One transforms into two, two transforms into four, four transforms into eight, eight transforms into sixteen... Dao Dao Jianguang continues to emerge, looking at the number, I am afraid that it is no less than ten thousand Dao Jianguang.The ever-changing, ten thousand swords return to their ancestors, the sword shadows are floating one after another, and the sword light that is as cold as autumn water is flying in the sky, as if the entire void is to be buried!This is the kendo power of the real Guangjie. ..

Chapter 239 The stalemate

Jianxiu, not to mention the cultivation base, but among the monks of the same realm, Jianxiu's fighting ability can definitely be ranked in the top.Regardless of your thousands of spells, I will break them with one sword.

Moreover, the means of sword repair are also extremely mysterious.Although compared to other monks, their cultivation methods are somewhat simple, using swords to enter the Dao, killing swords, transforming swords, illusion swords, swift swords, etc.But each is extremely powerful.

In this world, there are definitely not a few people who establish sects with kendo. The power of kendo magic is naturally extremely terrifying. Even the superpowers and kendo sects can be among them.

And the kendo strength of Guangjie's real master's door is not weak in the whole world of spirits.Among the nine martial arts of his sect, the Extreme Dao Divine Sword Art is even more powerful.

Moreover, as the master of the master, Master Guangjie also has opportunities that others do not have. In general, these super sects also have their own interests to exchange, and Master Guangjie once represented his sect and The Promise Sword Sect communicated for a period of time.The exchange of interests between the sects also allowed Gentleman Guangjie to obtain a rare swordsmanship from the Wuji Sword Sect.

And Wuji Jianzong is the No. [-] sword cultivation sect in the mainland, and its kendo power is absolutely unparalleled in the world, so the kendo cultivation of the real person Guangjie is naturally extremely powerful.

At this moment, in the face of this terrifying Eight Heavenly Thunder, the extraordinary power of kendo obviously plays a huge role.Otherwise, wouldn't it fail to live up to the kendo cultivation of Master Guangjie?

On that day, Lei seemed to feel the threat at the moment. The thunder light shook in a flash, and the whole space seemed to be shaking, and the Yaolong next to him was also affected. The golden figure of Yaolong was constantly moving. shaking.

The golden light on Yaolong's body was affected by Tianwei, and it seemed that it might dissipate at any time. Its entire dragon body was already curled up, and the dragon's eyes were also full of fear.

At the same time, these Tianwei naturally spread to Yihu.However, just when the lightning energy was about to hit Ichigo, the wine gourd that Guangjie threw beside Ichigo suddenly emitted a burst of light.

I saw that the energy that spread around Ichigo was instantly absorbed by the gourd, and there was not even a shred of lightning energy left to act on Ichigo.

Immediately following, the hand of the real person Guangjie shook lightly, and the endless sword energy directly broke through the void, and blasted towards the power of thunder that day.

The boundless sword qi kept strangling the thunder, and the little thunder light was cut by the sword qi and directly turned into dense fragments.

And after this sword qi attack, Guangjie Zhenren's body was slightly shaken, even if he was as strong as him, facing the punishment of the gods, it would be very stressful.

However, nine is an extreme number. After these nine tribulations, everything finally returned to calm.

Master Guangjie put his hand down gently, his complexion turned pale, after a slight pause, Master Guangjie shifted his gaze to the golden medicine dragon above his head.

Feeling that the real person Guangjie was looking at him, Yaolong's eyes also showed a complicated look.Originally, the medicine dragon had already thought of other ideas, but under the shock of the powerful real person Guangjie, it did not dare to take any other actions.

Immediately, he could only helplessly move towards the forty-five spirit medicines. In the end, as the medicine dragon merged into it, the forty-five spirit medicines finally slowly melted and turned into golden drops. of liquid.

Seeing this, Master Guangjie raised his hand, caught the golden droplets, and then looked at Ichigo. He could see that Ichigo was now approaching a limit, and he no longer hesitated to put these golden medicinal liquids directly. Into Ichigo's body.

After the golden liquid circled around Yihu's head for a while, it instantly entered Yihu's body.

With the entry of these liquids, Ichigo's body, which was already on the verge of collapse, finally calmed down.And his mind that was about to be blurred has recovered a bit.

