Debuff Master

Chapter 281

It was a magnificent plan.

Siegfried knew that he stood no chance in a head-on battle against Quasimodo, so he focused on buying time while placing down his debuff fields.

His allies were able to defeat the invading papal troops, and he placed a trap after noticing that his side had won the siege.

He used his quick movement speed and the terrain to place a trap with his Rod of God.

The trap was super effective as the hunchback tripped on it, and Siegfried immediately placed down Blaze Field to launch a fierce attack.

Wait, the hunchback stood up.

Fortunately, it was within his calculations as well. He executed Quick Draw and gouged the hunchback’s eyes. Quasimodo was extremely tough and tanky, but a person’s eyes definitely didn’t possess adequate defense to withstand an attack from Quick Draw.

His judgment was perfect.

“My eyes! My EYES!” Quasimodo screamed while covering his face.




Quasimodo went on a rampage bumping into walls, and the walls he bumped into crumbled as if they were made out of sand. The hunchback’s strength was truly out of this world, and he resembled more of a bulldozer than a human being at this point.

However, a man blinded by rage was scary, but a man physically blinded was not scary at all.

“Tsk tsk… You should’ve used your brain a bit more~” Siegfried sneered.

“I’ll kill you! I will kill you and rip you to shreds!” Quasimodo lashed out in anger.

“Do you think that’s possible?”


Shockingly, Quasimodo lunged in the right direction even though he lost both of his eyes.

‘But I knew you could do that,’ Siegfried was unfazed.

He already predicted that a strong person the caliber of the hunchback would be able to locate him without relying on his vision.

Theft is never good, try looking at

“I can kill someone like you without my eyes!” Quasimodo screamed while throwing punches. Surprisingly, his punches were so accurate that nobody would believe that he had lost his vision.

Unfortunately, there was no way Siegfried was going to get hit by someone without eyes.

‘Sigh… You’re full of openings, my man… Let me hit all of those spots,’ Siegfried smirked before immediately going on the counter-offensive.


Siegfried used Discharge to reduce the area of Blaze Field while exponentially increasing its effect, and the flames grew even fiercer as if it was dead set on devouring the hunchback.

One was placed around the fortress walls, while the other was used against Quasimodo.

This was all made possible by the Witch’s Talisman.

“DIEEEE!” Quasimodo jumped into the air. He locked his fingers together and was about to slam both fists at the rat that had been eluding him for so long.


Siegfried took out two rainbow-colored disks.

Torrential Flower Rain!

This was Siegfried’s gift to hit all of the openings the hunchback was giving him.


The one thousand projectiles ferociously flew toward Quasimodo. However, it was still to be seen if the Attack Power of the projectiles was enough to penetrate through the hunchback’s defense that withstood dozens of mortar shells.

‘I have no doubt it will,’ Siegfried confidently thought.

In fact, he was so confident that he didn’t move from his spot and simply watched as the hunchback descended rapidly toward him.

Puk! Puk! Puk!

And he was right. The one thousand projectiles embedded themselves into the hunchback’s body, and not a single one failed to dig into the hunchback’s flesh.

The throwables crafted from the Chromatic Dragon’s scales were extremely thin while boasting excellent durability. In addition, there was a reason dragon bones, horns, and scales were regarded as materials that transcended this world.

It was impossible for Quasimodo to withstand these throwables.


The hunchback fell to the ground after getting showered by the flower rain of death. He resembled more of a porcupine rather than a hunchback.


Siegfried extended his hand toward Quasimodo.

Chwak… Whoosh!

Then, the one thousand throwables embedded in his body dislodged and combined into two disks once again.

“K… Kwaaah…” Quasimodo groaned like a wounded beast.

Surprisingly, he was still alive despite taking on the entire Torrential Flower Rain.


[HP: ⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜]

Of course, he was just barely alive, and he would die soon.

“I don’t like this…” Siegfried muttered.

“W-What… don’t you like…?” Quasimodo asked while struggling to even speak.

“That I couldn’t beat you head-on.”

“That’s… absurd…”

“You deserve a break from running around like a hunting dog. Goodbye.”

Siegfried swung his +15 Gaia’s Fist at the hunchback’s head.


Quasimodo’s head exploded.

[Alert: You have obtained Experience Points!]

[Alert: You have reached Level 222!]

Was it because he killed someone strong? Siegfried instantly gained a level when he was currently at the stage where gaining a single level was an extremely excruciating process.

He was quite satisfied with the results regardless of how he felt right now.

‘The only thing I can trust is my Attack Power and debuffs…’ he thought.

He didn’t dare experiment with his stat and skill points as he invested all of them into strength and Blaze Field.

Gulp! Gulp! Gulp! 

He took out a mana potion at the highest grade and drank the entire bottle.

His mana was completely depleted after using Torrential Flower Rain.

