He Dao was stunned by these means, but he did not step back. He still held the Xueyue Saber tightly in his palm, and the other hand slapped the blade without heeding!

With the force of He Dao's palm, the branch that originally pierced his palm was directly broken by him!

Afterwards, He Dao swiped his index finger on the knife, and blood flowed out instantly, spilling on the blade!

In just the blink of an eye, the bloody light on the Xueyue Dao body erupted again, rushing directly towards the power of thunder released by Ichigo!The blood light and the thunder collided with each other, and they were both shattered!

Immediately following, He Dao's hands shook violently, and he suddenly exerted force, directly pulling the Xueyue Dao out of Ichigo's palm.

But at the critical moment, Ichigo's palm also erupted with a burst of strength, and pushed the Xueyue Dao out!

Ichigo's move He Dao was also unexpected, and in an instant, the whole person was taken out by this terrifying force!

In a flash of lightning, the hilt of Xueyue Dao directly counterattacked with He Dao's palm and slammed into He Dao's chest!

At this moment, the clear sound of broken bones sounded, He Dao opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, and his body was a little hunched!

He was violently hit by the handle of the Xueyue Dao, and He Dao's ribs were directly broken by two!The footsteps also retreated again and again, and finally hit a big tree that was as thick as two people hugged, and it broke the tree at once!

He Dao was stunned, and there was a look of shock in his eyes, as if he couldn't believe it!

After this attack, it is actually a matter of an instant. These few countermeasures, Ichigo and He Dao were completed in just a moment.

But in this short fight, He Dao actually got the upper hand!At this time, He Dao's hand holding the knife was still trembling faintly, Ichigo was so weird!

Not only is the strength terrifying, but also the strength of the flesh is so terrifying!

With the knife just now, He Dao thought that he could directly split Ichigo in half, but it turned out that only such a shallow wound was left on Ichigo's arm!

It didn't hurt the root at all, but He Dao himself was at a disadvantage in this fight, and even his ribs were broken!

He Dao was in shock, secretly guessing what the origin of Ichigo was, and the strange power of thunder didn't know what it was. Ichigo seemed to spread thunder when he waved his hand!

Thinking about how he has been in the Youzhou region for so many years, he has never seen such a strange move, even unheard of!

Moreover, Ichigo is only a cultivation base in the early stage of formation of pills, why is the strength of spiritual power so terrifying, even if the amount of spiritual power is not as good as He Dao, the quality of spiritual power possessed by He Dao is completely incomparable to Ichigo. Compare!

I don't know what rank the elixir created by Yihu is of the rank, I'm afraid it is at least rank [-]!He Dao thought silently, because his own is a seventh-grade elixir.

In this Youzhou area, it is extremely unusual to be able to form a seventh-grade elixir. You must know that those elixirs that do not enter the rank are also caught in a large amount. People in the realm have never lost against spiritual power and Dan Li!

But this time, He Dao couldn't even beat the young man in his twenties, and the other party's cultivation base was two steps lower than him!

This made He Dao's heart even more uncertain. After some contact just now, he found that Ichigo's ability was beyond his imagination. It was too difficult to deal with. If he was not careful, I am afraid that He Dao would be in the gutter today. Capsized!

However, before, Ichigo actually used his arm to block his blood knife, which made He Dao sneer in his heart.

It should be noted that on the Xueyue knife, He Dao, has long nurtured a special blood evil spirit. This blood evil spirit is extremely sinister, even if it is stained with it, it is extremely troublesome.

Because once this bloody energy is contaminated, it will continue to devour your spiritual power, and the wound will not heal. Even the more you use spiritual power, the faster it will rot!

At this moment, He Dao's eyes looked extremely gloomy.Hmph, no matter how strong your body is, if you get hit with this old man's blood saber, don't think about it. When you are almost swallowed up by the power of blood evil, the old man will do it again!

The next moment, He Dao raised his head and glanced at Yihu's body with some flickering eyes, but it was this glance that made him stunned on the spot.

He Dao saw that the wound on Ichigo was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye!how can that be!

He Dao couldn't believe it, and suddenly lost his voice: "How is it possible? You can actually resolve the power of the old man's blood evil? This is absolutely impossible!"

When Ichigo heard He Dao's words, he couldn't help but pouted his lips slightly. He had naturally discovered that the wound on his arm was a little different. There was an evil spirit attached to his wound, and he kept trying to invade him. body of!

But what is Ichigo's physique?That is the Jiuxiao Lei spirit body, not to mention Yihu's late Huang-level physical cultivation, just relying on the thunder and lightning attached to his Jiuxiao Lei spirit body, it is definitely the nemesis of evil spirits!

Wherever the thunder and lightning pass, no matter what kind of evil spirit you are, you have to be swept away!Moreover, Ichigo's Dayan Heart Sutra also has the effect of purifying. As soon as the exercise method runs, the purple air flows to the arm, directly crushing those evil spirits!

As for Ichihu, whose physical cultivation base has reached the late yellow level, there is no need to say much about how powerful his resilience is.In just a short while, Ichigo's wound was completely healed.

Ichigo sneered in his heart, wanting to use this kind of slander with him is definitely a wrong wishful thinking! ..

Chapter 362 He Dao Shows Weakness

The power of the body repair inscriptions in Ichigo circulated automatically, and his wounds continued to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, there was a sizzling sound from Yihu's wound, and the traces of blood and evil spirits were constantly being separated!

These blood evil spirits can't turn any waves at all, but He Dao was stunned by this scene.

In the past, he had never lost a single battle against an opponent of the same level. It was precisely because he had such a bizarre method that he usually fought against people. As long as he could hurt the enemy, these blood evil qi would continuously devour the opponent's blood qi.

And in the battle, the opponent has no means to remove the blood evil spirit, so He Dao has never lost in a battle with an opponent of the same level!

He Dao couldn't figure out why Ichigo was so weird, and he was able to break his blood evil power in a moment.

And Ichigo's wound healed so quickly!He Dao is really panicked, Ichigo's performance is too weird!

"Who the hell are you?" He Dao asked suspiciously. He began to panic. His hidden means could be cracked so easily.

And He Dao feels that he may not even be an opponent of Ichigo in a head-on battle. Although this is unbelievable, He Dao has to admit that this is a fact!

At this time, when he heard He Dao's question, Ichigo didn't say anything, just said lightly, "The one who killed you."

Speaking of Yihu, he wanted to do it again, and He Dao was also angry at first sight: "Boy, do you really think you will win the old man? Hmph, if the old man kept his hand, you would have died long ago!"

"Then you used all your cards, and I didn't let you keep your hands." Ichigo's fluttering words blocked He Dao.

As he spoke, a pitch-black long sword was already in Ichigo's hand.Mo Yin sword came out, Ichigo no longer intends to keep his hand!

At this moment, the Moyin Sword held by Ichigo seemed to sense the master's fighting intent, and the sword body kept vibrating, and there was a faint burst of sword energy!

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