"As long as there is a reason, after all, you also want to share my worries, so I won't blame you!"

  Aizen walked back to the stone chair and sat down again: said.

  "Thank you, Aizen-sama, for not holding you accountable!"

  Sal Apollo said with a grateful expression.

  "Then the subordinate will retire!"

  As if afraid of Aizen's remorse, Sar Apollo said, and hurriedly got up and walked out.


  Just as Sar Apollo just walked to the door, Aizen's voice suddenly sounded again.

  "I hope your future reports will be more accurate, Sal Apollo! The spiritual pressure records of Hitsugaya Toshiro collected through Dorudoni must be very useful for your research."

  Aizen said meaningfully.


  Cold sweat fell from Sal Apollo's head. Compared with most of the pretences just now, Sal Apollo really felt fear from the bottom of his heart this time, as if everything about himself was seen through by Aizen. .

  "Yes, it does help my research, Aizen-sama."

  This time, Saar Apollo did not dare to try to hide Aizen, but directly admitted it.

  "That's good then."

  Aizen said indifferently.

  Then Sal Apollo was sweating profusely, and walked out in a little embarrassment.

  Saar Apollo sent the funeral troop originally to collect some data about Toushiro, so as to spy on the mysteries of Toshiro and Aizen, but in the end the burial team was Doru. Doni was blocked, and was not able to see Toushiro's face.

  Therefore, Sar Apollo only collected some spiritual pressure records about Toushiro from Dorudoni, who had contact with Toushiro, but even this was very helpful to Sar Apollo's research. .

  Originally, Saar Apollo wanted to conceal the real purpose of sending the funeral troop. After all, although he collected data on Toushiro, what he wanted to spy on was Aizen. Because of the secret of the owner, I am a little worried that I will commit the taboo of Aizen.

  However, Saar Apollo did not expect that what he had tried his best to hide was finally seen by Aizen at a glance, and even Aizen's words just now were full of warnings to him.

  Saar Apollo can feel that if he still refuses to admit his true purpose after being exposed by Aizen just now, even if he is the most powerful scientist in the virtual circle, Aizen will not hesitate to let himself die. .

  In just a short conversation, Sal Apollo had already walked before the gate of hell, so he couldn't help feeling even more dread and fear of Aizen.

  In the end, after that... Po Wu, who reported the news, also left, only Aizen and Ichimaru Gin, who had been standing in the corner, were left in the huge dormitory.

  After Ichimaru Gin went to the monitoring room before, he came to Aizen again.

  "Why did your subordinates get killed, but you look very happy, Captain Aizen!"

  Ichimaru Gin suddenly asked.

  Ichimaru Gin has been with Aizen for many years, and it can be said that he is very familiar with Aizen, so he can feel that Aizen at the moment is very strange, although it looks no different from usual, But it gives a very happy feeling "do I look happy"

  Aizen stood up again from the stone chair, walked to the balcony of the dormitory, and looked at the false sky of Xuye Palace.

  "Isn't it true that your expression looks very 'pleasant' because Hitsugaya Toushiro is taking down: one opponent after another, is constantly approaching here?"

  Ichimaru Gin said with narrowed eyes.

  "Am I 'pleasant'? That's why I do seem to feel that way!"

  Aizen lowered her head and looked at her palm in disbelief. Although her palm was still slender and powerful, Aizen could clearly feel that her palm was trembling slightly, and even the blood that had already cooled in her body began to boil. got up.

  Is this what it feels like to be about to meet the enemy of fate? "Do you think it's strange for me to be like this Silver."

  Aizen turned her head and asked Ichimaru Gin.

  Ichimaru Gin squinted his eyes and smiled: "How could I feel this way too?"


Chapter [-]: Asido VS Neutra!

  Toushiro moved on after separating from Dorudoni.

  At the same time, Kusaka Sojiro also defeated Powu, Miantiruti Sandavitch, and continued on the road.

  Another fork in the road.

  When the last three-digit number breaks five, it is Asido.


  After a great battle, Asido was about to break five with a single blow, and the face of Tenbane Moscoda flew out.


  Flying upside down, Gangtenbyne directly knocked out a big hole in the wall and flew outside.

  "To be able to hold on to my hands for such a long time, I have to say that your strength is already very strong, but if your strength is so strong, why is it such a three-digit number to break five?"

  "Generally speaking, the bigger the number, the weaker the strength? It's not like you have 106 breaking fives in front of you, and the strength of the face is all stronger than you. If this is the case, then the strength of the Xuye Palace is too strong, right?"

  Asido also walked out along the big hole that was knocked out in the wall, and came to Guntenbine again and asked.

  "Ahem, that's because all three-digit broken fives are people who have been deprived of class. That is to say, our three-digit broken fives are all the ten blades of the past."

  Guntenbine, who was seriously injured and fell to the ground, said in a difficult tone.

  "So that's the case, is it no wonder that the Ten Blades used to be?"

  Asido was stunned.

  "By the way, thanks to you, I experienced a good battle, so I won't kill you, you can ask for more blessings"

  Asido looked at Guntenbine hesitantly said.