“Shall we finish this siege?” Siegfried muttered while looking in the direction of the fortress walls.

However, he suddenly stopped and looked down.

“Ah… I don’t really like doing this, but…” he grumbled while looking at the lifeless hunchback on the ground.


“Hyung-nim! What happened?!” Seung-Gu shouted as soon as he saw Siegfried.

“What do you mean what happened?” Siegfried asked before he showed what he was holding.

“H-Hiiiik!” Seung-Gu shrieked in horror after seeing the object.

“Isn’t that… that monster’s head…?”


“Did you win?!”

“Nope! But I killed him!”


“I said I just killed him.”

Siegfried was telling the truth.

He didn’t manage to beat Quasimodo.

He was just fortunate enough to kill him.

“Take this!” Siegfried shouted and threw Quasimodo’s head at him.

“Ack! H-Hyung-nim! What are you doing?!”

“Just shut up and announce it!”

The announcement Siegfried was talking about was to let the papal forces know that Quasimodo was dead to shred their morale.


Seung-Gu swallowed whatever was welling up inside of him and picked up a spear lying on the fort wall ramparts, and then he skewered the severed head and lifted it high up.

“Hey! Your boss is dead!” Seung-Gu shouted at the top of his lungs.

“Seung-Gu! You need to use your mana! They can’t hear you like that!” Siegfried shouted.

“Ah, okay, hyung-nim!”

Seung-Gu gathered his mana and shouted once again.

—Hey! Your boss is dead! Look here!

The effect was immediate.

“S-Sir Quasimodo!”

“Oh my god! That immortal has died?!”

“Sir Quasimodo is dead…? Ah! Sir Quasimodo has fallen in battle!”

The morale of the papal troops was shredded to pieces.

‘Time to end this.’

Siegfried jumped down the walls and immediately activated Irradiate and Splitting Heaven and Earth to sweep away the papal troops.

“Let’s go!”

“Sally out!”

“Here we go!”

“Time to fight for real now!”

The hundreds of Head Crusher Guild members jumped down from the walls and joined the battle. The tides of the battle instantly shifted in the imperial troop’s favor, and it was all thanks to Siegfried.

“Keep up the good work, owner punk! Kyuuu!” Hamchi shouted while running on his magical hamster wheel.

“Ah~ Ahhh~ Ahhhhh~ Ah ah ah~” Gringore sang his song to unleash hell upon the papal troops.

“N-No…! We’re going to lose!”

“We’re going to die a dog’s death!”

“Damn it! What kind of debuff is this?!”

The papal forces cursed as they were forced to abandon the siege.

‘Alright! We won this instead of just stalling for time!’ Siegfried exclaimed triumphantly. He looked toward the direction of Crane City and Tenshall Territory before thinking, ‘Hey, scumbag. I trust that you won your battle by now as well.’

The scumbag he was thinking of was none other than Emperor Frederic, and he hoped that the emperor had already destroyed the enemy forces.

‘You’re not human if you lose this. You’re an ani—”

It was then.

Clop! Clop! Clop!

A group of cavalry forces emerged from the direction of Crane City and Tenshall Territory.

‘What the hell?’ Siegfried felt his heart drop after seeing the hundreds of horseback riders, and he immediately checked which forces they belonged to.

‘Oh? Allies? But why are they coming here? Are they reinforcements?’ he wondered.

The flag carried by the flagbearer was, without a doubt, the emblem of the emperor, but the problem was that the emperor himself was leading the cavalry.

‘Why the hell are you coming here…?’ 

Siegfried was utterly confused, but it didn’t take long for his confusion to turn into anger.


Emperor Frederic looked an absolute mess, and anyone would be able to tell that he lost the battle. He was also screaming for help.

“S-Save your emperor! Hurry up and open the gates! Hurry!”

Yes, Emperor Frederic was escaping to the Vaper Fortress.

What did that mean?

‘H-He lost?! He lost the battle when he had an overwhelming advantage? He lost when I did so much over here?!’ Siegfried was absolutely flabbergasted, and his face turned pale.

Then, he felt rage welling inside of him, and it wasn’t just a simple rage. It was the same rage one would feel when they spent so much time cooking and setting up the table, only for someone to come and flip it over.

And Siegfried got even more enraged after seeing that Emperor Frederic wasn’t alone.

“Catch that fake emperor! The Nameless God has promised eternal blessings to the one that catches that fake emperor!”

A man who clearly looked like the pope was chasing after Emperor Frederic along with an army that easily numbered tens of thousands. It was not enough for Emperor Frederic to lose his battle; he even brought the entire enemy army toward Siegfried.

“Ah… you…” Siegfried muttered while trembling in anger, and then he screamed while crying tears of blood. “You fucking animal! You fucking—even animals will be ashamed to call you their own!”

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