Debuff Master

Chapter 253

Siegfried believed that he could not do anything against the Terramorg with his abilities, and he was right. The Terramorg’s carapace was simply too strong. He couldn’t deal any damage at all.

However, Siegfried noticed a small wound on the Terramorg’s back, which made him reconsider his previous thoughts.

‘We can’t kill it from external attacks…’ Siegfried came to this conclusion while fighting the ancient monster for over two hours. Were the Terramorg’s internal organs as tough as its carapace?

There was only one way to find out; he had to check it out himself.

He could have jumped into the Terramorg’s jaws and made his way down into its body, but he wasn’t that dumb. He knew that a monster of the Terramorg’s caliber would have an extremely potent stomach acid. He would surely be digested the moment he entered its stomach.

Therefore, he could only ask Seung-Gu to focus fire on the small wound on the ancient monster’s back. That way, Siegfried could forge his own path into its body.

“Gwuak! Gwuaaaaaak!”

The Terramorg roared in agony and thrashed about wildly while Siegfried was running on its neck.


Siegfried displayed jaw-dropping balance. He managed to keep running without falling off of the ancient monster, and he managed to run all the way from its neck down to the wound on its back without a hitch.

‘I have a chance as long as I manage to enter that wound!’ he thought.

It was an entirely different story if the Terramorg had no wounds, but it wouldn’t be difficult for Siegfried to lacerate an open wound.


Siegfried swung the cape on his back, which was the Blood Butterfly’s Wings of the Hometown of Death.


He used Sword Emperor Betelgeuse’s Quick Draw with the Blood Butterfly’s Wings.

Chwak! Chwak! Chwak! 

The Terramorg’s wound opened up as if it were a secret passage.


A fountain of purple blood gushed out from it.

“Gwuuu Oaaaaak!”

The Terramorg roared in agony and thrashed powerfully.

‘All right!’ Siegfried exclaimed inwardly in joy.

However, his joy didn’t last long.

‘Huh? What the hell is this regeneration speed?’ He was shocked to find the wound closing up right after it was made. It was an opportunity that he had painstakingly created, but the opportunity would disappear once the wound healed. Unfortunately, the wound was closing up so fast that it seemed like he wouldn’t make it in time.


A bright light flashed in his hand. He had just used Megingjord to change weapons. He was now wielding the Rod of God rather than his +15 Gaia’s Fist.

The Rod of God was useless aside from its Scourge of God skill, but it was an extremely sturdy piece of wood with infinite durability.

Siegfried planned to use the Rod of God’s infinite durability to…


…stop the Terramorg’s wound from closing.

Chwak! Chwaaak!

The Terramorg’s wound seized as the Rod of God stopped it from closing up.

‘All right!’ Siegfried smiled after securing an entrance.

“Hey! Seung-Gu!” he shouted.

“Yes! Hyung-nim!” Seung-Gu responded almost immediately.

“Pick up my item if I die by any chance!”

“H-Huh…? What do you mean by that, hyung-nim? What are you planning to do…?”

“See you later!” he shouted before turning around to look into the entrance.

He took out his +15 Gaia’s Fist and gripped it tightly before shouting, “Let’s go!”

He took a step toward the entrance and grumbled with a smirk. “I went into that butthole of the Cryptids, so this is a piece of cake.”

The Terramorg’s wound was not that bad compared to the Cryptid Tunnel, which resembled a literal butthole.

Siegfried gnashed his teeth and exclaimed, “Here I come!”

Puk! Puk! Puk!

He swung his +15 Gaia’s Fist as hard as he could to dig himself a path into the ancient monster’s body.

“Gwuoo Oaaacck!”

The Terramorg screamed in agony and started rolling on the ground, but it was useless.


It was all because Siegfried was already inside of it.


Meanwhile, the Elondel Forces were quickly advancing toward the Niflheim Forces.

‘I have to end this war quickly and return with as few casualties as possible to stand a chance at killing the Terramorg…!’ Lohengrin thought while commanding his army.

He felt flustered upon thinking that the dark elves were in front of him while the Terramorg was rampaging behind him. Of course, it wasn’t really strange because he was the ruler of Elondel.

“Hmm?” Credos’ eyes narrowed while observing the movements of the Elondel Forces using a pair of binoculars. “Is that guy drunk, or has he gone crazy? Why is he doing something out of character…?”

He noticed the incongruity of the elves’ movements. Credos had waged many wars against the elves over the past hundreds of years, so he knew how they fought better than anyone else. The Lohengrin he knew was careful, meticulous, and patient.

He was also quite the straightforward elf that preferred to defend and minimize casualties at all times. It had always been his pattern during the many wars he fought against the dark elves.

However, that pattern was nowhere to be found this time.

The Elondel Forces moved swiftly and rashly, seemingly in a hurry. In fact, they even rushed headfirst into areas where the dark elves were known to set up ambushes.

“What the hell is that guy plotting? What are you doing, Lohengrin…? This isn’t like you at all… You would never move your troops like this…” Credos muttered under his breath.

He was taken aback by Lohengrin’s command. The king of the elves ruled over the Eternal Forest for hundreds of years through many victories against the dark elves because of his careful nature, but his careful nature suddenly disappeared.

“Just what are you plotting, Lohengrin? This isn’t like you at all… Hmm… Is it a trap? No, there’s no way he’s going to start scheming when he never did for the past hundreds of years…” Credos muttered before shaking his head.

He could not put a finger on what was going on and was utterly confused.

