This is just the most common heaven and earth spirit wood.In places like Cangyu City, ordinary spiritual woods are hard to find, so the spiritual wood that has been struck by lightning is even more difficult to find.

The ordinary heaven and earth spirit wood itself contains the eternal spirit power of heaven and earth, and it is full of vitality.They take the creation of heaven and earth and nourish their own bodies.

And many spiritual woods that have been created by heaven and earth are even more terrifying than ordinary tree demons.Once some spiritual woods are transformed, their cultivation level is even far above the spirit transformation realm.

The lightning strike was originally the punishment of heaven and earth, which contained the meaning of endless destruction and the breath of death.

After being struck by lightning from heaven and earth, Lingmu will come out in a circle at the gate of hell.If you have passed the punishment, it is good to say, if you can't pass it, then the death energy will directly penetrate into the body of these heaven and earth spirit woods.

In this way, the originally angry and mighty spirit wood will contain both life and death qi at the same time.This is that lightning strikes the wood.

However, after the failure of the spiritual wood to cross the thunder tribulation, the life and death contained in the spiritual wood will not last forever.Over time, it will gradually disappear.

It must be preserved in a special way, or even sealed.

In this way, it can be used as an adjuvant to survive the calamity of fire.

Although wood creates fire in the Five Elements, under the influence of spirit wood, the ground fire will be more prosperous.But at the same time, there will also be endless energy flowing into the monk's body from the spiritual wood.

At the same time, after the scouring of the life and death energy contained in the lightning strike wood, it can also make the cultivator's physique and cultivation level more condensed.

Even life and death have endless magical uses, which are hidden in it. ..

Chapter 182 Life and Death

Taoism says, one life is two, two begets three, and three begets all things.The second of these is that chaos transforms yin and yang, and yin and yang transforms life and death.

Life and death are so mysterious.All beings in this world, no matter how high or low their cultivation bases are, no matter their race, can't escape the cycle of life and death.

No matter how high your realm is, or you have all kinds of means to reach the sky, you can't escape the reincarnation of heaven in the end.It takes a whole life of hard work, and you can only keep ups and downs between life and death.

Cultivators come into the world to make a living, to practice cultivation is to make a living, and to transcend a calamity is to make a living.Changing one's life against the sky is a life, cultivating the gods and practicing the Tao is a life, and fighting in the Quartet is also a life.

But Heaven punishes one's body to die for death, and Dao's spiritual disappearance is for death.To die is to die, and to incarnate the Tao is also to die.

Anyone who can't be completely detached is all trying to find a trace of vitality in the samsara of life and death.

However, as long as he is completely detached from the world, he can change his life against the sky and become immortal.

However, since ancient times, I have never heard of anyone who can completely transcend the cycle of life and death.

Therefore, life and death are extremely mysterious.Since ancient times, there have been great supernatural powers who have cultivated into the two paths of life and death, all of which are supernatural powers that penetrate the sky and the earth.

Although they are still not detached from the world, they are also very powerful.However, these great supernatural powers who have cultivated the two paths of life and death do not practice the two paths of life and death at the same time.

They are all simply practicing the way of life, or the way of death.Doing both is impossible.

It must be known that the life and death between this world is terrible.Needless to say, getting angry is less dangerous when you practice cultivation.However, fighting with people is also a lot less means.

Most of those who practice the way of life are alchemists or alchemists.Helping others outweighs your own strength.

They generally do not like to fight with people, and most of them are peaceful people.But when I got more angry, I gradually lost that enterprising spirit.Many people who practice Shengdao have very long lifespans.

There are also many monks who practice Shengdao, who will accidentally get lost in the long river of life.

In fact, most of the monks who practice the way of life are also practicing the way of life, not just the way of life.

A monk who can comprehend the way of life, or a monk who also cultivates the way of life, is a person whose cultivation base is extremely high.

And what they plan is only the life force that the way of life brings to them, and a longer lifespan than ordinary people.In addition, there are battles, their own recovery ability and so on.

There are almost no monks who specialize in the way of life.If you specialize in the way of life, then when you fight against people, although your recovery ability is strong, you don’t have any decent means of attack.

Therefore, after coming and going, the power of specializing in the Dao of Life, as well as the inheritance of this Dao, is gradually lost.

However, according to legend, there were many major cultivators specializing in the one of life, and their methods were also very powerful.

It is even said that their fighting skills are completely inferior to other monks, or even better.This life together, among the three thousand avenues, is also ranked very high.

It is rumored that in the ancient times, there was a great power who cultivated the power of life to the extreme. He could change the world in a single thought, and even bring him back to life directly.

Once, when this great man was fighting against the enemy, he could make people fall into a long river of life in a single thought.In the endless river of life, let people die and disappear.

Looking at the world, no one is willing to provoke the king who dominates life.There are even many people who specifically seek this mighty disciple.

After all, who can cultivate to a certain level, who does not have some disciples, who can guarantee that they will not have an accident one day?At that time, this mighty help will be needed.

However, as a cultivator, as long as he is not detached from the way of heaven, he will eventually be under the control of the way of heaven.A person with a high level of cultivation will at most have a lifespan that is much longer than others.

As the so-called heaven and earth are eternal, that person who can reach the heavens and the complete life power is ultimately no match for the reincarnation of heaven and earth, and is lost in the long river of time.

However, I don't know what kind of changes happened during the period. The great master who specializes in the one of life has not left any cultivation methods, not even one of his disciples.

In later generations, and now, many cultivation methods of ancient times have been lost, and many inheritances have also been broken.No one can reproduce the brilliance of this avenue of life again.

Gradually, life together became the situation that is now almost cut off.Even though there are many cultivators who want to cultivate the Dao of Life, they don't have any way to cultivate.In this way, it has exacerbated the withering of the inheritance of life.

And the one of death is usually practiced by those who are demons, evil cultivators and other great evil people.They are usually unscrupulous in order to achieve their goals.Death is a shot, and I don't know how many people will die because of this.

There is even a legend that in ancient times there was an almighty monk who specialized in the breath of death, which was extremely terrifying.

As soon as he made a move, endless creatures fell into his death breath, and the way of death with one hand, no one in the world was not afraid of.

Once the way of death is used, it is like destroying the sky and destroying the earth.The breath of death has passed, and the armor is not left.

It is also said that in ancient times, there were great supernatural powers who practiced the power of death, claiming to be the god of death.

It is said that the power of death of the ancient god of death can be sent to the purgatory, and the power of death can condense the army of the undead in the sky. Wherever it goes, no one can stop it.

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