  It stands to reason that Asido should be killed and killed to give Guntenbine the last blow, but in the battle just now, Guntenbine's tenacious will was quite admired by Asido. It can be felt that Guntenbine is just a militant, not a bad person in essence, so Asido doesn't want to kill him.

  Because of the long-term influence of Toshiro, Asido also felt that there should be a distinction in the treatment of emptiness, and he had to kill them all regardless of whether they were good or bad, although there were not many "that...speaking of"

  Asido looked at the surrounding environment, and couldn't help but look puzzled: "What's going on? Isn't this the interior of Xuye Palace? The interior of Xuye Palace should be a huge dome, but why can't you see the ceiling? The sky outside the Xuye Palace is clearly the night sky, why did the sky inside the Xuye Palace suddenly turn into daytime?”

  "This is because the sky in the Xuye Palace is fake, and those blue sky and white clouds are made by Aizen-sama! Be careful!!!"

  When Guntenbane, who fell to the ground, was explaining to Asido what was going on in the sky of the Void Night Palace, he suddenly seemed to have seen something, and immediately warned Asido in shock.


  While looking at the surrounding environment, Asido, who was explaining Guntenbine's explanation, suddenly heard Guntenbane's warning. He didn't realize what was going on for a while, and a frivolous voice suddenly came from behind him. Sounds in the distance.

  "Yo! Are you the first one here?"


  Hearing the sound coming from not far behind, Asido was shocked, and immediately turned to look.

  I saw a black man with medium and long hair, with a broken face, a blindfold on his left eye, and a huge sickle formed by two crescent-shaped blades on his shoulders.


  Just as Asido turned his head away, the other party swung his scythe directly.

  When Asido saw this, he hurriedly placed the Zanpakutō in front of him.


  The huge sickle smashed on Asido's small Zanpakutō, making a deafening metal collision sound, and then Asido only felt a huge force being transmitted along the Zanpakutō.

  Come over, and then the whole body was blasted out involuntarily.


  Asidor's body slammed into a wall, and then the entire wall collapsed, pressing his body underneath.

  "What, is it only this level? You are the first guy to reach the Ten Blades Palace. I thought you were a powerful person, but the result is only this level, which is really disappointing!"

  The other party said disdainfully.

  Of the five forks that Toshiro and the others encountered when they came, only three of them had three-digit numbers that broke five, and they were guarded. The other two were not very strong in defense.

  Is there any... three digits break five, face guard, and you will encounter greater danger after walking out of the fork! Because behind the fork is the palace where Shiren is located! Although the troops are divided into five, the first of the five to solve the opponent Toshiro, but Asido was the first to walk out of the fork, because Toshiro and the others encountered the enemy not long after entering the fork, while Asido only encountered the enemy when he was about to walk out of the fork. , and after some battle, Asido broke the wall directly and entered the palace where Shiben was the first.


  Asido on the other side heard the other party's mocking words, he couldn't help shouting loudly, shaking off the gravel on his body, and then stood up again.

  "Damn it, it's too careless. As the tenth division team with rich combat experience, if the captain and Sojiro knew that I had made such a low-level mistake, they would definitely laugh at me fiercely!"

  Asidor wiped a trace of blood from the corner of his mouth and laughed at himself.

  "Hah, you're really going to find excuses for yourself!"

  Po Wu, who was wearing a blindfold on his left eye, sneered.

  "If you find a reason, you'll know right away"

  Asido clenched his Zanpakutō in his right hand and assumed an offensive stance.

  In fact, Asido was really careless just now. When looking at the surrounding environment, he ignored the possible dangers, so that he could only hurriedly resist the sudden attack. Otherwise, if Asido was on guard, then he would The strength of the enemy, no matter what, will not be bombarded by the enemy and fly out.

  "Asido! Run away! He's Neutra the 5th Ten Blades! You're not his opponent!!"

  Guntenbine, who was seriously injured and fell to the ground by Asido, suddenly reminded loudly.

  After the battle just now, there was a feeling of sympathy between Guntenbine and Asido, so Asido decided to keep Guntenbine alive just now, so now Guntenbine will remind Assi many.

  However, just because of the battle with Asido, Guntenbine persuaded Asidor to run away. Asidor is very strong, much stronger than him. Guntenbine is very clear about this. .

  However, Guntenbine knew better that if Asido's strength was only what he showed when he fought him just now, then Asido is definitely not Neutra's opponent.

  "Ten Blades? It's a coincidence. I also dealt with a Shiren before. It seems to be a guy named Yami. He was beaten very badly by me. Do you want to try it too?"

  After Asido heard Guntenbine's reminder, although his expression became serious, he did not flee in embarrassment, as Guntenbine had persuaded, but instead showed a high-spirited fighting spirit.

  "Humph! Yami is only the tenth tenth blade, don't compare that kind of guy to me! Next, I'll let you know that between the fifth and the tenth, the strength is not just double the difference!!"

  Neutra snorted coldly.


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