"Huh..." There was a little fragrant sweat on her forehead. Just now, if Turtledove avoided it for a few seconds at night, she would definitely not be able to stand here unscathed as she is now.Then in the next moment, he breathed out a sigh of fragrance, and Turtledove then began to become more and more alert when he stared at Netwoka.

"Second shot: The burst gun!" Of course, Netwoka would not wait for the turtledove to recover before continuing to attack. At the moment, he snorted again, and Netwoka immediately disappeared into the surrounding smoke. Before he completely dissipated, the burst speed rushed towards the turtle dove! ..

Chapter [-] Turtledove defeat!

The whole body tensed up when Netwoka rushed in at a high speed, the right hand firmly grasped the red long knife in his hand, the turtledove's eyes were condensed, and the whole person was obviously on the alert!


After a few minutes.

"Ding, ding, dang!..." The sound of gold and iron clashing rang out incessantly. Holding the Ten Commandments Gun, Netwoka moved around, constantly changing ways to attack the turtle dove.On the other hand, Turtledove, at this time, could only passively resist the waves of Netwoka's attacks, and it was obvious that they had fallen into an absolute disadvantage.

"Hoo, hoo!..." The breathing became more and more rapid and uneven, and the ten-ring gun in Netwoka's hand, which could constantly change its form, had obviously given the turtle dove an extreme threat and pressure.After all, since he doesn't know when Netwoka will change the form of the ten-ring gun in his hand again, the turtledove has to keep paying attention to Netwoka's weapon when dealing with Netwoka's attack. The form of the Ten Commandments Spear, in this way, will inevitably make the Turtledove more and more difficult to resist Netwaka's attack.What's more, due to the inherent length advantage of Netwoka's Ten Rings Spear, Turtledove's one-handed sword-drawing technique simply cannot play its due effect.And since even the sword-drawing skills that he is good at are almost completely useless in front of Netwoka, then the defeat of the turtledove has become an inevitable outcome.

However, even so, the Turtledove still did not give up the fight and admit defeat, knowing that he was at an obvious disadvantage.Stubbornly silent, he just kept waving the red long knife in his hand to passively resist the attack from Netwaka, the turtledove's tender lips were tightly pursed, and a layer of perspiration was already densely covered on the white forehead.At the moment, it seemed that the turtledove could only do its best to resist this wave of attacks that was sent by him, and Netwoka then stared at her, and immediately took her upside down. The weapon in his hand, the Ten Jie Spear, immediately raised his hand and tapped the end of the Ten Jie Spear towards Turtledove's wrist.

"Bang!..." The next second, accompanied by a not too loud beating sound, Turtledove only felt his wrist go numb, and the long red knife clenched in his right hand immediately let go uncontrollably. fell to the ground.

"You lost." Even the red long knife in his hand had already dropped to the ground, which was already equivalent to a sentence of defeat for Turtledove.Then at the next moment, after taking back the ten-ring gun in his hand, Netwoka looked at the turtle dove and said in a faint voice, "Because I don't know your relationship with Erza, I didn't tell you anything. Play hard. But from now on, please don't pester me anymore, because I'm not the Erza you're looking for."

After saying that, Netwoka turned around and wanted to leave this place and go back to Magnolia Town, where the Zan Moon Guild was located.

"...Wait, aren't you really Erza?!" As Netwoka left, watching Netwoka's back, Turtledove was holding her with her left hand, which was still numb. While staring at his right wrist, he shouted out.Turtledove is very surprised at the moment, if the person in front of her is not Erza, then who is the person who defeated her this time?

"You can call me Netwoka." He didn't turn around to look at Turtledove again. The next second, he just responded calmly to Turtledove with a calm expression. Netwoka then changed his body for a moment, and the whole person was very Kuai is to speed up to leave, and finally disappeared in the sight of Turtledove.


three days later.

The three thousand fis had already been destroyed by the Nine Tails.At this moment, in the Zhanyue Guild, Ichigo called Bengyu to his side.

