Originally, in normal times, with only these two hundred years, although those arrogant cultivators can improve their cultivation a lot, it is impossible to become a top expert.

And during this period of turbulence in the world, all the sects have come to the juncture of life and death, and all the super sects have been fully revealed in a short time.

Some heritage treasures that originally needed to be cultivated, as well as within the sect, status, and other conditions, were directly opened.All kinds of resources, unlimited supply to those sect Tianjiao.

As the saying goes, the times create heroes. In a short period of time, the strength of many Tianjiao has changed.

As the arrogance of the major forces, they were originally the next-generation pillar-level figures, and their innate Taoism was the best choice.The potential for cultivation is absolutely terrifying.

What these geniuses lack is only time, exercises, accumulation of cultivation, and the tempering of actual combat.Now, none of these conditions are lacking.

A series of transcendent exercises that Tianjiao could not easily access, as well as the experience of predecessors, as well as the heavenly blessed land for the cultivation of those sect elders, are now all open to them unconditionally.

There are even many inheritances that were not in contact with before, as well as many powerful magic weapons, all of which were piled up to these arrogances at one time.

In addition, in the process of cultivation, the most terrifying thing for monks was the test of the Heavenly Dao.

At that time, even the Dao of Heaven itself was somewhat turbulent, and for a while, the power of Heavenly Punishment could be said to have dropped to its lowest point.Therefore, those geniuses are like rockets, constantly impacting the high realm.

Many peerless geniuses, all of them have skyrocketed in strength, and for a while, they are really peerless. ..

Chapter 194

In the past two hundred years or so, the cultivation bases of all the peerless arrogances have skyrocketed, and even later, they are no less than those of the original teachers and elders.

Although in some respects, it is still incomparable with the older generation of powerhouses, but compared to the normal cultivation speed of these geniuses, the height they can reach now is much higher.

Each of them has made full use of the resources reserved in the sect. Although there is no guidance from the elders of the division on the way, there are at least some of the experience of the seniors in the sect.

Moreover, although those old antiques who are approaching the limit of life and death, their fighting ability began to decline continuously because of age.

But the vision and realm of their generation are all there after all, and it is naturally not a problem to guide these younger generations.

In addition, these super sects themselves have unique spiritual resources.

Those super spiritual pills that are difficult for ordinary people to see are not rare for these super sects.

Among these sects, there are naturally monks who specialize in alchemy, and each sect also has its own alchemy hall.

Because of the cataclysm of heaven and earth, some elixir that would not have been easily taken out were also continuously supplied to the entire sect.

Those spiritual pills that were created by the heavens and the earth, which were originally only supplied to the elders of the sect, were also continuously refined at that time.

All kinds of elixir, which were originally limited supply, were also completely released at that time.But of course, even if the restrictions are completely relaxed.

There are still some basic rules and regulations, but these so-called rules are only formulated to prevent the disciples from wasting the medicinal pills.

In fact, the situation at the time was that as long as you could prove your loyalty to the sect, and as long as you could digest these elixir, then endless resources would come to you continuously.

Moreover, the top-level exercises treasured in the sects were also released at that time, and of course they were only limited to those geniuses.

As long as you show enough talent, the sect will give you those exercises specially.Although these exercises are not necessarily comparable to those super exercises that really belong to the peerless genius.

But even the ordinary disciples in the sect, the level of cultivation techniques that they could cultivate at that time was much stronger than before.

The reason why he was so desperate to cultivate disciples was the helplessness of those super sects at that time.

However, no matter how helpless the world is, no matter how severe the situation in the world is, those super sects will not completely pass on the core exercises that the sect has inherited to all the disciples under the sect.

Because if you do that, once some of the disciples who have learned the core exercises defect, all their inheritance exercises will be leaked.

Even if only a part of these inheritance exercises are leaked, it is a huge loss for these sects that have been inherited for a long time.

And some domineering sects even put a seal on the exercises that each disciple cultivates. If they spread the exercises without the consent of the sects, they will be directly destroyed. .

As for those rebel forces, they were originally next-level sects.In the field of cultivation techniques, as well as the background of spiritual pills and magic weapons, they are not comparable to these super sects.

Therefore, it is natural to find ways to fill these gaps.They tried every means to try to get the cultivation methods of those super sects.

As for things like elixir, every time they defeat a sect or win a war, they may get a lot, but at the same time they have to consume a lot.

In addition, once the war is won, the winning party can obtain many powerful magic weapons, which also greatly enriches the strength of these rebel forces.

However, even so, they are still not comparable to those super sects that are already in the dominant position.

Among those super sects, there are Dan Zong and Qi Zong handed down from ancient times.These two sects originated from the ancient inheritance, no one can compare in terms of alchemy and tool refining.

At that time, all the super sects were reckless and spared no effort to support, many raw materials, as well as heaven and earth spiritual treasures, were continuously sent to these two sects.

And even after many times of chaos, neither of these two sects suffered much loss.Many super sects have teamed up to defend the two sects and built the guardian array like an iron barrel.

So that those rebel forces have no way to start.At that time, the two sects of the two sides were also closed, and they were constantly refining all kinds of medicinal pills and many magic weapons in the sect.

As time passed, a steady stream of various medicinal pills and magic weapons were continuously sent out from these two sects.In this way, the strength of those super sects has been greatly enhanced, and for a while, the struggle against the rebel forces and the demons outside the sky has become more in full swing.

Moreover, although these super sects have experienced wars, the concentration of spiritual energy in their sects, as well as the power of those spirit gathering formations, are definitely not comparable to those of the rebel sects.

In addition, at that time, because the original teachers and elders were no longer there, the places of good fortune that originally belonged to the teachers and elders, as well as the heavenly blessed places of each sect, were also settled by the peerless Tianjiao disciples among those sects.

For a time, the treatment of these arrogances was much better than that of the elders of the original division.

Although, the realm of these arrogant people is still far inferior to those of the great powers who participated in the good fortune, but each of them has made a lot of breakthroughs on the basis of the original.

In the later stage, almost all of them have reached the realm of those super masters, and the strength of those elite disciples under the sect has also skyrocketed.

Sometimes, the great catastrophe of heaven and earth is not sure whether it is a catastrophe or an opportunity for these younger generation Tianjiao.

The so-called troubled times produce talents, and current events create heroes, which is exactly the truth.Those rebellious forces, after all, do not have such a solid background. Whether it is external resources or the strength of the disciples in the sect, they are gradually distanced by these super forces.

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