Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 37 Arrangements and preparations for the ritual of summoning demons

Now, both the Forgotten and the Undead from Natural Disasters are very afraid of the Holy Light Spell, and the Holy Light Spell is indeed extremely lethal to the Undead.

But at some point in the future, Rhodes knew that a certain light-cast undead woman would appear, as well as an old priest who could use the powerful power of holy light, and then explained a new setting. Holy light can destroy demons and demons. The undead are forged by light.

The Holy Light Dread Demon King in a certain Paladin profession hall really blinded Rhodes's 24K alloy dog ​​eyes back then.

Moreover, when playing the game back then, the Forsaken race could actually choose a priest, which was also puzzling!

The undead can use Holy Light, which is a huge disadvantage.

In the real world of Azeroth, there are no priests in the Forsaken, let alone the Scourge.

In other words, there may be a group of former undead priests who are still secretly studying the way of the Holy Light, but have not told others.

I just don’t know if Brooke is afraid of Holy Light-type spells. I can try it some other time.

"Master, to be honest, I'm also curious, is this undead afraid of the Holy Light spell?" Sarna said.

"Ah Nuo, can I ask about that? What is the Holy Light Spell you are talking about?" Brooke raised his skeleton arm and asked.

"Oh! It's a feeling that after you shine it on your body, it feels super warm and comfortable, as if you are back in your mother's arms, as if you are deep in heaven." Rhodes said.

"." Brooke always felt that something was wrong! Captain, where are you? Come and save me!

"By the way, Sarna, take a look at the father and daughter. Can you feel the power of evil energy from them?" Rhode pointed at Kaido and the father and daughter.

This is something he is more concerned about.

"Master, them! Did they accept evil energy? Strange, why didn't I notice it?" Sarna looked at Kaido and Yamato up and down, and said in confusion.

"Their father and daughter drank the bottle of Abyss Lord's blood that I took away. Especially the big guy, they drank about 80% of the Abyss Lord's blood." Rhodes said.

In the pirate world, Kaido and Yamato fused evil energy by eating devil fruits. As long as they don't use evil energy to transform, no one can see the difference in their ordinary forms. Even after training, the evil energy patterns on their bodies are no longer visible. Disappeared.

Humans in the One Piece world, especially masters of fruit abilities, have very good control over their bodies.

Kaido and his daughter took the evil blood for more than a month, and all the demonic characteristics on their bodies disappeared, and they successfully controlled their bodies.

Only when performing a demon transformation or transforming into a fantasy beast form, will the evil power emerge from the body. The father and daughter directly use the evil power as a kind of fruitful ability.

However, perhaps due to the special rules of the One Piece world, the power of evil energy did not cause too many infections.

Even with Rhodes, evil energy has been integrated in a special way. At least for ordinary spell practice, there is no need to worry about evil energy corroding the body.

The three of them are now covered in a little evil energy, and their auras are not exposed. Of course, if Rhodes uses evil energy spells, and once the father and daughter use demon transformation, the powerful evil energy will still be revealed.

"How is it possible? After taking the blood of the Abyss Lord, he will definitely become a demon. These two people!" Sarna said in surprise.

Was he mistaken? This somewhat subverted his understanding. How could any race be able to perfectly accept the power of evil energy without causing any form changes?

Where did the master go? Where did you find this monster? Sarna stepped forward and touched Kaido very curiously, and then felt it carefully, only to find that a little bit of evil energy was reflected in Kaido's body.

"It seems that my guess is correct. Okay, Sarna, don't worry about these things. Let me ask you, how are you preparing the things I asked you to prepare before I left?" Rhodes said.

"Don't worry, Master. These days, whenever I have free time, I go out and catch those low-level creatures, such as fishmen, kobolds, and jackals. I caught a lot of them.

They're all locked up in the basement, and now your basement is full. Sarna said.

Before leaving, she did well what Rhodes asked her to do.

After all, they are summoning the boss of the Burning Legion. If the supply of evil power is not enough, it will be in trouble.

"OK! Get ready. We will cast evil spells tonight, use the demon summoning array, and summon Kil'jaeden." Rhodes said.

After practicing in the world of One Piece for a period of time, his strength and control over evil spells have improved to a higher level. Now he has the confidence to deal with some special situations.


"Kaido, and Yamato! You two need to change your body shape a little. If you run out with this body shape, it will scare people." After Rhodes finished speaking, he took out two bottles of transformation potion.

This is also something Rhode prepared in advance, which can transform the heights of Kaido and his daughter into normal human sizes.

But it only lasts for 24 hours. After 24 hours, Rhodes has to go to the spell shop in Stormwind City to buy it again.

"It's really troublesome." Kaido impatiently took Rhode's potion, and then drank it. His height suddenly increased from more than seven meters to about two meters. Although he still looked very amazing, he was no longer tall. Like a monster.

Yamato also drank the potion and turned into a girl about 1.8 meters tall.

"Boy Rhodes, when are you going to find me a mentor and teach me the way of a warrior! And where is the master you mentioned?" Kaido said.

"Don't worry, I won't keep you waiting too long. You learn the way of a warrior first, and I will invite a warrior instructor over tomorrow.

You learn some basic things from him first. Yamato can also learn a little. As for Runti, I have something to ask you to do later. " Rhodes said.

"What do you want Xiaorun to do? I tell you, strange things are impossible." Runti said.

Rhodes smiled and said nothing.

Late at night the next day, Rhodes carved the evil energy summoning circle in his basement.

Then he summoned four legion imps, and then began to extract the life energy of the lower creatures imprisoned in the basement.

The little murlocs, jackals, and kobolds were all drained of life energy in an instant.

"Wow! Guagua! Woo!"

The evil energy circle began to light up, green light flashed, and a huge red demon shadow appeared.

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