But after cheering a few words, Hu Yu's little face turned red, and then quickly came out of Ichigo's arms.

At this moment, her face was flushed, her eyes were drooping, she didn't dare to look at Ichigo's face, God, what did she do...

I believe that if there is a hole in the ground at this time, Hu Yu will definitely get into it. Oh my god, it's really too embarrassing.

After a while, Hu Yu's big eyes couldn't help but glance at Yihu again, and just saw the blood on the corner of Yihu's mouth.

At this time, Hu Yu just remembered that he had rushed directly in front of He Dao, then at that time, He Dao's attack...

Hu Yu finally realized with hindsight that in order to save himself, Ichihu actually resisted He Dao's palm for himself!

You know, He Dao's attack is so terrifying, isn't Ichigo dying?Fortunately, He Dao should have used a bit of strength at the critical moment, otherwise, Ichigo would have died on the spot.

Hu Yu didn't know that Ichigo had completely endured He Dao's full-strength blow at that time, and he had to bear it abruptly.

Looking at the blood on the corner of Yihu's mouth, Hu Yu's eyes turned red.

How could this person be so stupid? Could it be that he didn't know that he would lose his life if he did so? ..

Chapter 355

Hu Yu looked at Ichigo nervously, with tears in his eyes.When He Dao was hit, she didn't believe that Ichigo was just bleeding from the corner of his mouth.

But in fact, Yihu really only suffered such a little injury, because He Dao's palm is powerful, but with Yihu's late yellow-level physical cultivation realm, even if he carries one or two palms, it is no big deal. Just a little uncomfortable.

The Jiuyao God of War martial art practiced by Yihu is completely domineering. The old friend of the real Guangjie used the Jiuyao God of War to fight against people, and he forcibly carried thirteen palms of the same realm master, but even his body was No shaking.

Therefore, the reason why the corners of his mouth are bleeding now is because Ichigo just didn't run the exercises for the first time. Otherwise, He Dao's palm strength would still not be able to shake him.

He Dao's cultivation technique is quite powerful in Cangyu City and even Youzhou City.

But compared with Ichigo's Jiuyao War God, it can be said to be an out-and-out spicy chicken exercise.

At this time, Ichigo's body flashed to the side, and his palm was clasped around Hu Yu's waist, feeling like silk.

Ichigo's expression subconsciously stunned, but he came to his senses in a blink of an eye. Looking at the tearful appearance of the girl in his arms, Ichigo couldn't help but smile a little bitterly. I said, Miss, it looks like it was me who was injured. Why are you crying? Energetic!

However, even though Ichigo thought so in his heart, he was still a little moved to tell the truth. This Hu Yu was really a woman who was soft on the outside and tough on the inside.

Even though she was so afraid of death, she was able to make such a determination. If she didn't have time to react just now, I'm afraid she would have already died.

Looking at the girl in her arms staring at the corner of her mouth, Ichigo raised her hand slightly and gently wiped away the blood from the corner of her mouth.

Ichigo smiled slightly, but it made Hu Yu look a little stunned. Originally, Hu Yu believed that Ichigo was a very cold-blooded master, but this one was like a sunny boy, and he looked a little more handsome.

Hu Yu's face couldn't help blushing, and suddenly he felt a warm feeling coming from his waist, and immediately realized that he was still being hugged by Yihu.

This time, Hu Yu's face turned even more ashamed. She was still a girl after all, and she suddenly didn't know what to do. She hurriedly let go of the hands that were holding Ichigo, and she didn't know where to put them.

Ichigo was naturally able to understand Hu Yu's shyness, so he immediately raised his palm and left Hu Yu's waist. At this time, Hu Yu's face was already flushed.

He didn't dare to look at Ichigo anymore, his eyes were dodging, but thinking of Ichigo's injury, Hu Yu's heart tightened again: "Big brother, are you alright?"

But after saying this, Hu Yu felt a little regretful. How could it be okay after receiving such a terrifying slap from He Dao?

However, Ichigo hummed, proving that he was okay, and said, "You are really a stupid girl, there is no need to help me, just relying on that old guy can't hurt me."

Although Ichigo's words were not loud, they were full of anger, but Hu Yu couldn't believe it. Just as she was about to say something, her cousin hurried over and immediately grabbed Hu Yu. hand.

"Yu'er, are you alright?" Hu Yueer's eyebrows were full of urgency at this time, no matter how mean she was, she still really cared about her sister.

Hu Yu lowered her head and glanced at Ichigo secretly, but now that Ichigo's body has been turned away, she can't help but feel a strange feeling in her heart.

After calming down, Hu Yu shook his head and said softly, "I'm fine..."

Seeing this, Hu Yue'er's voice became a bit more severe: "You are really a stupid girl, humming that guy!"

"Sister Yue'er..." Hu Yu heard the words, and her voice became a little anxious. Then, the two sisters said something in general, but Ichigo didn't listen much.

Ichigo's gaze has turned to look at He Dao, who has retreated a few meters away.

At this moment, He Dao's heart is also extremely uneasy, but his face is not revealed, his expression is as gloomy as ever.

The wind blew gently, blowing his hair and long beard, if it wasn't for his hunky body, He Dao really had the demeanor of an expert.

Following He Dao with his hands behind his back, he looked a little more arrogant, as if he had just been completely merciful to him.

Qi Yun, who had already been crippled by Yihu, naturally saw this scene in the field, when he saw Hu Yu running out and trying to defend Yihu from the attack.

Qi Yun's unreasonable jealousy rose from his heart, and the look in Yihu's eyes became even crazier.

However, he was somewhat afraid, knowing that he was definitely not a match for Ichigo, but so what!

I just heard Qi Yun shouting, "Hurry up, Uncle He quickly kill this kid! Hmph, even if you hold Uncle He's palm, I'm afraid you will be seriously injured!"

"It's probably the end of the game now, don't think you're holding on, I can't see it!"

When Ichigo heard Qi Yun shouting, he also looked at him, but he was looking at the mentally retarded, this guy is really an idiot, but this kind of person is nothing but a clown.

If he hadn't kept his hand just now, I'm afraid he would have been a corpse already.

When He Dao heard Qi Yun's shouting, his face became even more gloomy, but he still didn't say anything.

He Dao's expression remained the same, with his hands behind his back, only he understood at this moment that this was not his mother's demeanor.But there is really no way...

If someone is behind He Dao at this time, they will find that his withered hands are trembling constantly, and blue veins can be faintly seen on the hands that are not stronger than chicken claws. .

Moreover, He Dao's heart is also extremely restless now, the blood and spiritual power in the body are constantly rolling, and it is not that he does not want to speak.

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