Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 12 Meeting Kaido for the first time, he looks domineering and domineering

"Boss Kaido, what you are taking is something this boy brought. It seems to be called a sobering potion. It is said that it can wake your head up and restore your mental strength." Quinn said.

To be honest, he didn't know what mental power was, because there was no such thing in the pirate world.

"Well! How should I put it? I feel very comfortable now, my mind is very clear, and I don't have the feeling after a hangover at all. Even my knowledge, color and domineering have been slightly improved, and my perception has become much stronger." Kaido He shook his head and said.

Rhodes, who heard this, was also thinking thoughtfully. Kaido said that his arrogance increased slightly, which should be the effect of increased mental power.

Secondary sobriety potions are usually prepared by mage apprentices and are targeted at all spell professions.

Of course, Paladins, Druids, and other professionals with spiritual mana can also use this potion.

When your own mana is exhausted, you can quickly replenish it. In the world of Azeroth, mana is linked to spiritual power, while in the world of One Piece, the Haki of knowledge is a kind of perception ability, and the Haki of Overlord is one's own courage.

They are all spiritual things. The Haki seen in the world of One Piece can also be enhanced through practice.

In order to have overlord color and domineering energy, one must improve one's own courage, and this kind of improvement is simply illusory.

I wonder if Kaido’s overlord-colored domineering energy has improved?

"Wait a minute! Drink!" Kaido suddenly seemed to feel something and shouted instantly.

A strong pressure hit his face, and Rhodes suddenly felt his head shake, and his whole body began to tremble. It seemed as if a terrifying monster appeared in front of him, and his life seemed to be taken away the next moment.

Rhodes felt that his eyelids were extremely heavy and his body was shaky. However, as a martial arts master, our mental ability is still very strong, so he did not faint, but immediately took out a bottle of secondary sobriety potion. Pour it into your mouth.

He also mobilized the power of evil energy all over his body and began to form an evil energy shield to defend against this huge pressure.

This is the overlord color and domineering spirit! It is indeed not simple. Fortunately, I am a legal professional and my mental power is extremely strong. If it were a warrior, he would be stunned instantly if a thief came over.

I'm becoming more and more attracted to you, Kaido! I must get you, capture you and use you as my mount. In the future, I will travel to other worlds and ride this dragon out. It still looks like a huge dragon from the East. It’s so majestic!

Others were not so lucky. All the little pirates in the room fell to the ground, their eyes turning white.

"Hey, hey, boss Kaido, don't unleash your domineering domineering energy so randomly!

At this moment, almost everyone near Onigashima fainted, and even Wano Country might be affected. "Quinn complained as he stood aside.

Kaido's domineering haki is indeed very strong, but it can't affect a strong man of his level.

But complaints are complaints. Rhodes, who was standing aside, was not knocked unconscious by Kaido's domineering aura. Instead, he stayed awake, causing Quinn to give him a high look.

This kid can do it. He looks so weak, but I didn't expect it.

He was able to resist the boss's domineering aura! You know, this is Kaido’s overlord-colored domineering spirit!

Ordinary weak people are not even qualified to stand in front of him.

In this world, the only person with slightly stronger domineering domineering power than Kaido is red-haired Shanks. Even Whitebeard can't say that he can beat Kaido in terms of domineering domineering power.

Does this kid also have the courage of a king?

"Hahaha! That's great. Quinn, do you know that after taking this potion, Kaido's domineering look has increased? I can feel it, obviously.

Hahaha! If I fight Whitebeard at this time, I will definitely be able to defeat that bastard old man. Kaido laughed and said.

"What! Boss Kaido, are you kidding me? Did you just say that your domineering aura has also improved?" Quinn opened his mouth in an instant and said with a look of disbelief.

Are you kidding me? Is there any mistake? In this world, domineering and domineering is recognized as the most difficult thing to improve. This kind of thing is related to the elusive one's own courage and a person's self-confidence.

I have never heard of any kind of thing or item that can enhance Overlord's domineering energy, and there is not even a method for cultivating Overlord's domineering energy.

"I really didn't expect that this kid has such a good thing, and it actually improved your overlord domineering power and the domineering power of knowledge, boss," Quinn said.

"Is this guy the one you said made the green healing stone and the potion you just gave me?" Kaido looked at Rhodes and asked.

It doesn’t look easy to be able to hold up your own domineering aura! If he was knocked unconscious by himself, then Kaido would be a little disappointed.

"Yes, Boss Kaido is this guy." Quinn said.

"Hahaha! Well done Quinn, you did a good job this time. This kid plays a vital role in my future plans. With this stone that can heal injuries.

There is also this potion that can enhance my knowledge and overlord's domineering power. I can easily defeat that bastard old man Whitebeard, hahahaha! Just thinking about it makes me happy! "Kaido suddenly showed a crazy smile.

He seemed to have seen himself fighting with Whitebeard, and both sides were seriously injured. As a result, his injuries healed instantly, and then the Overlord's Haki and the Knowledge's Haki improved, and then Whitebeard would be miserable.

With something like this that can instantly heal his injuries, Kaido's combat effectiveness will increase exponentially.

"Boss, this kid made this kind of thing. If you want to use it, it will probably consume a lot." The kid said.

Your life energy is dozens or even hundreds of times that of ordinary people, so you will consume more healing stones. You drank more than twenty bottles of the potion I just gave you. "Quinn said.

"Ah! Is that so? But it's pretty good to be able to improve my overlord-colored domineering energy. I don't know if it's a permanent improvement or a short-term improvement."

"Boss Kaido, if you use a medium-level healing stone, you should be able to recover all the injuries.

For medium-level healing stones, I may need to consume more life energy, but I can still make them now. As for this secondary awakening potion, I can also make it myself, so don’t worry, this secondary awakening potion can be restored Your mental strength is to enhance your Overlord Color Haki and Wisdom Color Haki, but after a period of time, the effect will disappear. " Rhodes said.

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