However, although they did not fully notice it, they also found some problems faintly.For example, there have been cases where some powerful forces were exterminated in a short period of time, and the means of extermination were extremely cruel.

The entire force went from top to bottom, and there was no one alive, and even the spiritual power accumulated by the entire force was completely drained overnight.

This annihilation event had a huge impact on the entire Wanling World at that time.Because the forces that were destroyed, in the entire world of ten thousand spirits, are big forces that can be ranked first.

And since someone can destroy this force in a short period of time, obviously they can also destroy other sects with similar status in an instant.Therefore, many powerful forces are in danger for a while.

At that time, people in the whole world of all spirits understood that in this world of all spirits, there was no known force that could do such a thing, neither the righteous way nor the demonic way.

Therefore, for a period of time, this matter has become an unsolved case in the entire Wanling world.And after that, it seemed as if there was a big net in the dark that was constantly shrinking.

Because it followed, several forces were destroyed one after another.And the same as the previous case of extermination, the entire force went up and down, not a single living hole was left, and even all the spiritual power was exhausted.

For a time, this claws that were hiding in the dark caused panic in the entire world of all spirits.The battle between the demons stopped immediately, and both sides were bent on guarding against this secret demonic hand.

And the claws hidden in the dark seem to know that there is no chance of success if they hide.In other words, they feel that with their current strength, there is no need to hide anything.

Finally, under the shocking attention of the righteous and the devil, or the whole world of all spirits, the gate of the extreme northern forbidden area was directly opened. ..

Chapter 218 Unpredictable

If it is said that there is a magic claw hidden in the dark that is constantly destroying some powerful forces, this incident will at most make those super forces feel terrible and be nervous.

The opening of the number one forbidden area in this Myriad Spirit World is definitely a great shock to all the forces in this Myriad Spirit World.Because since ancient times, it has never been heard that the Far North Forbidden Land will be opened.

Moreover, in the long history of Wanling World, this extreme northern forbidden area has never been introduced in detail.What exactly is inside the forbidden area in the extreme north is absolutely mysterious to these monks in the world of all spirits.

However, although history has not specifically introduced this extreme northern forbidden area, it has also said something in general.

For example, an ancient book called Wanlingzhi has a record: "In the extreme north of the mainland, there are ice fields, chaos is unknown, and outsiders cannot enter. If you enter, nothing will be returned. !"

Although this sentence was only mentioned briefly, the extreme northern forbidden area was not introduced in detail after that.However, just this few words, but it has already described the terrible stroke of the extreme northern forbidden area.

And now, the gate of the forbidden area in the extreme north has been opened, shocking countless forces.All forces have raised their defenses to the highest level.

And those super forces in the world of all spirits, under the full defense, naturally have a role.Although there have been many wars before, but now, the struggle between these superpowers of the righteous and the devil has eased.

As the saying goes, the hundred-legged worm is dead but not stiff. This sentence is absolutely reasonable.Although these forces have experienced a series of battles, they are all losing their strength.

However, during this period, there were also many talented people who continued to grow in battle.In addition, the new generation of masters in the sect has gradually begun to become stronger. Although the overall number has decreased a lot, the proportion of elites has also increased correspondingly.

Therefore, the strength of these super forces is still relatively strong.

Now, every sect is cautious, and even several forces are united to continuously investigate these strange events.

Although there were no major discoveries in the end, there were some eyebrows and clues.And these many clues finally point to the celestial demon clan that had ravaged the world of myriad spirits for more than a hundred years.

However, although these clues were found, when those superpowers recovered, they found that the entire celestial demon family had disappeared in the world of ten thousand spirits, leaving no trace at all.

Even the forces that originally attempted to control the extraterrestrial demons and thus rebelled could not find any trace of those extraterrestrial demons.

A large part of the reason for this result is that after the superpowers defeated the Tianwai Evil Clan, they believed that the Tianwai Evil Clan was no longer a threat.Coupled with the years of war, many of them have gradually forgotten these evil people.

But now, when I wanted to find these evil people, I suddenly found that they were gone.Originally, in order to control the outer demon clan, those rebel forces also arranged a lot of people inside.

But now, they have all lost contact.Naturally, these rebel forces knew that the manpower they had laid down would have already been wiped out.

At present, the gate of the forbidden area in the extreme north has been opened. Although these forces in the world of all spirits do not want to believe that it is the work of demons, they still can't help but think of those evil demons.

Because these forces in the world of all spirits have been fighting for countless years, they all know each other well, they all know each other's strength, and they know that these forces in the world of all spirits are absolutely impossible to be able to move the extreme northern forbidden area.

Although I don't know if the foreign demons have this ability that day, I have to say that they are definitely the most likely.

For a time, these forces all turned their attention to the extreme northern forbidden area.However, after the gate of the extreme northern forbidden area was opened, there was suddenly no movement.

The entire Far North Forbidden Land fell into tranquility again, and the entrance to the Far North Forbidden Land was always open like this, which seemed extremely strange.

And these forces in Wanling World couldn't figure out the situation for a while, but they didn't dare to act rashly. They could only send some people to enter and investigate first.

However, after those people entered, no news came back.In this way, these forces are even more afraid to act rashly.

In the end, the gate of the extreme northern forbidden area was opened for nearly a year, and there was no movement at all.Many forces have turned their attention to this side, although there is no news, but none of these forces in the world of spirits dare to take it lightly.

Even, many forces have united to lay down layers of defense forces on the edge of the extreme northern forbidden area.As for the superpowers in the extreme northern regions, they even raised all their strengths to defend here.

Many monks and many formations are arranged here, it can be said that it is like a net.

Although I don't know what's going on inside, these forces are also confident. The power they deploy here, no matter how powerful the opponent is, I am afraid they will never pass.

Even if those heavenly demons return to their heyday, I am afraid that with the power of these formations they have deployed, they can still stop one or two.During this period, they can draw more forces to help.

And at this time, what these forces never expected was that the demons from outside the sky did not come out directly from the forbidden area in the extreme north, but rushed out directly from the ruins of those forces that had been destroyed before!

Many demons from outside the sky were dispatched, and the place they passed instantly turned into a purgatory.The number and strength of these extraterrestrial demons are completely beyond expectations, and it can even be said that it has exceeded the heyday strength of these extraterrestrial demons when they originally invaded the world of all spirits!

The powerful strength and huge number instantly caught these monks in the world of all spirits by surprise.Many nearby forces were wiped out in an instant, and only those super forces were able to resist one or two.

However, many of these superpowers were temporarily transferred to the extreme northern region.Therefore, for a while, the power to stay behind seems a little insufficient.

And they never thought that there were so many extraterrestrial demon powers under these ruined ruins, or to be more precise, those teleportation formations hidden under these sect ruins teleported the extraterrestrial demons out. !

Unpredictable, directly suffered a big loss. ..

Chapter 219 Missing

In the past, when those sects were destroyed, there were many forces in Wanling World, and they all explored the ruins of the destroyed sect, but in the end they found nothing.

Obviously, these heavenly demons have used secret methods to cover up these traces, and they are also confident that these monks in the world of all spirits cannot detect them.

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