They originally thought that at least some of these closed-door disciples should have followed those high-level people.

Although there are still some leftovers in the end, I am afraid that there are not too many people left.Even if there is, I am afraid that there are only some old people who usually occupy the position of elders to care for the elderly, and they have no fighting power at all.

However, when these closed-door disciples appeared, the number of them surprised the rebellious forces.

Moreover, the combat power of these closed-door disciples completely exceeded the imagination of the rebel forces.Moreover, many of them came from the Dharma Protector Hall or the Law Enforcement Hall in the sect, and each of them was a master who had been practicing hard for many years.

Their appearance, all of a sudden, broke the original balance.

Even if these rebel forces have a huge advantage in terms of overall numbers, when the super sect's closed disciples come out, the number advantage of the rebel forces will decrease sharply.

And when it comes to combat effectiveness, the older generation masters hidden by the rebel forces are completely inferior to those masters of the super sect.

In addition, those super-powerful contemporary geniuses, one by one in the battle, and with the full support of their respective sects, are constantly breaking through their realms.

The skills of each peerless Tianjiao are slowly approaching those of the older generation of masters.Even on the battlefield, there was a case where a peerless genius defeated several masters of the older generation alone.

Originally on the battlefield, although all the sects of the right way, it was only the treasures of those peerless geniuses who were in charge of the sect that could stand still with those rebellious sects.

And even so, those peerless geniuses are incomparably immature after all, they still don't have enough combat experience, and they don't have any advantages in terms of numbers.

In the previous few battles, it was almost always at a disadvantage.But now, those masters who have been in seclusion for a long time are no longer hidden. After they were born, the situation changed dramatically in an instant.

On the battlefield that traverses the entire Wanling World, there is almost a one-sided situation.Those rebel forces have almost become completely powerless to fight back.

Those who were beaten were retreating, even if the older generation of their sects appeared, it would not change the situation.

After all, the characters of their older generation are not too powerful, and they were immediately completely at a disadvantage compared to those super sect retreat masters who were also older generation characters.

Even if the length of their cultivation time is almost the same, the older generation of the super sects, since they can enter the super sect, must be much stronger than the older generation of the rebel forces in terms of talent.

In addition, the resources of the super sects are much more abundant than those of the next-level sects. Naturally, the final growth height will definitely be different.

But even now, being beaten and retreating, those rebels still can't believe that those super sects really hide so many masters of the older generation.

But in fact, they didn't guess wrong.Among these masters of the previous generation, there are many strong ones who went to the catastrophe of that day.

After all, compared to the heads of the first-class forces, these people are considered powerful.Even the masters of these top sects are even stronger than the heads of the first-class forces.

In that great catastrophe, the heads of the first-class forces, as well as the heads of the next-level sects, all rushed to the outer battlefield, and they were no exception.

But their number, after the continuous accumulation of time, has become too large to be imagined by those low-level forces.

This is also one of the reasons why those superpowers can exist in this world for a long time.

At the same time, it is also the reason why the superpowers dared to leave all, the top-level powers were exhausted, and almost all the masters went to the catastrophe of heaven and earth.

Many hidden retreat masters are the back-hands left by those powerful people for their own sect.Although they are willing to sacrifice themselves for this world of all spirits, and go to the catastrophe of that day.

But these sects are the legacy left by their countless predecessors, and they must not be interrupted by their hands.

Otherwise, they would be embarrassed to face those seniors of the division under Jiuquan.

Therefore, these great masters have spared no effort to leave behind a lot of backhands. These old monsters, who have cultivated for many years, naturally understand the human heart.

As the saying goes, don't be afraid of ten thousand, but be afraid of what happens.They also don't know that one day, these low-level sects who had surrendered to them will give birth to the heart of rebellion.

Moreover, leaving behind is also to guard against the counterattacks of those evil demons and beasts.

After all, even now, whether it is the righteous way or the demonic way, they are all facing common disasters.But as the saying goes, people who are not my race will have different hearts.

Who knows, when the great powers of the Demon Dao left the Myriad Spirit World, did they leave any means behind.If there is, it is impossible to fully cope with those juniors and descendants alone.

Although, those younger disciples of theirs are all good in strength and talent.But after all, he is still too young. How scheming are those Demon Dao masters?The backhand they left behind is not something that the juniors can resist.

Maybe if they are not careful, the superpowers of these superpowers and the painstakingly managed sects will be directly wiped out.

Therefore, those great powers who are extremely important to the inheritance of the sect, as well as the elders of the super sects, etc., naturally cannot be completely assured of their sects.

After all, people are separated from each other, and when they are there, other sects are safe.But who knows what the world will be like after they leave?

Now, with the birth of the older generation of masters who stayed in the super sect retreat, for a time, the entire battlefield is showing a one-sided situation.Those rebel forces simply could not resist so many masters. ..

Chapter 198

Those rebellious forces, after all, were much shallower than these super forces in terms of their background, so they could not stop the impact of so many masters at that time.

The impact of many masters, that is, those rebellious forces in the period of complete victory, I am afraid it is difficult to resist, because this is not the same level at all.

They can only rely on the huge numerical advantage to constantly resist, and there is no room for a counterattack.

At this time, the offensive of those superpowers is also becoming more and more terrifying.With their powerful offensive, they show how they can become superpowers and how they can achieve overlord-level strength.

Although during the battle, the top-level super masters and the great powers were missing, but they still had an extremely terrifying combat power.

These masters of the older generation are superior to the rebel forces in terms of strength and combat ability.

The mere rebel forces are simply not the opponents of those veteran masters of the superpower.Therefore, since the beginning of the battle, these rebel forces have fallen into the disadvantage and began to retreat.

They couldn't stop such a terrifying offensive at all, and they were extremely uncomfortable for a while, and the war was completely a one-sided trend.

Under such circumstances, those rebellious forces all started to panic.

Their previous estimates of the situation were completely inadequate, and they never expected that these superpowers still had such a huge reserve force.

For a while, it was simply impossible to resist.Many rebel forces, in this war, continue to decline.

Under the pressure of this situation, they had to find a new way out.And in this battle, those demons outside the sky are basically in a state of watching the fire from the other side, and they don't take action at all.

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