"Bengyu, take a look at these three books." Put the three thick gray-black books with different strange spell patterns printed on the surface on the table next to them, and immediately looked at Bengyu, and came out. The voice greeted.These three books were searched by Ichigo from the dark guild of the Gate of Hades when he was about to leave the Gate of Hades three days ago.Now that he was in front of Bengyu, Ichigo also wanted to see if Bengyu could see what was so special about these three books.Because for Ichigo, he knows all three books.

After all, if you just think about it, you can know, what else could the book you get from the gate of the underworld be?Of course the book of Jeff!

"...Master, where did you get these three books?" As for Bengyu, she saw these three Jeff's books, and she immediately saw the unusualness of these three books. .Then in the next moment, after raising his hand to pick up one of the books and flipping through them for a while, Bengyu then spoke out, and said in a clear voice, "I can feel that the book I hold in my hand now has a lot to do with it. There is life within."

"I got these three books from a dark guild called the Gate of Hades." In the next moment, Bengyu heard that the book of Zelf that she was holding at the moment had the transmission of life force. When the truth came out, Ichigo then grinned and said straight to the point, "Bengyu, since you have noticed that these three books are not ordinary books, then I will tell you clearly now. These three books, Both of them are incarnations of the devil."

"Two of them?" Ichigo's words made Bengyu froze.

"Well, because this one is different from the other two." Looking at Bengyu, Ichigo then picked up the one on the table that he had placed in the front with the word "END" printed on the cover. When the thick gray-black book appeared, he said, "Can you feel it? Bengyu, there is no sign of life transmitted in this book."

"...Well, really." After listening to Ichigo's words, Bengyu immediately nodded to Ichigo and replied, "But why can't I feel the vitality from this book? "

"I'm not very clear about the specifics." Since he didn't know much about the plot behind the original book, he also knew little about the END book, Ichigo.The next moment, after shaking his head at Bengyu in response, Ichigo immediately put the book of END in his hand aside and said to Bengyu, "But we can leave this book alone for now. , Bengyu, what I want to ask is, can you turn these two books with life force inside them into demons?"

"Master, since these two books are originally living things, turning these two books into demons is just a procedure." Now, when looking at Yihu, Bengyu smiled sweetly. He replied, "No problem, I can do it."

Chapter nine hundred and sixty-two two female demons

Saying that, when Bengyu stretched out his left and right hands respectively, he was about to press the surface of the two books of Jeff that had life force transmitted.But then, just as his palm was about to touch the two books of Jerf, Bengyu suddenly stopped, and turned to look at Ichigo with her beautiful eyes, her tender lips lightly opened: "Master, you just said Now, these two books are the incarnations of demons, right? Since they are demons, they must be two existences that are not particularly easy to control."

"So what?" Knowing what Bengyu wanted to say, Ichigo then smiled indifferently, and replied to Bengyu, "If these two demons don't obey the discipline, we'll take this as a big deal. The two demons have turned back into books again."

"Yes. But Master, I have a good idea." The next moment, he nodded towards Ichigo in response, and Bengyu smiled softly again, and then said to Ichigo, "Master, do you want to? Sign a contract with these two books? That way, won't there be any problems?"

"Sign a contract?" Bengyu's proposal was quite interesting, and Ichigo couldn't help laughing with interest, then turned to Bengyu and asked, "What is the signing method?"

"Simply put, it is to put a ban on these two books that are about to turn into demons, a ban that absolutely must obey your master's wishes." A pair of beautiful bright purple eyes blinked lightly, and Bengyu further explained to Ichigo. , "In this way, isn't the master equivalent to two more absolutely loyal servants?"

"...Well, Bengyu, it's really interesting to say that." There are two more servants for no reason. Although this is not a great thing for Ichigo, it is definitely not a good thing. is a bad thing.Then he didn't open his mouth to refuse, and when Ichigo nodded, he grinned at Bengyu and said, "In that case, Bengyu, let's do as you said."

