The whole ground was red with blood, but Qi Yun seemed to be unaware. His eyes were just staring at Ichigo, as if he wanted to go up and devour Ichigo.

At this moment, Qi Yun's whole person is really about to collapse. Originally the son of the Qi family, he can be described as a figure like a man of heaven, with unlimited potential. In the future, he will inherit the position of the head of the Qi family.

Then he is a hegemon-level figure, but now, everything is impossible, because it is absolutely impossible for a person with incomplete limbs to be the head of the Qi family.

If Qi Yun were in the spirit realm now, it would be better to say that if the arm of the monk in the spirit realm was broken, he only needed to rest for a while, and he could still recover somewhat.

But Qi Yun is only in the stage of forming an elixir now, how difficult it is to reach the spiritual realm, and since his arm is missing, it will be even more difficult to cultivate, and it will be even more difficult to reach the spiritual realm in the future.

This time, Qi Yun's future was ruined, which made him who has always been pretentious enough to accept it, and if his arm was still there, he might be able to connect it after spending some heaven and earth treasures.

But at the moment, Qi Yun's broken arm has turned into powder and no longer exists, so at this moment, the anger in Qi Yun's heart can be imagined, only to see him trying to stand up and attack Ichigo.

But at this time, how could he still stand up after being so seriously injured.At the same time, He Dao, who was in charge of guarding Qi Yun, walked towards this side while guarding against Ichigo.He Dao breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Ichigo didn't seem to have any intention of taking another shot.

But after He Dao walked to his son, bent down and carefully checked his son's injury, he finally understood why Ichigo didn't continue to shoot.

Because it is completely unnecessary, Qi Yun is now equivalent to being abolished, except that his spiritual sea is not broken, his entire body has suffered internal injuries.

Moreover, one of Qi Yun's arms was completely gone, and the wound continued to bleed. According to this situation, if the bleeding was not stopped quickly, Qi Yun would definitely bleed to death.

Seeing this, He Dao's face was ashen, and he thought that Ichigo was too abhorrent, but it was just a disagreement, and he was so cruel. If it were more serious, Qi Yun's little life would definitely be gone.

He Dao's face was so gloomy that it was about to drip out of water at this time. His son became like this. Although he saved his life, how could he deal with the master afterwards?

snort!The young man in front of him must not stay. At this moment, He Dao has made a secret decision in his heart. If he can bring back the head of Ichigo, he will be able to make a difference!

I believe that the Qi family's patriarch will not want his old life, and although Qi Yun's arm is missing, with the strength of the Qi family, he will definitely be able to find a lot of heaven and earth treasures.

If the legendary mortal-transforming spirit grass can be found, then Qi Yun's broken arm can still be saved, although the price is higher.

However, He Dao believes that the Qi family's patriarch will still look for the spirit grass for Qi Yun!

Thinking of this, He Dao quickly took out a few medicinal pills from his body and ate them directly to Qi Yun.

At the same time, He Dao's palm also had a trace of spiritual power, pressed it on Qi Yun's body, and then moved a few times again and again, squeezed a pill into powder, and wiped it on Qi Yun's broken arm. to help him stop the bleeding.

These elixir of He Dao were specially prepared for him by the Qi family, so the efficacy of the medicine was not bad. After the medicine was applied to Qi Yun's wound, it was obviously much better.

As for the Hu family members who were watching on the side, their expressions were very stiff at this time.Qi Yun was abolished, which was not a good thing for them.

Especially Hu Yue'er, her expression was even more unnatural at the moment. Qi Yun was so easily abolished by Ichigo, which made her feel like she was slapped in the face by Ichigo invisibly again.

In Hu Yue'er's eyes, Qi Yun, who she thought was the favored son of heaven, was solved by an "ordinary person" in her eyes!Now, Hu Yue'er was a little afraid to look at Ichigo.

However, when Hu Yueer saw He Dao who was healing Qi Yun, her heart was slightly certain.snort!Even if you can defeat Qi Gongzi, the strength of this old guard is definitely not something you can resist.

