However, because that person still did not cross the last ninth-order ladder, Master Guangjie did not accept that person as a disciple.You must know that the ninth step behind the ladder, known as one step at a time, is not for nothing.

Although the materials that Guangjie real people used to build the ladder were not good at that time, some of them were even very low-level materials.However, based on the realm of Guangjie and his perception, even if it is a ladder created by hand, its power is absolutely terrifying.

So at that time, after Ichigo passed the ninth-order ladder at the back, Master Guangjie had the idea of ​​accepting an apprentice.After knowing some secrets about this place, Master Guangjie also had a little hope for Ichigo's blood.

But at the beginning, the most important aspect of his investigation of this ladder was that willpower.And this heart robbery, the most important thing is to test people's willpower.

Just relying on the willpower of Ichigo to be able to break through the ladder completely, Guangjie real person believes that it is definitely not a small heart calamity in the stage of forming a pill, and it can stop Ichigo's footsteps from becoming stronger.

"However, why does the current state look a little wrong? Could it be because the realm has been improved a little faster recently, so it has been attacked?"

"But that's not possible. Although this kid's strength has improved a little faster, he is only at the foundation building level. This kind of improvement speed is by no means unattainable in the outside world. Moreover, although I don't know why, But the old man, I am sure, with the character of this kid, he can definitely be this kind of strength."

"Is it possible that the reason for the current situation is that the power of this kid's bloodline has awakened? Has there been a mutation?"

For a time, the real person Guangjie was confused. ..

Chapter 225 The Endless Mist

Could it be that this kid really has some hidden blood power that has evolved now?You must know that in terms of the glory of this place in ancient times, even if anything appears, it is said to be in the past.

However, although Master Guangjie thought so, he knew that when he was helping Yihu to strengthen his physique before, he found that Yihu had no special blood power at all.

Ichigo has only that ordinary bloodline, just an ordinary ordinary person.At most, a beast spirit body will be added, and it was only the lowest level beast spirit body at the beginning, and there is nothing special at all.

Therefore, Master Guangjie had always thought that Ichigo had no other bloodline at all, and the reason for his rapid progress was only because of his strong talent and strong willpower.

However, these changes have taken place in Ichigo now. Although I don't know why, it has brought up the calm heart of Master Guangjie.

What if a miracle really happens?So, I knew that Ichigo didn't have the power of blood in the past, but Master Guangjie still had a glimmer of hope now.

From the experience of the real person Guangjie, he knows a lot of things.According to legend, some special bloodlines with strong inheritance must be opened after a certain period of time, and once opened, they will be extremely abnormal.

Moreover, because of the power of the natural bloodline, it is much stronger than other ordinary people, so the test of heaven for those who have bloodline is also very strict.Moreover, when they are tested by Heavenly Dao, many unimaginable things usually happen.

In addition, Master Guangjie also knows that there are many inheritance bloodlines, and in the heart robbery, there will be many things that are different from ordinary people.Of course, these things are not completely absolute.

The Ichigo in front of him seemed to have undergone some kind of change. Although he didn't know what would happen, it was definitely different from ordinary people.

Right now, although he knew that the possibility of Yihu's special bloodline awakening was very small, or even impossible, Master Guangjie was still a little curious, and Yihu was his only disciple, so he was also very afraid of Yihu. What went wrong.

Although this heart calamity had to be overcome by himself, and others could not interfere at all, but the changes that occurred in Ichigo caused the originally calm heart of Master Guangjie to fluctuate slightly.

Master Guangjie secretly settled his heart, a ray of light flashed in his eyes, and he whispered a few times in his mouth, one after another faintly flickering behind him.

Many Dao patterns flashed behind Master Guangjie in a very mysterious way, and it seemed that he also felt the movements of Master Guangjie, and a black aura came from Ichigo.

The black energy wrapped Ichigo's whole person in a very special way, and the black aura was extremely strong, like a big black cocoon, tightly wrapping Ichigo's whole person. in.

