It's probably half happy and half worried. I'm happy that Ichigo is so powerful that he can beat the guards in the late stage of the Qi family.

The worry is, if Ichigo really wins, will he kill their Hu family again?

Moreover, listening to Hu Yueer's tone, the Qi family seems to be very powerful. Ichigo has completely offended the Qi family now. If the Qi family really bothers him later, how should they deal with it?

At this moment, Hu Yu was very worried. She thought about it a lot in a short period of time, and she felt both worry and joy in her heart.

As for whether she was more worried or more joyful, she couldn't tell...

At the same time, Ichigo, who became the focus of everyone, did not relax. He knew that it was absolutely impossible for He Dao to have no strength to fight back. Otherwise, the masters of the late stage of the formation of pills would be too useless.

And Ichigo seemed to be directly crushing He Dao just now, but in fact, it still had an unexpected effect.

He Daobacheng didn't expect that Ichigo's speed could be so fast.However, Ichigo has never had the habit of relaxing when confronted with people.

In addition, during this period of time, Ichigo also roughly learned some information about the wasteland from the mouth of the real Guangjie. The real Guangjie once said that although the monks in the wasteland are limited by the practice, their realm cultivation is generally not high.

But most of the monks in the Great Wilderness have great perseverance.

Each of them came out of blood and fire, and each of them fought either with people or with beasts, which even the cultivators from the outside world could not compare with.

Therefore, in the battle against these cultivators of the Great Wilderness, even if the cultivation technique is stronger than the opponent, it must not be taken lightly, otherwise, it is likely to be counter-killed.

And this, Ichigo also took it seriously.Since coming to this world, Ichigo has also seen several battles.Whether it's Mo Lao from Cangyu City, You Luo Jinsha and the others, or the wicked leader who fought against Qi Yun before, each of them is a ruthless character who fights for his life.

So now against He Dao, even if he has the upper hand, Ichigo has not relaxed in the slightest.

At this moment, He Dao's eyes glowed fiercely, even if he was unexpectedly attacked by Ichigo just now, it also inspired his blood.Humph, it's been a long time since there was a real war, so just use your little doll to pay homage to the old man's knife!

Thinking like this, a knife appeared in He Dao's palm in an instant. ..

Chapter 359 Branches?

He Dao's [-]-foot-[-]-inch short sword appeared in his hand, and his aura suddenly rose. The body that had been kicked flying by a guard suddenly paused in the air, and actually stopped!

At this moment, He Dao's fingers clenched the handle of the knife, and the index finger lightly clasped the blade, the whole blade was buzzing, as if it was responding to something!

He Dao held the knife in his hand, and his originally hunched body seemed to have become much firmer, and the whole person stood as if it was integrated with the short knife in his hand!

Boundless blood gushed out from the knife, and the endless evil spirit also responded. He Dao's whole person was like a messenger who came out of purgatory, looking extremely terrifying.

But at this time, He Dao's expression was extremely calm, and he saw his fingers lightly swipe across the body of the knife, and said: "The name of the knife is Xueyue, two feet seven, and the knife cuts two hundred and seventy-one people. !" After saying that, his eyes also turned to Ichigo.

Originally, the old eyes were cloudy, but this moment was full of light, and it was full of fierce murderous aura!

The audience was once again stunned. It turned out that He Dao actually hid his strength. Before, he was actually useless with weapons. Now that the weapons are out, Ichigo may not be able to resist.

At this moment, some people are happy and some are sad, those who are happy are naturally the Hu family members and Qi Yun whose arm has been cut off, and those who are sad are naturally Hu Yu!

On the other hand, Ichigo pouted, secretly said, sir, you are already old, can you stop pretending to be forceful, holding a broken knife, you really think you are invincible in the world?

He Dao, who was standing opposite, obviously had no self-knowledge, and shouted with confidence: "Boy, you are proud enough to be able to force the old man to sacrifice the Bloody Yue Dao. The old man will not bully you, show your weapons!"

