"Brother Ichigo, who are these people?..." After a while, when he got closer, he looked at the members of the Sword-biting Tiger Guild that was standing in front of him led by Minerba, especially when he saw Minie When Bana looked at Ichigo in a different way, Tia, who was walking beside Ichigo, couldn't help frowning, and turned to ask Ichigo in a suspicious tone.

Immediately, hearing Tia's questioning voice, Ichigo just grinned and turned to look directly at Minieba, who was staring at him excitedly, and greeted: "Long time no see, Minieba, you Has it grown so big?"

"...Well, Ichigo, you really came to the capital Kurokas, that's great! I finally see you again..." Once again, I heard that at night, when I fell asleep, I would repeat it in my sleep many times. The familiar voice that sounded, Minerba only felt a strong urge to cry right now.The next second, when his vision became a little hazy, he murmured and responded to Ichigo who was standing in front of him. He just stared at Ichigo. Ruyan trotted forward as if returning to her nest, and then threw herself into Yihu's arms.

"...Miss?!" Subconsciously, they all exclaimed in surprise, Minerba's sudden behavior really gave Qi Qi to the members of the Sword Bite Tiger Guild, including Xuenuo, who followed her. Shocked.I have never seen these members of the Sword-biting Tiger guild who have always been calm and vaguely dignified and inviolable, would actually do the act of throwing herself into a man's arms in public like now. There is only one feeling left, and that is: shock!

Of course, it's not just the members of the Sword-Bite Tiger Guild who are shocked now.Seeing the scene where Minerba threw herself into Ichigo's arms, the Tia girls standing on the left and right of Ichigo were also a little scared when they were caught off guard.They had never seen Minieba before, and now there was only one thought in their minds, and that was: Who is this woman who suddenly fell into Ichigo's arms?

As for Ichigo, right now, Minieba, who was suddenly thrown into his arms, hugged her waist tightly. Knowing that they would meet again after a long absence, Minieba must be excited now.After a while, Ichigo didn't come to say anything more, and then Ichigo just stretched out his hand, and then pressed the top of Minerba's head and gently rubbed her hair for a while.At the same time, lying in Yi Hu's arms, Minerba immediately took a deep breath and then showed an expression of satisfaction and smoothness on her pretty face.

"It hasn't changed at all, it's still the same smell." Smelling the masculine scent of Ichigo filling her nose, Minerba closed her eyes and was intoxicated for a long time. , said in a murmur.And at first hearing Minerba's whisper, all the girls standing on the left and right of Ichigo all turned their eyes to Ichigo with a little strange meaning.After all, listening to what Minerba said after taking a deep sniff of Ichigo's body, anyone would be a little bit crooked.

"...Cough cough!" Noticing the strange eyes of the girls looking at him, Ichigo, who was in a very good mood, couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed at this time.After all, when Ichigo met Minieba for the first time, Minieba was just a little girl. How could Ichigo happen to a little girl?Then in the next moment, after subconsciously coughing, Yihu opened his mouth and explained to the girls, "Her name is Minerba, and I helped her when she was a child. So, everything has been It's been a long time since we've seen each other, and Minerba is just a little too excited now."

At this moment, after hearing Ichigo's explanation, the women suddenly realized.The next second, looking at Ichigo, Tia immediately opened her mouth to Ichigo while pursing her tender lips and smiled, "Brother Ichigo, according to what you said, this woman named Minerba, she is with me. Did you know Ichigo before?"

"Well, that's right. Before our Moon Slashing Guild was established, I knew Minerba. At that time, I brought her to Chlokas, the capital of the Fiore Kingdom." The next moment, he nodded and responded to Tia, and at the same time, Ichigo's mind couldn't help but recall the scenes at that time.When Ichigo first came to this world, he rescued Minerba, who was still a little girl he met in the forest, and now he has made the name of the Zhanyue Guild resounding everywhere. Unexpectedly, unconsciously, So many years have passed.