The breath of the outside world could not touch Ichigo at all.Moreover, there seems to be an invisible force spreading out from the outside world.There is a peculiar force moving towards the real person Guangjie.And wherever this breath passed, everything seemed to fall into a deep sleep.

Guangjie's body trembled slightly, and he naturally knew what these were.On Ichigo, that aura is obviously the power of the heart robbery. With that breath wrapped, no one can touch Ichigo at all.Everything, just waiting for Ichigo to break out of his cocoon.

Moreover, if someone breaks these breaths from the outside, I am afraid that Ichigo will die on the spot.And the destroyer will also be directly wrapped in the powerful heart robbery and fall into the endless purgatory heart robbery.And no matter what strength you have, it is a very scary thing to be tempted in advance.

Of course, since Master Guangjie knows this, he must have a way of not being disturbed by it.Feeling that the power of Xin Jie was spreading towards him, Master Guangjie's fingers quickly pinched a few hand tricks, and mysterious rays of light continued to radiate from his body.

hum!The voice that sounded like Dao Ming immediately reverberated, and then the force of the heart robbery that swept towards the real person of Guangjie was dissipated.

And the Dao patterns behind the real person Guangjie also lit up one by one.Master Guangjie clenched his hands and drank softly, "Don't touch the body, hide the sky and cross the sea!"

After reciting this formula, the heart robbery power that enveloped Ichigo began to gradually dissipate in the eyes of Master Guangjie.The light in his eyes shot directly towards Ichigo.

For a while, Ichigo's whole person seemed to be directly seen through by the real person Guangjie.His soul sea, including the vision in his mind, was seen through by the real person Guangjie.

However, it was precisely because he had seen through it that the real person Guangjie was taken aback for a moment.How is this going?In his eyes, in Ichigo's soul sea, there is nothing but an endless fog.

At this time, Ichigo's mind couldn't feel anything. All he could feel was darkness.

"Where is this? Where am I?" Ichigo asked softly from the depths of his heart.

But no one could respond to him, Ichigo opened his eyes and looked around with force, but almost all the places he could see were dark, and there were many fogs that could not be seen through.

"How is this possible?" Ichigo said in surprise after looking at it, knowing that although Ichigo's current strength is not very strong, at least it can be compared to the existence of the Core Formation Stage, and at this realm it is already It can be regarded as truly stepping into the door of a practitioner.

Ordinary darkness should have long been unable to resist Ichigo's sight. Night and day have almost no effect on him.

Also, in the realm of Yihu, he has already been able to perceive the outside world with his spiritual sense.But now, his spiritual sense cannot be released at all, even if he is barely able to release his spiritual sense, he can only detect the surrounding area.

And this mere zhangxu is almost the same as nothing, because within the range of Yihu's side, only the fog that can't be seen is left.

After trying to sense the surroundings for a while, I found that I couldn't feel anything, so Ichigo gave up, and stopped wasting his physical strength in vain.Moreover, just for this short period of time, Ichigo felt a pain in his head.

Like being stabbed with an awl by someone, the whole person's mind is in a foggy state. ..

Chapter 226 Awakening

Moreover, Ichigo can also feel his own thinking now, and his consciousness is constantly blurring. Ichigo tries hard to keep himself awake, but he can't do it.

The terrifying fog in front of him was constantly engulfing his spiritual sense. Feeling this scene, Ichigo's subconscious fingers trembled slightly. He wanted to quickly seal the seal to protect his spiritual sense.

However, something that was usually very easy was impossible to do at this time, and he couldn't lift his fingers at all.And Ichigo continued to persist, and an extremely terrifying heavy pressure pressed directly towards Ichigo in the next moment.

This heavy pressure, like the top of Mount Tai, directly staggered Ichigo. Ichigo's body didn't move very much at the moment, so now he has almost no defense power.

This extremely huge coercion directly pressed his body down, Ichigo wanted to resist, but found that no matter what he did at this moment, it was useless.

After the real person Guangjie used the supernatural power to hide from the sky and the sea, he could also see through the abnormal situation of Ichigo at a glance, only to see him shaking his head gently.

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