And for Hu Yue'er, there will be children of the big family who will take a fancy to her appearance, which is a kind of capital.In fact, the heavier the other party's weight, the greater the effect on her, and the higher her status in the family will be.

So Young Master Qi has a good impression on her, even if she doesn't want to, she won't show it directly and easily. She has to hang the other party so that she can get the best interests for her.

What's more, Hu Yue'er may not be unwilling. After all, the Qi family is a big family in Youzhou City, and its background is definitely not comparable to that of the Hu family in Cangyu City.

And this young master Qi can be considered to be handsome, and his cultivation base is also extremely impressive. However, at the age of more than [-], he has already entered the stage of forming an elixir, and his cultivation base is only lower than that of her father and the second master of the Hu family. Just one piece.

Such strength can definitely be regarded as a young talent.There are rumors that even in the entire Youzhou city, this young master of the Qi family is a famous young man, and he is also the direct descendant of the Qi family in Youzhou, the grandson of the head of the Qi family, and may even be the future family heir of the Qi family!

This kind of talent made Hu Yueer a little tempted when they first met, but later, when the people of the Hu family encountered difficulties, when Hu Yueer thought that he was doomed, this young master of the Qi family was even more like a magic weapon.

She saved her and the rest of the Hu family who were present, which made Hu Yueer really grateful to this young master of the Qi family from the bottom of her heart.

But now, when their Hu family was confronting Ichigo, the Qi family's son came over, and Hu Yue'er could be said to have found the backbone at once.

As for the moment when Young Master Qi stared at Hu Yu in a daze, Hu Yue'er didn't notice it.I saw that she took the initiative to step forward and said, "Young Master Qi, you are here."

At this moment, Hu Yue'er's expression didn't have half of the hateful expression she had when she was fighting against Ichigo before, and the whole person was smiling.

Seeing this, Young Master Qi's expression did not change, as if he had expected this.

After all, he Qi Yun is the eldest young man in the Youzhou City Ranking. As a dignified young talent, he has seen many women over the years.

However, this Hu Yueer from the Hu family was a little different from ordinary women, so Qi Yun also wanted to get along with her.

However, because of the sight of Hu Yu, Qi Yun's interest in Hu Yue'er was greatly reduced for a while.

Thinking of his Qi Yun's so many years in the world, he has seen countless women, and he has seen many beauties, but he has never seen such a lovely girl as Hu Yu.

For a while, Qi Yun's attention was on Hu Yu, so he was somewhat perfunctory to Hu Yue'er: "Well, Miss Yue'er, don't know what happened?"

"How did you do this, who is this son, and who is this young lady? I wonder if you can introduce me to me?"

Hearing Qi Yun's words, Hu Yue'er was obviously startled, and she didn't know if it was due to fear of Ichigo or what, in short, her expression was a little unnatural.

"This is my sister, named Hu Yu, she is the daughter of my third uncle. Lai Yu'er, come here to see this Mr. Qi, the one who saved our Hu family. If he hadn't been there before, you must have I can't see us anymore." After calming down, Hu Yue'er looked at Hu Yu and said.

At this time, Hu Yu was thinking, if there was no one to save her, maybe she would have lost her life at this moment, and maybe she could not even keep her chastity.

From this point of view, Ichigo is really a great and good person!However, he killed two members of their Hu family, and also abolished Uncle Ping.

From this point of view, Ichigo seems to be quite ruthless.

At this moment, Hu Yu's heart is very entangled, and it seems that she has not heard her sister's words for a while. ..

Chapter 350

Seeing that Hu Yu ignored her, Hu Yue'er just stood there in a daze. She couldn't help but feel a little dissatisfied, and her voice raised a little: "Yu'er, what's wrong?"

Hu Yueer's voice finally awakened Hu Yu from her thoughts, only to see Hu Yu subconsciously say: "Ah, what?"

"Come over and see this Master Qi. He is the son of the Qi family of the Youzhou City family. He is much better than the benefactor you brought from nowhere."

When Hu Yue'er said this, her voice was obviously not low, as if she was deliberately speaking to Yihu, and Yihu naturally heard all of it, but at this time, he was huh about these things, facing such stupidity Woman, he is also very helpless.

When Hu Yu heard the words, she glanced at Ichigo subconsciously, but she didn't know what to say at the moment, but her cousin had already spoken, so she naturally had to listen.

Can only bite the bullet and say to the Qi family son: "I have seen Qi son."

When the young master of Qi family heard this, he didn't show much performance, he just said quietly, "Haha, what a pretty girl, Miss Yue'er, is this your sister? She looks so pretty!"

Right now, Qi Yun's words are actually extremely frivolous, which makes Hu Yu feel a little unnatural.

As for Hu Yue'er, she has long been accustomed to these things. After all, she is several years older than Hu Yu, and as a disciple of the big family, she has long been used to these things.

And such a frivolous style is actually no problem for Qi Yun. After all, the children of the big family have some sense of superiority.

This kind of behavior is normal for them, so Hu Yue'er didn't think there was anything wrong, she just stepped forward and told Qi Yun exactly what happened just now.

After Qi Yun heard this, his eyes narrowed slightly, especially when he heard that Ichigo might have saved Hu Yu, Qi Yun's eyes narrowed even more.

And Qi Yun's guard, He Dao, was naturally watching from the side. In his opinion, Ichigo was probably going to be out of luck.

The next moment, after hearing what Hu Yueer said, Qi Yun squinted at Ichigo and said, "Boy, is what she said true?"

Ichigo really didn't want to pay attention to this young master of the Qi family. He originally planned to teach the Hu family a lesson, but he didn't plan to kill them all. If they apologized to him or something, maybe he was in a good mood, so he would Let them go.

Unexpectedly, they want to use this Qi family to deal with themselves, this is too much to think about themselves.

Thinking like this, Ichigo finally spoke lightly, with a low voice and few words, just two words: "Not bad."

Seeing Ichigo's attitude, Qi Yun immediately became angry: "Hmph, boy, do you know what kind of person you are talking to, do you think I won't kill you!"

Seeing this, Hu Yueer also took advantage of the situation to pick up the words: "Hey, you guy who claims to be Yu'er's life-saving benefactor, although I admit that your strength may be stronger than Uncle Ping, but if you only rely on yourself, Then it can only go so far.”

"Do you know what kind of existence is standing in front of you now, but also, just because you can't get in touch with people like Qi Gongzi, you are only stronger than yourself at best."

Ichihu listened to Hu Yueer's endless talk, and really wanted to slap her two big mouths directly, humming, I don't care what son, if you really anger me, then I don't mind killing you directly.

Ichigo thought to himself, and said lightly: "Indeed, I don't know what kind of person I'm talking to now, and I don't need to know."

Hearing Ichigo's words, Hu Yue'er was a little stunned. She didn't understand why this guy was so arrogant. Couldn't he see the current situation clearly?

In Hu Yue'er's opinion, Qi Yun and his old guard are first-class masters. It only takes a few minutes to clean up Yihu. I really don't know why Yihu is so arrogant. Is it true? Brain sick?

As for Qi Yun, when he saw that Yihu always had this attitude, he was immediately angry. He saw that his face was slightly dark, his palms were clenched tightly, and his knuckles were also highlighted because of the excessive force. It looks like a beast that can eat people at any time.

"Boy, what did you say, do you dare to say it again, believe it or not, this young master directly killed you!" Qi Yun looked directly at Ichigo and said in a cold voice.

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