Ichigo shook his head when he heard the words, he could die if he didn't pretend to be forceful, he could really put gold on his face, and he didn't know who was just kicked into a rotten-tailed shrimp?

But since I was asked to take the weapon... So it's better to be respectful than to obey... Under everyone's attention, Ichigo took out the weapon.

At this moment, everyone in the Hu family was stunned, what the hell are you doing, Ichigo is too arrogant!And Hu Yue'er looked even more disdainful, is this person joking?

No matter how poor you are, you won't have no weapons, right?And it doesn't have to be...

That Qi Yun was also gloating at this time. This person is too ignorant of the sky and the earth. You must know that Uncle He is in the rivers and lakes, but he is called a ruthless man of blood slaughter.

And the name of his blood slaughter naturally comes from the two-foot-seven-inch Xueyue knife in his hand!Uncle He, who doesn't have a knife in his hand, is just a master who has cultivated in the late stage of the formation of elixir.

Although this strength is extraordinary, it is far from the top.But Uncle He, who has this bloody mountain in his hand, is completely different. The whole person can be called reborn!

He Dao has practiced the sword for nearly a hundred years in his life, and it took him more than [-] years to build a bloody sword. This sword killed a total of [-] masters of the same rank and more than [-] dead souls under the sword. That's why He Daocai was called the blood slaughter!

He Dao, who has the Xueyue Dao in his hand, is still a master in the late stage of the formation of pills, but he was once besieged by five masters of the same level, but he is still undefeated, and the result of those five people is one death and four injuries!

It can be said that He Dao who uses the Xueyue Dao would dare to fight even a master of the Great Perfection of Pill Formation!And Ichigo is too arrogant, so...

At this moment, what shocked everyone was that Ichigo actually picked up a branch from the ground!

This branch had just fallen from the tree, and it still had some branches and leaves on it. Ichigo raised his hand and knocked off the leaves, and then held the branch in his hand.

There is no trace of nervousness in this set of actions. Ichigo has not taken out his ink drink long sword now. It seems that he intends to use this branch to fight against He Dao's bloody sword!

No wonder everyone in the audience was dumbfounded, not to mention what grade of weapon the Xueyue Knife He Dao was.

Even if He Dao's hand is just an ordinary iron sword, he has never heard of anyone who can use a branch to fight the enemy, unless the realm is very different.However, what kind of realm can Ichigo be higher than?

Just relying on a branch to fight against a murderous weapon such as the Xueyue Dao, how crazy is this?

Even He Dao was very angry at this time, blowing his beard and staring, the whole person trembled a little, and said bitterly: "Shuzi, is it really arrogant, really can't this old man kill you?"

Ichigo just spread out his hands and said, "Old guy, don't think that you have a broken knife in your hand, so you are so confident. It seems that the previous kick was not hard enough?"

He Dao was suddenly touched by the pain, and his face became more and more gloomy.Previously, he was just a careless kick from Ichigo, but in the eyes of others, he was unable to fight back and was crushed by Ichigo.

He Dao's old face was still in hot pain at the moment, and now he was provoked by Ichigo with a branch. He Dao's whole person felt like he was going to explode. , rushed over directly!

Before the person arrives, the sword qi has arrived, and it is a lightning strike!He Dao shouted angrily, this knife is like a real thunderbolt in the eyes of everyone, it is extremely fast, and the thunderous knife directly kills it!

On the other hand, Ichigo had a calm expression, and lightly scattered a handful of leaves from his hand, like a goddess scattered flowers, Ichigo's movement was also extremely fast, and the strength of his palm was already great, this time I used the Lingxu Supreme Xiaoyao Sutra again.

This practice directly destroys the extreme swordsmanship. Although there is no sword in the hand, there is a sword in the heart. As long as there is a sword in the heart, what can't be a sword?

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