At this moment, hearing Ichigo's words, Minerba also recalled the experience of meeting Ichigo for the first time.Although the time spent with Ichigo was short, for Minerba, it was the happiest and most precious.

"Brother Ichigo, now I have mastered the use of space magic, and now I have been able to successfully control my own destiny. How about it, I didn't disappoint you, did I?" There was a warm smile on the corner of his mouth, and when Minerba raised his head, she said so with hope towards Ichigo. ..

Chapter nine hundred and forty-two sisters recognize each other

"Of course. Minerba, you are great and strong." Looking at Minieba's eyes that were flickering with hope, Ichigo replied to Minieba with a slight smile in the next moment.From Minieba's expression at the moment, Ichigo could see how much she had been missing her all along, but even so, Minieba was able to persevere in order to become stronger and rely on her own strength to fully control the She lived with her own destiny and could endure so many years that she hadn't come to Ichigo even once.This character is enough to reflect the incomparable strength and strength of Minerba's heart.

At the moment, hearing Ichigo's words of praise for her efforts over the years, Minerba immediately pursed her lips like a child who was about to get candy, revealing a touch of infinite satisfaction. smile.For Minieba, nothing was more important than getting the approval of the man she cared about most, Ichigo.

"However, Minerba, I heard that these people who belong to the same guild as you call you the eldest lady. It seems that you are very respected now." After the heart that was surging for him calmed down a little, Ichigo turned to look at the members of the Sword-biting Tiger Guild who were led by Minerba to the capital of Kurokas, and then his tone was relaxed. He opened his mouth and said this to Minerba.

While speaking, Ichigo had already raised his eyes and briefly glanced at the members of the Sword-biting Tiger Guild who were standing opposite him, and in the next second, his gaze stopped directly at a man with short silver hair. on the woman.

Looking at her, the only celestial wizard in the Sword Bite Tiger Guild: Xue Nai Agulia, Ichigo then stared at her for a few seconds, and suddenly a trace of inexplicable meaning appeared on the corner of his mouth. smile.

At the same time, noticing the gaze from Ichigo, Xuenai also instinctively raised her eyes and looked at Ichigo.At the moment, looking at the smile that Ichigo showed when staring at him, Yukino couldn't help frowning subconsciously, and her face also became a little doubtful.

At this moment, when she heard Minerba's name for Ichigo, Yukino already knew that the man in front of her was the focus of the recent news about the "return of all members of the Zhanyue Guild": Zhanyue Guild Ichigo Kurosaki, the president of the Moon Guild.But now, what makes Yukino puzzled is why Ichigo is staring at himself and showing such a smile as if he knows something about him?

"...Brother Ichigo, what's wrong? Why are you looking at Yukino like this?" It was at this time that Ichigo was clearly staring at Yukino, which made Minerba feel a little confused. , and then murmured to Ichigo and asked.

"...Xue Nao?!" However, before Ichigo could respond to Minerba, next to Ichigo, Anjie's somewhat surprised voice rang out.The next second, she quickly raised her eyes and followed the direction where Ichigo was looking. When she saw Yukino who was standing opposite, An Jier first looked up and down carefully, and then her expression became very big. shock!Originally, from the very beginning until now, since she had always been focusing on Ichigo and Minerba, Angel was stunned to not notice the opposite of her: the one who belonged to the Sword Bite Tiger Guild. Among the members, there is someone who is extremely important to him!

That's right, for Angela, Xue is another person who has an extremely important position in Angela's heart besides Ichigo!Even though it has been a long time, Angela can still recognize that the woman named "Xue Nai" who is standing opposite her is her own sister who has been separated for many years: Xue Nai Agulia!

As for Xue Nai, when she heard An Jie'er's astonished exclamation, she immediately turned her attention to An Jie'er who was standing beside Ichihu.Previously, like Angela, Yukino always focused on her eldest young lady: Minerba.So now, when she saw Anjie'er for the first time, Xue Nai was stunned, and then her pupils contracted slightly involuntarily.