All of a sudden, a messenger ran up to him and said, “My king! I bring good news!”

“Good news? What are you talking about?” Credos asked.

“Our scouts reported that the Terramorg is wreaking havoc at Elondel as we speak, my king!”

“What?! The Terramorg?!” Credos was shocked.

He was naturally familiar with the Terramorg because it was a monster that nearly wiped Elondel off the face of the earth four hundred fifty years ago when Lohengrin was still the crown prince.

“Fuck! Fuuuuuck! If I had known that the Terramorg had appeared in their royal capital, I would have immediately waged war on them! I was too busy fooling around and missed an opportunity that would only come once in a blue moon!”

Credos recalled his father, the previous King of the Dark Elves, Psillakis, lamenting and kicking himself for missing the opportunity the Terramorg had presented. It was the opportunity that the great nature had bestowed upon them to finally annihilate the elves.

Psillakis mentioned again and again until the day of his death that he would have gathered every able-bodied dark elf in the eternal forest and waged war against the elves if he had known that the Terramorg was wreaking havoc in Elondel.

“Terramorg… Are you talking about that ancient monster? That Terramorg? In Elondel?” Credos asked.

“Yes, my king!”

“Ah… Keke… Kekekeke…!” He snickered. His snicker slowly turned into laughter, and he soon started laughing like a madman.

“Bwahahahaha! Kwahahahaha!”

“M-My king…!”

“Such an opportunity has come once again! Kwahahaha! Who could have imagined that the Terramorg would appear in Elondel once again?!”

Credos led his army to invade Elondel after seeing his daughter, Menacia, being gravely injured by the elf princess, Brunhilde.

However, he couldn’t have imagined, even in his wildest dreams, that this would coincide with such an incredible opportunity that his father had missed.

“I see… So that’s why that coward is acting strangely… I’m sure his ass is on fire because the Terramorg is rampaging on his undefended territory… Kekeke… Keke… Kwahahaha!”

Credos couldn’t suppress his delight, and he burst out into a peal of boisterous laughter.

“I will teach you that rashness is a highway to destruction, Lohengrin! The day has come for you to have a taste of your own medicine! Kwahahaha!”

Credos was the impatient type who had always suffered defeat at the hands of Lohengrin for the past hundreds of years, and almost every single one of his defeats was due to his impatience and impulsive decisions.

However, it was different this time around.

The tables had turned. Lohengrin was the one pressed for time, and time was on Credos and the dark elves’ side for the first time in centuries.

“Great… This is really great! The elves are going to launch a full-scale attack very soon, so get ready to annihilate them,” Credos commanded.

“Yes, my king!”

“And…” Credos flashed a sinister smile before continuing. “We have to catch that bitch at all costs to send a message to the elves. Catch her alive if possible, but don’t hesitate to sever her head if she resists.”

“Yes, my king!”

“Hohoho! So today is the day I will finally destroy Elondel with my own two hands! Who could have known that my daughter would bring me such an opportunity?” Credos muttered under his breath with a huge triumphant grin.


Kwachik! Kwachik! Kwachik!

Siegfried swung his +15 Gaia’s Fist three times and broke through a wall of muscle.


He was finally inside the Terramorg.

Badump! Badump! Badump!

He could feel from the twitching of the muscles that the ancient monster was probably going wild right now.

“Euk…! It’s so hard to keep my balance…!”

Siegfried found it extremely difficult to maintain his balance inside the ancient monster’s body. He was rolling around back and forth inside of it.

“Where am I…? I dug through in a straight line, but I don’t think I’m in its heart cavity…” he muttered while straining his eyes to see through the darkness.

Badump! Badump! Badump!

He focused as much as he could and finally heard the ancient monster’s heartbeat.

“Ah… I think I’m in the wrong direction…” he grumbled after realizing that he was digging a part toward the ancient monster’s intestines rather than its heart.

Then, he waited for a bit longer until his eyes adapted to the darkness, and his assumption turned out to be correct. The Terramorg’s squirming small intestine was right in front of him.

“I’ll be covered in its shit if I attack that, right?”

The last thing he wanted was to get covered in some monster’s excrement while inside its body, so he left the intestines alone and followed the sound of the heartbeat.

Siegfried came across another organ while he was on his way to the Terramorg’s heart.

“Hmm? What’s that large rock? It’s definitely not the stomach and not the lava pouch. Wait, why is it glowing green? Oh? It looks like a giant bean. Is it the kidney?”

Siegfried realized that the organ he came across could be the ancient monster’s kidney.

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“If that’s the kidney, then nothing dangerous should come out from it even if I destroy it, right? Well, here goes nothing!” Siegfried muttered. He gripped his +15 Gaia’s Fist tightly.

However, there was something he had to do before going berserk at the ancient monster’s kidney.

“I’m inside that bastard, so he won’t be able to escape if I place my debuff fields inside it… Hehehe…” he let out a sinister laugh.

He placed Blaze Field inside the ancient monster’s body.

Fwaaa! Fwaaa! 

Flames shot up from the debuff field, and it spread like wildfire.

“It’s showtime!”

He tried to maintain his balance before swinging his +15 Gaia’s Fist at the Terramorg’s organ, which he assumed was its kidney.


The sound that Siegfreid’s attack generated echoed throughout the ancient monster’s body.

“G… Gwuu… OOOOOOACK!” The Terramorg’s cry was so loud that it generated shockwaves strong enough to shake the earth.

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