"Okay, master." With Yihu's permission, at the moment, while pursing her tender lips and smiling, Bengyu immediately responded to Yihu, and then pressed her white palms to the two books. On the surface of the Book of Jeff.

For a time, a dream-like purple light lit up.When Bengyu's palms were pressed on the two books of Jeff, the bright purple light like the stars shining in the sky at night suddenly put the two books of Jeff. Completely shrouded into it.


After nearly a minute, the purple awns under Bengyu's palm began to gradually dim.And with the fading of the purple light below the palm of Bengyu's palm, the two Jeff's books that had been placed on the table also disappeared, replaced by two women sitting above the edge of the table!

One of them has long orange-yellow hair, a proud figure, and wears a mask similar to that worn at a masquerade; the other woman has long smooth black hair , wearing a red coat with black speckled embellishments, and a pair of red ornaments like devil horns on top of his head.Seeing them, Beng Yu first paused, then turned to a gentle smile, and said to Ichigo: "Master, look, these are still two female demons."

At the same time, hearing Beng Yu's voice, the two female demons who were looking around immediately looked at Beng Yu subconsciously.Immediately after, when they noticed Ichigo standing beside Bengyu, the two female demons froze first, then hurriedly stood up as if they had reacted to something, and stopped sitting on the edge of the table.

"Xinglitian. Kuanghua (Liangyuetian. Sera) greets the master!..." The next moment, both of them landed on one knee, and the two female demons then bowed to Ichigo at the same time, and then moved towards Ichigo in unison. shouted.

"Is this due to luck?" For no reason, there were two more female demons who became their servants before turning into demons and joining the gate of Hades, which made Ichigo look down at the two who were bowing to him on one knee. When a female demon: Xinglitian. Kuanghua and Liangyuetian. Sera, I couldn't help thinking in my heart.After all, if Kuanghua and Sera were members of the Nine Ghosts Gate, the gate of the underworld, like the original, then they would not be able to become Ichigo's servants now.In this way, due to the arrival of Ichigo, the world has changed to a great extent.


The next day, in the Moon Slashing Guild.

Looking at the two women, Kuanghua and Sera, who obeyed his own words and changed their dress styles, Ichigo nodded in satisfaction.At the very least, in the Moon Slashing Guild, Kuanghua and Sera should not be able to wear unusual clothes, otherwise they would appear to be out of tune with the overall style of the Moon Slashing Guild.In addition, Ichigo also asked Kuanghua to take off the mask covering his face.After all, although Kuanghua is a devil, she is still a beautiful woman. If she used a mask to cover her face all day, it would be too boring.

"Wendy Mabel!...Is Wendy Mabel, the sky dragon slayer magician?" At this moment, a clear shout came from the front door of the Moon Slaying Guild.Looking at Xunsheng, it was a girl with dark pink hair tied into two braids on the left and right, followed by a woman with the same hair color as the girl.

"Why, are you looking for Wendy?" At the moment, looking at the girl who stepped into the Zhanyue Guild unceremoniously, Ichigo didn't care, and just asked the girl with a slight smile.

"Well, Wendy, isn't she a sky dragon slayer? I'm a sky god slayer, so I want to compete with her to see who is more powerful." The girl's nature was undoubtedly revealed, and she heard Ichigo's question at this moment. Without any hesitation, the girl replied directly to Ichigo, "Oh, by the way, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Xue Liya, and I'm a member of the Snake Princess Scales Guild."

"I'm sorry, President Kurosaki Ichigo, my sister is ignorant, please forgive me if I offend you." Unlike the girl's lively nature, the woman next to the girl appeared much more stable.Probably because of age and status, being an older sister always thinks more.At the moment, looking at Ichigo, the woman then apologized to Ichigo while smiling apologetically.

"Hey, elder sister, am I being rude? It should be normal for mages to compete with each other, right?" And listening to his elder sister's sorry words to Ichigo, the man named Shirley When Ya's girl felt a burst of dissatisfaction, she puffed her cheeks angrily, and said so to her sister. ..

Chapter [-] Wendy vs. Sheriya (Part [-])

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