"...Sister...Sister?!" She stared at Anjieer in a daze, and after a while, she whispered to Anjieer in disbelief, and Xuenai subconsciously raised her feet step by step toward Anjieer approached him head-on.

"...Xue Nai, it's really you, my good sister..." After a few seconds, when Xuenai came to her, An Jier also stared at Xuenai for a while, and then raised her hand and stroked Xuenai. As she touched her cheeks, Anjieer murmured aloud as her eyes flashed with tears.

"...Sister, I miss you so much!" At that moment, hearing Anjie'er's babble, Xuenai's eyes turned red involuntarily.In the next second, she couldn't help but threw herself into An Jier's arms, Xuenai immediately muttered when her voice was a little choked up, "Sister, do you know that I have been looking for you all the time over the past few years. The whereabouts have been lost, but there has been no progress. It turns out that you actually joined the Zhanyue Guild. If I had known this, I should have paid more attention to the Zhanyue Guild."

"Don't say it, Xuenai, it's not your fault." At that moment, listening to Xuenai's remorseful muttering, An Jier raised her hand and pressed Xuenai's shoulders, and said: He said, "If I remember your age correctly, seven years ago, you were only eleven years old, right? You are still so young, how could you find me all of a sudden? I have always used the name "Angie'er". So, Xuenuo, even if you knew about the existence of a star spirit wizard like Angela in the Zhanyue Guild, how could you think of it? Got it, that's me?"

"...Angie'er? Sister, why did you give yourself such a different name?" Indeed, what Anjieer said was not bad. For Xuenuo, the name "Angie'er" was indeed a bit unfamiliar.Then in the next second, when looking at An Jie'er, Xue Nai then asked An Jie'er in confusion.

"There's a reason for that." Hearing Xuenai's question, the next moment, when she pursed her tender lips into a smile, she gave Yihu a meaningful look, and Anjieer spoke up and said this to Xuenai. road. ..

Nine hundred and fortieth chapters sudden mutation

"The reason?" An Jier's reply made Xuenai frown in confusion.The next second, following An Jier's gaze, she looked towards Ichigo, and after being stunned for a while, Yukino couldn't help but think in her heart, "Could it be that this is because of Kurosaki, the president of Zhanyue Guild. Protection related?"

"Xueno, it turns out that your elder sister, Sono Agulia, is the star spirit wizard Angela who joined the Zhanyue Guild established by my brother Ichigo?" On the side of Xuenuo and Anjieer, Minieba pursed her lips with a smile, and said, "Don't say it, Xuenuo, you two sisters are very similar in terms of clothing style and appearance. It seems that long before the day when the concubine and Ichigo meet again, it is already destined that the day will come when you will meet your lost sister who has been searching for many years, Yukino."

"Well, Miss, I didn't expect that I would meet my sister in the capital Kulokasi today. This is something I never expected before." At the moment, when Minerba's voice fell, he was excited. Nodding towards Minerba, Yukino then turned her gaze back to her sister: Angela while she responded.It's been a long time since I haven't seen each other, and now Xuenai must take a good look at her sister.

However, after a while, looking at Angela, Xuenai's eyebrows suddenly frowned slightly.

"What's wrong, Xuenai?" Seeing Xuenai's sudden frown, An Jier couldn't help but stunned, and turned to ask Xuenai subconsciously.

"...That, big sister...Why do you only look like sixteen years old now? Is it my delusion?..." Hearing Angel's questioning voice, a moment later, when she looked suspicious, Xuenuo Then he opened his mouth and murmured to Angel.Although they have been separated for many years, Xuenai still remembers Anjie's age clearly.After all, he was already eighteen years old this year, so when Xue Nao thought about it, Anjieer should be twenty-three years old.But looking at it now, Anjie'er is even more youthful than herself. She looks like a sixteen-year-old flower girl. This is something that Xuenuo can't understand.

