Right now, the Earth Fire Tribulation has already begun. As for the Five Treasures Medicine, Ichigo has only heard of it, but he has never even seen it.

And even if they saw it, these five precious medicines were definitely not something that Ichigo, who had just arrived in this world, could afford. If you knew about one of the five treasures medicines, it was possible to create an elixir master.

In a place like Cangyu City, an elixir-forming master, even if it is only the lowest elixir cultivator, is definitely a master. If a family can have one more elixir master, it will be in Within the scope of the Nine Cities, the right to speak must definitely be improved a lot.

Therefore, in the eyes of these families, these five treasures medicines may not be able to be measured by spirit stones at all. Although Ichigo got a thousand pieces of middle-grade spirit stones from the city lord's mansion, it is considered a small hair. In terms of wealth, it is a little more than the average small family.

But if you buy these five treasures medicine, I am afraid you can't even buy one, and it is the worst kind.

You must know that the Lin family of Cangyu City can be regarded as a powerful family within the scope of the nine cities. However, the accumulation of the ancestors of the Lin family has only a few masters who form pills. That's it.

All the forces in the entire Cangyu City were added together, and counting the thousand-year inheritance of the City Lord's Mansion, there were only about a hundred masters of Pill Formation.

From these, we can actually see how precious these five precious medicines are.

However, what Ichigo didn't know was that he still regarded Cangyu City's strength a little high.With the strength that Cangyu City has inherited for thousands of years, although it is powerful, it still does not have so many resources.

It is a coincidence that there are so many masters of forming pills.Among these pill-forming cultivators, except for a few, the rest are basically these five treasures medicines that have been replaced by other spiritual medicines.

You must know that although these five treasures medicines are indispensable things for crossing the fire of the earth, they are too rare after all.

Therefore, some people found through research that there are other natural treasures with similar medicinal properties, which can replace these five treasures.However, this kind of heaven and earth treasure is also extremely precious, and compared with the medicinal properties of the five treasures medicine, it is also greatly discounted.

The cultivators who almost used these alternative elixir, the elixir that they finally conjured were almost not of good quality.

And the vast majority of cultivators in Cangyu City used this method, otherwise, a place like Cangyu City would not be able to support so many cultivators.

However, even if Ichigo knew about this method of replacing the Five Treasures Medicine with other medicinal materials, he would not bother to use this method.

Although now, it seems that even if Ichigo wants to use this method, there is no medicinal material for him to use.Right now, the calamity of the earth fire has already arrived at the head of Yi Hu, and talking about the five precious medicines can only be discussed on paper.

A scalding burning sensation rose directly from Ichigo's spiritual sea.At this moment, Ichigo's spiritual sea has accumulated a lot of spiritual power.

However, when these spiritual powers meet the invisible flames like ground fire, they burn instantly like oil meets open flames.In an instant, Ichigo's soul sea was filled with flames.

Affected by this change, Ichigo's body burned much faster.Originally this hot temperature, according to common sense, should be sweating.However, before Ichigo's sweat came out, it was directly evaporated.

And, not only that, the moisture in Ichigo's body was constantly running away, and even Ichigo's skin became dry and wrinkled in an instant.

Even the hair on his body, such as his hair and eyebrows, was burnt away in just an instant.And... even his clothes were burnt to ashes in an instant.

In an instant, Ichigo became bare. Fortunately, there are only two people here, Ichigo and Guangjie. Otherwise, if there are more people here, I am afraid that Ichigo's strong capital will be seen...

Around Ichigo, the temperature of the entire space kept rising. On his face, layers of dry skin kept falling off, and the whole person's skin began to turn from red to black, as if it had been scorched. .

For a while, the picture looked extremely weird.On one side was a young man sitting cross-legged with bare legs, all the hair on his body was burnt clean.

The dry skin on his body also began to fall off.On the other side, it was very cool, and there were even bursts of cold wind blowing constantly. An old Taoist on the side seemed to feel the cold and wrapped the worn Tao robe on his body.

