People who know these deeds can almost be ignored.Because, in the ancient times, there was a fault in history, and many things were lost. Even the real person Guangjie only got an ancient document by chance.

Only then did I learn about these things, and this document was also partially damaged, and the records were not very detailed, so the real person Guangjie didn't know much about them.

Moreover, the accumulation of karma is basically negligible for those low-level cultivators whose realms are pitifully low.

And only when the karma of karma in the world has accumulated to an extremely terrifying level, can there be a calamity of heaven and earth.Those low-level cultivators simply cannot grasp this level.

Low-level monks can't even feel the existence of these karma at all.Only those who have cultivated for countless years of great power can feel it.

Even the real person Guangjie has nothing to do with this karma.Therefore, after cultivating to an extremely transcendent state, practitioners must consolidate their Taoism.

Moreover, in order to practice obedience to the Dao, you must have no distractions, no self in your heart, only the Dao, so that you can have the opportunity to achieve the Dao.

There is another method, that is, after the cultivator reaches a very high level, he will take the initiative to cut off his own evil thoughts and obsessions.

Its name is the method of cutting the body into Taoism.Using this method to cut off evil thoughts and karma is relatively straightforward.But the premise is to have evil thoughts.

Of course, this premise is equivalent to no.

After all, cultivators are always fighting for their lives with the sky, so who can not have a bit of blood?

Who hasn't had blood on their hands?Who can have no evil thoughts?

However, it is definitely a very difficult thing to really cut off one's own evil thoughts.

Because to do this, you must end the great cause and effect that you have created.

A monk can cultivate to this point, who is not a ruthless person?

To be able to seize the cultivation resources from the hands of thousands of cultivators, and to become stronger step by step, there is absolutely no good person.Those who have cultivated to this realm are definitely groups of old monsters.

Few of those truly kind monks can cultivate to this level.

And those old monsters who have cultivated for countless years, their hands are definitely contaminated with life, and the cause and effect formed with people and this world must be very complicated.

I want to end all these causes and effects, completely cut off my own karma, and condense my good thoughts.Absolutely very difficult.

And only one by one to end one's own cause and effect, eliminate one's own karma, and condense true goodwill, only in this way can one be able to cut off evil thoughts.

At that time, once the evil thoughts are cut off, you will be able to make your spiritual platform empty, your soul will be clean, and you will truly reach the state of inaction and inaction.

A cultivator who has reached this level has to cut off his own obsessions.And this step is obviously more difficult.

His own obsession is obviously more difficult to get rid of.Because oneself is oneself, and oneself also contains one's own Dao Fa, which is the crystallization of one's life's cultivation and perception, how can it be cut off?

As long as you are human, you must have seven emotions and six desires. As long as you are human, you have human nature. Without these, can you still be human?

If you really cut yourself off, what's the difference between being dead?

I don't know if it was a fault in the documentation, or something happened in the middle, or maybe someone deliberately wanted to erase these inheritances.

The method of cutting one's body and becoming a Taoist seems to be feasible, but in fact it lacks practicality.

Therefore, since ancient times, the real person Guangjie has heard of this method.Throughout the ages, no one has really used this method of cutting one's body to become Taoist to achieve oneself.

It is mentioned in the ancient books that there is an almighty who has reached this state of cutting off his own evil thoughts and obsessions, but this is also a matter of countless years ago, and there is not much record at all now.

In the document that Master Guangjie obtained, he only wrote some of these things roughly, so even if he was a little curious about this method, Master Guangjie did not dare to try it easily. ..

Chapter 189 Ancient Inheritance

No one in these ancient times has been able to successfully practice the exercises, and many of them have been lost now, and they are already incomplete.

Even if Master Guangjie is conceited about his own cultivation, compared with those ancient and ancient heaven and earth powers recorded in the literature, they are still very far away.

In addition, in today's world, many cultivation methods have long been lost.

The energy between the heavens and the earth has also become thinner. Compared with the monks in the ancient times, the current monks are just like comparing the light of the firefly with the bright moon.

Therefore, even the real person Guangjie would not dare to touch these inherited Taoist methods easily.

However, although Master Guangjie did not dare to practice those ancient methods of enlightenment, at present, Master Guangjie is still far from reaching that level.

In addition, Master Guangjie also has a cultivation method such as the Dayan Heart Sutra, which is also a cultivation method that has been passed down for a long time.

Speaking of which, Master Guangjie's Dayan Heart Sutra was not passed down by his teacher, but a fragment obtained by Master Guangjie when he went out to practice when he was young, and accidentally broke into the ancient ruins.

At that time, the real Guangjie was high-spirited in his own inheritance sect, and he was also a figure like a generation of Tianjiao, high-spirited and conceited.

He traveled the world with many friends and experienced in the world, and he was also a proud young man for a while, full of high spirits.

Once, the real person Guangjie traveled to a place, which was called Shiwanda Mountain, and it looked very desolate at first glance.

The real person Guangjie discovered a ruin there. At the time, it didn't seem to be very large in scale. It looked very ordinary, like a shabby place that had been uninhabited for a long time, and there was nothing great about it.

Originally, the real person Guangjie just thought that it was a small relic, so he did not report much expectations.

However, when Guangjie Zhenren traveled here at the time, he felt a little tired when he walked a lot by himself.Just wanting to find a place to rest, Master Guangjie saw a small ruin below.

In the ruins, there was originally the protection of the power of the formation, and it was a very hidden place.

The power of the formation, although it has been around for a long time, still has infinite restraining power.But at that time, Guangjie Zhenren's formation method had reached the point of small success.

For a while, seeing Lie Xinxi, he started to destroy the square formation, but he did not expect that it was only the formation left by this side, but it took Master Guangjie several months to succeed.

It made the real Guangjie a little disgraced.However, correspondingly, Guangjie became more interested.

At that time, the real person Guangjie just went in with the mentality of having a play. In fact, he didn't have much hope, and he didn't expect to find anything.

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