"Xue Nai, there is a reason for this." Hearing Xueluo's words, Anjie was shocked to realize that because she had spent twenty-eight days in the celestial spirit world, she should have been in this world where humans live. At the age of [-], he was stunned that he was only [-] years old.Therefore, although Yukino is indeed Angela's younger sister, but now, just from the appearance, Angela looks like Yukino's sister.Then, in the next moment, with some helpless lips parted and a smile, An Jier then replied to Xuenai, "The reason why me and everyone in the Zhanyue Guild have disappeared in this world during these seven years, It's because all of us have gone to the Astral World."

"Going to the Celestial Spirit Realm?!" What Anjieer said at this moment made Xuenai look startled, "Isn't the Celestial Spirit Realm where the celestial spirits live? Can wizards like us also go there?"

As a celestial wizard, at this moment, Xuenuo was extremely surprised and curious about what Angel had said.

"Of course. Xuenai, as a celestial spirit wizard, as long as you communicate more with your celestial spirits in the future, you will be able to learn more about the celestial spirit world." The next moment, she nodded affirmatively at Xuenai, An Jie said. Immediately, the tender lips differentiated and added, "For example: you will learn that if you stay in the Protoss world for one day, the world on our side will pass three months. Before, I was in the Protoss because of the fact that Twenty-eight days in the world, so when we return to our world again, seven years have passed. Now, do you understand why I look younger than you? Yukino …”

"...Is one day in the Celestial Spirit World equal to three months in this world we live in?!" Hearing Anjie's telling the truth again, Xuenai couldn't help but froze again.One day is equal to three months. This exaggerated difference makes Xuenai feel very incredible, and at the same time, he is more and more yearning for the mysterious star spirit world.Only then did she realize that as a celestial wizard, her understanding of the celestial world was so narrow and limited, so at this moment, Xuenai had already made up her mind, and then she must tell one of her zodiac signs. The Libra star spirit, Lebra, asked about various things about the star spirit world.Also, if there is a chance, Xue Nai must go to the Celestial Spirit Realm to see and experience in the future.


at dusk.

"Brother Ichigo, tomorrow will be the day for the Great Demon Fight. Will your Moon Slashing Guild participate?" Let the members of the Sword Bite Tiger Guild that you lead disperse, and wait until the time is almost up. gather.Therefore, at the moment, apart from Yukino who wanted to spend as much time with her sister as possible and was still with Minerba, there were no other members of the Sword Bite Tiger Guild in the place where Ichigo and the others were now. .The next moment, walking beside Ichigo, Minerba suddenly turned her gaze to look at Ichigo, and asked with her tender lips lightly opened.

At that moment, hearing Minerba's question, Ichigo couldn't help but grinned slightly.But then, before Ichigo could respond to Minerba, a piercing whistle sounded suddenly and without warning in the sky above the capital Krocas!

"What's the matter?..." This was the warning sound from the activation of the alarm device filled with magical energy. Hearing it in Minerba's ears, she couldn't help but murmured while frowning.It happened that the alarm sounded when the Great Demon Fight was about to be held. In the capital of Kulokasri, what serious thing is happening now?

Of course, it wasn't just Minerba who was confused.All the members of the regular guild who are in the capital Kulokasri who are preparing to participate in the Great Demon Fight, all of them are now looking up at the sky where the alarm sounded, showing surprise and confusion. The attitude of coexistence comes.There has never been such a situation in the past when the Great Demon Fight was held, which made the various mages who are now in the capital Kurokas begin to speculate about what happened at the moment. ?Also, will this sudden change affect the normal operation of the upcoming Great Demon Fight?

However, in fact, what almost all the mages who are currently in the capital Krokas did not expect is that, let alone the great demon fighting and martial arts, the seriousness of this situation has reached a level that can affect the entire film. The extent to which the wizards on Aslant Continent will survive in the future! ..

Chapter [-] The Gate of Hades

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