It's just a short distance away, but it seems to be completely different poles.However, if someone stood beside Ichigo, they would find that there was no heat at all around this young man.

Some, just endless cold air, even as if the whole person fell into the icy underground abyss.

It was as if the whole earth had cracked open, and then the entire ground had been turned over.The breath of the earth is emitting one after another, which is very strange.

The old man over there was naturally the real person Guangjie. I saw that the real person Guangjie was wrapping the old Taoist robes on his body, as if he felt the cold, and he couldn't help but sneezed.He murmured, "What the hell is the weather, it's so cold."

I don't know how I would react if Ichigo, who was being burned by the fire, heard this.I am afraid that I have the heart to strangle the real person Guangjie to death.

What is cold?Not to mention the powerful cultivation of Master Guangjie, even the cultivation of Yihu, under normal circumstances, has long been immune to cold and heat.

The real Guangjie opened his old eyes, looked at Yihu slightly, with a playful expression: "Boy, it's too early to say not to be happy, please come to the door now..."

However, after the real Guangjie said this, there was no response.The Ichigo over there is being burned by the fire, and the whole person is like falling into the endless flames. The perception and spiritual consciousness have long been sealed by the fire. Where can I hear the sarcasm of the real Guangjie? words.

The real person Guangjie also seemed to feel that Ichigo couldn't respond to him, but for a while, he was also a little annoyed, and put away his playful expression.

Immediately, his face became a lot more serious, and the real Guangjie glanced at Yihu's side slightly, then his eyes narrowed, and he said softly: "Good boy, I really don't know what to say about you, but you can, Activate the top of the gas cover!" ..

Chapter 230 The Need for Precious Medicine

And the voice of the real person Guangjie just fell, as if in response to his words, the boundless invisible breath spurted out directly from the depths of the earth.

Then rushed to the sky, the incomparably rich breath kept condensing, and it faintly gathered into a canopy.

boom!boom!The whole earth began to vibrate continuously, the earth cracked in a large area, and countless trees were directly shattered. Even above the surrounding mountains, boulders kept rolling down.

There was even a huge boulder that was smashed directly towards Ichigo. This boulder, at least a dozen feet in diameter, was in Ichigo's current state. Also seriously injured.

However, seeing the boulder smashed towards Ichigo, Master Guangjie clenched his palm slightly, just lifted it up, but hesitated for a while, and finally gave up.However, the palm of the hand is still emitting a slight light, and if one is wrong, it will be shot instantly.

Master Guangjie's eyes were fixed on the boulder, and at this moment, the power of divine punishment that had accumulated for a long time in the sky was beating more and more violently.

A thunderbolt suddenly exploded out of thin air, and endless coercion continued to spew out, as if it could land at any time, and if Tianwei landed at this time, Ichigo would definitely die without a place to die.

The real face of Guangjie was full of serious expressions. His palms were already ashen. He, who had always collapsed in front of Mount Tai without discoloring his face, seemed extremely nervous at this time, and even the sweat on his face kept flowing. dripping down.

His body trembled slightly because of his nervousness. Those few messy grey beards were swaying without wind at the moment. Master Guangjie picked up his gourd and took a swig of wine.

Straight drinking eyes were slightly red, in order to relieve his tension.How many years... how many years have not been so nervous...

For the current Master Guangjie, the disciple Ichihu can be said to be everything to him. He Guangjie has experienced countless ups and downs in his life, which is enough.

And Ichigo is his only disciple, and it can be said that he is Guangjie's hope.In the heart of the real person Guangjie now, even if something happened to him, his apprentice would definitely not be able to do anything.

Moreover, since Ichigo has worshipped himself as a teacher, he must protect him comprehensively.If a master can't even keep his own apprentice, what kind of master is that?

At this moment, Master Guangjie had already made up his mind, even if he lost his life, he would not hesitate.

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