Now that Qi Yun is injured, the old guard of the Qi family will never let you go. Thinking of this, Hu Yue'er's expression softens a lot.

As for Hu Yu, she was also a little surprised at this time. She didn't seem to have expected such a result. I didn't expect Yihu to be so powerful, and he seriously injured that young master of the Qi family with a single move!

Hu Yu didn't understand how he was feeling now. Ichigo killed his own clan, but now seeing that Ichigo won, Hu Yu seemed to let go of a stone in his heart.

The next moment, looking at his cousin, Hu Yu tugged at her sleeve, trying to stop her from continuing to say things that were against Ichigo.

But Hu Yue'er seemed to be unaware, staring directly at Ichigo and said:

"Don't be too happy! With strength like you, you may be able to fight, but how many can you fight alone? The power of a family is never something you can imagine."

Hearing this, Ichigo shook his head slightly, and couldn't help but feel a little helpless, this Hu Yu's cousin was really self-righteous enough. ..

Chapter 353 Hu Yu's Decision

Glancing at Hu Yu's cousin speechlessly, Ichigo wanted to say, the Hu family is very powerful?Qi family is very powerful?

Although Ichigo didn't know what the cultivation realm of Master Guangjie was, it seemed that with such a family, his cheap master might be able to destroy many of them in minutes.

Furthermore, not to mention the profound understanding of the real person Guangjie in this world, even with Ichigo's previous vision, he would not take any of the Hu family and Qi family in his eyes.

However, Hu Yue'er didn't know this, and was still chatting non-stop.At this moment, He Dao finally stopped Qi Yun's injury.

However, although the injury was stopped, Qi Yun acted even more crazy, he was going crazy now, his eyes were red with blood: "He Lao, kill that kid for me, kill that kid for me quickly boy!"

He Dao heard that although he didn't speak, his face was extremely gloomy at the moment.

And Ichigo just looked at all this coldly, Qi Yun was like a mad dog at this moment, Ichigo couldn't help looking at Hu Yueer who was still chattering.

He said to her in a mocking tone: "This is the arrogance in your mouth, and that's all?"

As soon as Yihu said these words, Hu Yueer was directly angry and didn't know how to refute. She looked at it subconsciously, and saw that Qi Yun looked really embarrassed now, and the whole person was like a fierce beast. There is no trace left.

Hu Yueer couldn't help but feel angry and didn't know how to take Yihu's words, but she finally shook it and snorted, "Even if you can defeat Qi Gongzi, the Qi family will never let you go! You know , that is the Qi family, the big family in Youzhou City, you can never be the opponent of the Qi family by your own strength."

Qi Yun and He Dao could naturally hear the conversation between Ichigo and Hu Yueer.At this time, seeing Ichigo despising him so much, Qi Yun was really about to go wild.

The whole person almost jumped up on the spot: "Kill him for me, fast, He Lao killed him for me! No, I want to chop off his limbs, I want to catch his family, I want him to die! "

I saw Qi Yun roaring constantly there, and hearing these words from him, Ichigo's face instantly became cold, Qi Yun, this waste, actually said that he wanted to capture his family?

This definitely touches Ichigo's inverse scales. Dragons will be angry when they touch them. Family members are definitely Ichigo's inverse scales. If anyone dares to touch his family, Ichigo will definitely make him regret coming into this world.

Although now, in this world of all spirits, Ichigo has no family, and it is absolutely impossible for others to touch his family.However, even so, being threatened by others like this is absolutely not acceptable.In Ichigo's heart, at this moment, Qi Yun had already been completely sentenced to death.

"Hmph, it seems that what I have done is still not enough. It is useless to only abolish one of your arms. You are right, it seems that cutting off the limbs is definitely a good way, oh no, it should be said that cutting off five limb."

Ichigo said indifferently with a cold face, his voice seemed to have no trace of warmth, as if a single word could make the whole world freeze.

Limbs?Isn't it just limbs?As for Hu Yu, she was slightly stunned when she heard the words at this time. She just heard Ichigo talking about the five limbs, and she couldn't help being a little stunned, and the expression on her face was a little puzzled.

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