What Kaido said was so right. Now Rhodes finally understood why Azordon could control him because he didn't have the matching strength.

I do have something that the other party wants, but the Burning Legion is not blind in the world of Azeroth. The Dread Lord lurking here and the evil lord Kazzak who lives in the land of chaos are not easy to mess with. Lord.

Thinking of this, Rhodes picked up the demon badge just now, and then directly destroyed it with the surge of evil energy in his hand.

Take the badge of this legion and go find a certain blood elf prince who is about to rush to the street?

What an international joke, and how do I know if there is a tracking and positioning spell on it, so that you can accurately locate me.

What Kaido said was absolutely correct. He had to do something big enough to knock out Kil'jaeden's eyes.

Kil'jaeden, why did you fall in love with the orcs? Because of the powerful potential of the orcs, why they focused on Lordaeron, why they focused on Illidan, and finally Kael'thas were all because of the strength of the other party.

In front of these big guys, I was just a little Kalami. They even asked me to meet the blood elf Kael'thas. The other party probably wouldn't pay attention to him anymore after taking away the magic energy crystal from him.

"Tell me, kid, what are your plans? Make a big fuss and I'll cooperate with you. I'm really looking forward to it." Kaido said.

After hearing this, Rhodes touched his chin and began to think.

His original goal was to trade with Kil'jaeden in exchange for some advanced evil spells, even some psychic spells, as well as the method of making the Dark Portal, to create a portal that could connect Azeroth and Pirates. The dark door of the world.

Then find a suitable teacher for Kaido to teach him the ways of a warrior, but now these plans have to change.

We are now 25 years after the Black Gate opened. If we follow the timeline in the game, it would be the 1960s.

At the end of the year, Doom Lord Kazzak will open the Dark Portal, and next year, the famous Burning Crusade is about to take place.

Alliance and Horde armies will march into Outland.

Illidan, the Lord of Outland, is still secretly executing his plan to subvert the entire Legion in the Black Temple.

Kael'thas will fall in the Storm Keep in the future, but will be brought back to Quel'Thalas by the demon servants, and then in the Sunwell, the official summons of Kil'jaeden will begin.

Now if you want to go to the Outland, you have to join the elite troops of the Alliance or the Horde, or find a powerful mage, then open a portal to the Outland, and go directly to the Outland to kill a certain Kaizi.

Not only Kael'thas, but also Illidan must be eliminated by Rhodes, because his natural philosophy is different. Illidan's philosophy is to completely destroy the Burning Legion, and he wants to get the Burning Legion.

So this time I want to play the role of a footman and push the dungeon.

"Kaido! To learn how to be a warrior, do you want to find a strong veteran warrior, or do you want to choose a novice mentor who can only teach you a few basics?" Rhodes asked.

"Of course I choose the most powerful one. How could I let a guy who is weaker than me teach me the way of a warrior?" Kaido said.

Hearing this, Rhodes nodded, that's it!

Then choose the strongest warrior. Who is the strongest warrior in the world of Azeroth now?

On the Alliance side, King Varian is considered the top warrior, but he is still at the mortal level, and he is not in Stormwind City.

There are many on the tribe side, including the tauren chief Kane, and there are even more fierce generals on the orc side. The most powerful warrior profession is the orcs.

General Nazgrim, Broklos, Laohou! Grommash Hellscream, Overlord Saurfang, and the future Little Howl, Little Saurfang.

The most powerful among them should be Laohou and Broklos. Both of them have extremely strong records. Although they both sacrificed their lives, all the high-level officials of the Burning Legion were severely damaged.

General Nazgrim is a warrior who appeared in the Pandaren version, but to be honest, among the current orcs, the strongest one is King Saurfang.

During the Legion version that year, the Warrior played by Rhodes once did a mission to look at the appearance of an artifact ax, called Looking for the Most Powerful Warrior with an Ax in the World of Azeroth.

And this warrior is King Saurfang.

So if you have to choose, choose the best one. It’s up to you, Overlord Saurfang.

"On the other side of this continent, at the end of the sea, there is a group called orcs, and each of them is a born warrior.

There is currently one of the most powerful warriors among the tribe, named King Saurfang. Let’s go find this guy.

Let him teach you the way of a warrior, and the teaching method is to draw him out to fight. " Rhodes said.

"It's exactly what I want. Are orcs and fur tribes similar?" Kaido asked.

"How should I put it! The orc race should crush the fur race in all aspects.

The orcs should be stronger physically. The fur tribe has the ability to transform on a full moon night, which the orcs don't have.

However, the orcs have an ability called bloody rage, which can be used to increase part of the attack power without any side effects, and can be used multiple times within a day. " Rhodes said.

And among the orcs, there are also professions such as warlocks and hunters.

Rhodes was very envious of the warlocks among the orcs. After all, the orc warlocks came from Gul'dan, and Gul'dan's power came from Kil'jaeden.

"Hahaha! I really like this race called orcs. I really want to turn them all into my subordinates!" Kaido said.

"It's not impossible." Rhodes said.

It is indeed difficult to enslave them, but it is not impossible. Illidan also has a group of evil orc subordinates in the outer realm!

"Without further ado, let's set off quickly. Don't waste time. Just point me in the direction and I'll activate my fruit power and take you to fly there." Kaido said.

"No need, I have a faster way. Let's go through the portal, go to Theramore first, and then go directly to Orgrimmar." Rhodes said.

The relationship between the Horde and the Alliance is not very good now. The only one in the Alliance that has some connection with the Horde is Theramore.

"Okay! Then I'll go get some sleep first. We'll set off tomorrow morning. You and Yamato should be careful at night and don't oversleep again," Kaido said.

"Ahem! I understand." Rhodes said slightly embarrassed.

I first killed Kaizi, and then pushed Mr. Dan’s Dark Temple.

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