"Alas..." However, the sigh this time was not as powerful as the previous one.

Among the sighs this time, there is only the endless desolation and helplessness left.With this helpless sigh, the blood-colored magic bead circled in the sky.

But it followed, but no other action was made, as if he was afraid of something unexpected, and in an instant, he fell straight towards the [-]-zhang peak below.

And at the highest point of the mountain, it was instantly filled with endless black mist, and the black and purple auras kept circling there, and the blood-colored magic bead fell directly towards the mountain.

However, rather than falling towards the mountain peak, it is better to say that it fell towards the mist on the mountain top. As soon as it touched, blood-purple rays of light flashed, making the blood-colored magic bead instantly invisible.

And just when the blood-colored magic bead disappeared, the whole earth seemed to shake, as if some barrier was broken in an instant.

At the same time, the very clear dividing line that originally existed between the extreme arctic ice field and the black magic shadow area here is no longer visible now.

Over there, on the border of the extreme arctic icefield, the white aura that was originally cut off spreads a little towards the area surrounded by ghosts at this time.

And the black ghost aura also spread a little towards the extreme north ice field here, and the two were mixed together.But just this, it gave people a completely different feeling.

The magic shadow area, which was originally incompatible, now exists in this extreme northern forbidden area and truly integrates into this world.

But the matter is not over. In the center of the Arctic Icefield, the aura like a wilderness is constantly surging towards the ghost space here. .

And the nine peaks that originally rose out of thin air have now become the dividing line that divides these two areas.

At this time, the God of Punishment's eyes also gave him a fierce look here, and the huge God of Punishment's eyes seemed to contain endless anger and helplessness.

But after all, there is no way to do it, an invisible wave is constantly radiating out, at this moment, it seems that the whole world is lamenting, but the coercion of the divine eye of punishment begins to gradually dissipate.

Heavenly Punishment seems to know that it is impossible to destroy this ghost world if they continue to fight like this.

At this moment, the shadow space has been connected with the breath of the extreme northern forbidden area. Although it is not completely integrated, the extreme northern forbidden area is full of endless strange atmosphere, as if there is some taboo.

And Tiandao also seemed to have some scruples, and did not continue to stalemate, but chose to retreat.The originally vast Tianwei finally subsided at this moment, as if it had never appeared.

And those masters who stayed outside naturally felt that the aura of divine punishment had disappeared.These people breathed a sigh of relief, and this terrifying world-destroying divine thunder finally receded.

Previously, although this World Destruction Divine Thunder was aimed at the equally terrifying extreme northern forbidden area, they were also afraid that they would be affected.After all, everything is destroyed under the World Destruction God Thunder, this is no joke.

Although these masters are puzzled, why does this world-destroying divine thunder appear, obviously nothing happened.

But it's hard to understand, it's fortunate that this world-destroying god thunder has receded.One by one, the hearts that they had been hanging on were finally able to let go.

But they really didn't know that if they were to contact the border of the extreme northern forbidden area at the moment, they would find that the border of the extremely terrifying extreme northern forbidden area was much weaker at the moment.

Rest assured, they certainly didn't have the guts to continue exploring the Far North Forbidden Land.These things can only be left to them to discover later.

These masters all looked at each other at this time. Originally, some of them were opposed to each other. Just now, they only cooperated temporarily to fight against the Yuwei of the World Destruction God Thunder.

At this moment, the robbery has receded, and the thoughts of these people have been revealed again.

For a while, the atmosphere here began to become a little subtle. These masters looked at each other, and each had a different look in their eyes. Some were disdainful, some were fighting, some were helpless, and some were expecting.

But they didn't say a word after all, and backed away silently.And the departure of these people also announced that things in this extreme northern region can finally come to an end.

After this accident, the extreme north region ushered in a brief period of calm.The original dispute has also subsided a little.

Because of the impact of this change, those original battles were no longer carried out.Moreover, those superpowers in the extreme northern region, after this change, to be precise, were hit by the power of the calamity.

All of them had an epiphany for a while, so they all focused on improving their cultivation.Naturally, these struggles are less of a concern.

When the entire Myriad Spirit World is in constant war, the temporary calm in the extreme northern region is somewhat unique in this Myriad Spirit World.

But these are all later stories.Right now, I am afraid that in the entire Myriad Spirit World, only the old man on the top of Tianlei Mountain can see clearly what is happening in the extreme northern forbidden area.

The old man stared at the extreme northern region, his gaze seemed to be able to traverse the entire space.At this time, the expression of the old man did not change, but his slightly shaking hands showed that his heart was not calm. ..

Chapter 216 Above the Thunder Mountain

Behind the old man, a series of thunder and lightning are constantly gathering, and the thunder and lightning form an endless sea of ​​thunder. If ordinary people are here, I am afraid that they can't stand it just by being close to the old man.

And this old man is standing here, just above this mountain of thunder.This scene looked extremely strange, the old man's eyes stared blankly ahead, and his hands kept shaking.

The old face with only a layer of skin left, which was already dry, looked even more decayed. The wind blew gently, and the old man's worn robes fluttered in the wind.

With the flickering of thunder and lightning, and the dancing of the gust of wind, dark clouds kept gathering, and the whole sky began to become dark.

A little drizzle began to fall towards the ground, and the old man gently raised his dry palm.

Drops of rain fell on his wrinkled palms, and the old man's hunched body became even lower.

The old figure, as if a gust of wind blows, can directly blow it down.In this wind and rain, the old man's body trembled slightly, but if someone was here, he would find that although the rain could slip into the old man's palm.

But it didn't touch his clothes at all. There wasn't even a little bit of rain on his shabby robes. This scene seemed very strange.

However, if anyone who knows this Thunder Mountain is here, it will feel even more bizarre, because this Thunder Mountain is a mountain shrouded in an endless sea of ​​thunder.

No matter when, there is a dense power of thunder that keeps flashing on the Thunder Mountain.Moreover, there are often strong winds blowing on this Thunder Mountain.However, from ancient times to the present, there has never been even a drop of rain in Leishan on this day.

Let alone rain, there was never any vapour in the air.Because those water vapors have not yet reached the range of Tianlei Mountain, they will be directly evaporated by the violent power of thunder.

But this time, it was raining in the Tianlei Mountain range, which in itself seemed very strange.Of course, the blood rain that fell in front was transformed by the power of heaven and could be regarded as an alternative.

At this moment, the water droplets in the old man's hand slowly flowed down his palm. The old man watched it quietly for a while, and then slowly raised his head.

Those eyes that were originally full of turbidity, a hazy light flashed from them.

Then, two sighs came from the old man's mouth. The voice was obviously very small, but it sounded clearly in the surrounding void.

The surrounding rain seemed to stop for a while.Two sighs, one filled with helplessness, and the other filled with endless melancholy.

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