue him now, and the old man also hates it. Why didn't he see the thief's thoughts at the first time?

The old man was obviously very anxious at the moment. He understood that if the young master of the Qi family fell here today, it would be absolutely impossible for him to survive.

The son of the Qi family was killed by his followers, and if he was still alive, then the top officials of the Qi family would definitely kill him and bury him for his son.

It should be noted that although the old man is a master in the late stage of the formation of pills, his strength is not bad, but in the Qi family, there are definitely not a few masters stronger than him.

Even though there are not many masters of spirit transformation, there are definitely not many.As far as he knows, there are definitely a handful of them, and if any of these spirit transformation masters are dispatched, they can easily take away his old life.

So thinking of this, the old man couldn't help but feel even more timid and shouted: "thief, if you dare to hurt my son, the old man will definitely peel you and cramp!"

Obviously the old man was really angry, but for the wicked leader, since he had already chosen to do this, he naturally didn't want to live anymore.I saw that his palm was punched out strongly and slapped directly on the body of the Qi family son.

The young master of the Qi family suddenly screamed, vomited blood and flew out, but the wicked leader was obviously a little stunned when he saw this, as if he couldn't believe it.The next moment, he opened his mouth to say something, but only a mouthful of blood spurted out. ..

Chapter 347 Defense Spirit Armor

The wicked leader seemed to have sensed something, and saw a stunned expression on his face, but as a mouthful of blood spurted out, he could no longer say anything.

But right now, although he didn't say anything, the light condensed on his palm remained undiminished.

The next moment, the wicked leader directly raised his palm and slapped it towards the Qi family's son. This palm fell on the Qi family's son in an instant, causing the Qi family's son to be shocked and flew out, but the wicked leader Now it's not good either, this time his body is already cracked.

It seemed that it could be shattered at any time, but the old guard saw that his son had suffered another blow, his eyes were red and he was furious.

"Beast, you give me death!" The old guard was really furious, and his hatred for the leader of the wicked was simply inexhaustible!

In fact, it wasn't that the old man really cared about his son's life or death, but that he didn't want the son to die with him.

At other times, whether the young master of the Qi family lives or dies has nothing to do with him, but now, if he dies in his company, then the Qi family will definitely take his life, and although the old man is incomparable at the moment. He was furious, but he was also extremely terrified at the same time.

Even in his heart, he has already begun to think about where he should flee to, but this Qi family is also a big family, and its power in Youzhou City is also very large. There are very few families who will not give them face, presumably when the time comes Just take care of the Qi family.

I believe that many strong people will be willing to use the head of the old man to make good friends with the Qi family. What do you think of him? He is still a master in Cangyu City with his cultivation in the late stage of the formation of pills, but if it is placed in Youzhou City, he will Absolutely nothing.

Not to mention the powerhouses of spiritual transformation, even the masters who are at the peak of the formation of pills, he can't handle it. Well, this Youzhou boundary is definitely not allowed to stay, at least you have to get out of Youzhou!

Thinking that he might have to start his escape career, this old guard named He Dao really hated the wicked leader so much that he really wanted to eat his flesh and drink his blood!

I saw He Dao's body was incomparably fast, flashing one after another, and it was in front of the wicked leader in a moment! "Give me death!" He Dao's palm hit the wicked leader's Tianling Gai directly!

If this palm is real, the wicked leader will definitely end up with a brain burst!However, before He Dao's palm hit, a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of the wicked leader's mouth.

Whether this smile is sarcasm or triumph, no one can tell except the wicked leader.

At this time, He Dao's palm hadn't been firmed, and suddenly felt a little strange, as if something was about to happen, so he hurriedly retreated, but it was too late, and the body of the wicked leader burst directly. !

However, when the wicked leader used all his strength to hit the young master of the Qi family, he had already used up most of his strength. The power of this explosion was actually not that great, and even with his full strength, it was still impossible. Shake He Dao in the late stage of the formation of pills.

The wicked leader did this just to make He Dao disgusting. Indeed, he also achieved his goal. The blast of air directly shook He Dao's body for a while.

The next moment, He Dao steadied his body with a wave of his long sleeves. This blast of air was no threat to him at all.

After all, He Dao and the wicked leader, one of them is in good condition, while the other is just at the end of the battle, and the two of them are too poor in cultivation. In normal times, even if it is ten wicked leaders, It also poses no threat to He Dao.

The two of them are not at the same level at all. With He Dao's realm, he can directly kill the wicked leader with a single blow with his incomparably thick dan power.The power in the late stage of the Pill Formation is completely incomparable to that of the Small Formation Pill Realm.

So even if the wicked leader blows himself up with all his strength, it will never be of any use, but the key is that He Dao felt the explosion and waved his sleeves directly.

He Dao seemed to be stunned all of a sudden. He touched his face with his hand, but there was more blood on his face. He looked quite embarrassed. He Dao's face suddenly became even more angry. He was really angry. , if it wasn't for the wicked leader who blew himself up.

He will definitely kidnap his body to skin and cramp to vent his hatred. This thief is really angry.

Ichigo over there was a little surprised when he saw this, but this villain leader was really interesting, and this style of being disgusting before dying was quite fun.

Although Ichigo prefers his life, this method of disgusting the enemy who can't beat the enemy is quite interesting. Of course, it would be better if it was not based on the premise of paying the price of life.

If he could have predicted that the wicked leader would do this, maybe he would save him on a whim, although He Dao was a cultivator in the late stage of the formation of pills, it would be more troublesome to deal with.

But Ichigo believed that with his current strength, he could also deal with him. After all, his physical cultivation realm in the late yellow level was equivalent to the late stage of spiritual cultivation.

Moreover, Ichigo was convinced that at the same level, Jiuyao War God Jue, who practiced on the road of physical cultivation, was definitely much stronger than He Dao.

After all, Ichigo has even defeated the Youluo Golden Tree. The strength of this old man is much worse than that of the Youluo Golden Tree. How could he be his opponent?

But it will be a little troublesome after exposing his strength, Ichigo doesn't like to ask for trouble.

At this moment, Ichigo looked to the side, and secretly said in his heart, "It seems that the idea of ​​that wicked leader wanting to perish together is likely to fail."

Following Ichigo's gaze, a figure in the distance crawled up from the ground in embarrassment. The whole person was like a mud monkey. It turned out that he had accidentally fallen into the mud pit.

He struggled to get up, but he was a little unstable, and He Dao also noticed it at this time, he hurriedly turned his head to look, and it was a surprise in an instant!

"Young Master! Young Master!" He Dao smiled directly, and in a few flashes, he arrived in front of the man.

This mud monkey is none other than the eldest son of the Qi family. He is not dead. He Dao is really happy at this moment. He originally thought that he was going to start a life of escape, but he did not expect that the young master of the Qi family was still alive. .

This is really a mountain and water, and there is no way out, and there is another village. He Dao almost cried with joy.

After staring at the Qi family son for a while at this time, Ichigo also understood. It turned out that the Qi family son was wearing a defensive spirit armor, and his rank did not seem to be low. ..

Chapter 348 He Lao's scheming

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