After Ichigo's consciousness recovered, he also felt a little puzzled, what happened?Haven't you lost consciousness?But before he had time to think about it, a sharp pain came again.

Invisibly, the fire kept burning his body, and the fire was not only burning his body, but also his soul.

However, just as the intense pain came, Ichigo could feel that a drop of golden medicinal liquid entered his body directly, and as this drop of golden medicinal liquid entered his body, Ichigo felt the bursts of bursts in an instant. of coolness.

This drop of golden medicinal liquid kept exuding bursts of gentle power and endless vitality. It was quickly repairing Ichigo's body. The feeling was also changed from severe pain to gentleness, making Ichigo feel only bathing. under mild sunlight.

In this regard, Ichigo was a little puzzled. What is this golden medicinal liquid and where did it come from, but after thinking about it, I immediately understood a little bit. Since the golden droplets were not made by themselves, they could only come from The handwriting of the real person Guangjie, I am afraid he is the only one who has this ability.

Although Ichihu didn't know how Master Guangjie did it, it was clear that this golden medicinal liquid would be of great help to him in surviving this calamity.

Thinking of this, Ichigo also relaxed, so that these golden medicinal liquids could be smoothly integrated into his body, and with Ichigo's cooperation, these golden medicinal liquids immediately entered his limbs and bones, and In the caves all over the body.

As for the power of the ground fire that had been raging, it was finally suppressed, and in an instant, Ichigo's pain was relieved a lot.

However, just when Ichigo breathed a sigh of relief, above his head, the vision of the Nine Dragons and Nine Flowers appeared again, and the power of the endless fire broke out completely at this moment.

The raging ground fire, like a stormy sea, poured into Yihu's body, as if he had been stimulated by some kind of stimulus, and the power of the ground fire had increased several times compared to the original.

Feeling the power of the earth fire, those golden medicinal liquids immediately became stronger, exuding endless aura, and collided with the violent earth fire power.

In the blink of an eye, Ichigo's body became a battlefield for these two forces. The two extremely powerful forces kept colliding in Ichigo's body, sticking to each other. ..

Chapter 240 Strengthening the Body

The golden medicinal liquid turned into endless vitality and energy, and it collided directly with the power of the raging fire. For a moment, Ichigo's body seemed to be torn apart by the collision of these two forces. .

boom!boom!In Ichigo's body, there was a loud sound, as if a thunderbolt exploded directly in his body.

In an instant, bursts of severe pain continued to spread from all over Ichigo's body. Although Ichigo's senses were already numb because of the tremendous pain he had endured, it could even be said that he was immune to this to a certain extent. kind of pain.

However, when this severe pain really came, Ichigo still found that he underestimated the pain, and almost cried out immediately.

This huge energy actually destroyed all the meridians in Yihu's body with lightning speed, and his spiritual sea was on the verge of being shattered in an instant.

The boundless pain was pressing down on his head, and Ichigo's body was shaking constantly, enduring the boundless pain, but he couldn't use any strength now.

When these two forces collided, they were constantly consuming each other. However, Ichigo suddenly found that when these two powerful energies collided, there was a feeling of soreness and numbness in his body. It feels very comfortable as if there is infinite vitality.

Yihu himself can't see it, but the outside world can see it clearly. Above Yihu's head, there are nine canopies covering the sky, and nine giant dragons that rise up into the sky. Hua, at this moment, is truly inspired.

The boundless purple aura hovered above Yihu's head, and seeing these purple auras, Guangjie's eyes narrowed slightly: "Purple energy is coming from the east!"

With the eyes of the real person Guangjie, you can naturally see the details of these purple qi, and you can also see some clues from the vision above Yihu's head.

You must know that Hua Gai is the exclusive symbol of the emperor, and ordinary people can't enjoy this kind of treatment at all, and the nine dragons also symbolize the capital of the emperor.

As for that purple qi, of course, it is the so-called emperor's purple qi, and to have this emperor's purple qi, although you don't necessarily have to be an emperor among people, it can definitely be regarded as a leader among people.An absolute genius.This shows that Ichigo will definitely have a big chance in the future.

And when the purple energy had just appeared for a while, the majestic purple dragon shadow was hovering, covering the sky and the sun, and it looked incomparably spectacular.

Of course, these spectacular sights cannot be seen by the current Ichigo.However, even if he could see it, he would only be able to laugh bitterly.

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