A gust of sea breeze blew, and Rhodes stood on a desolate island, holding his painful waist.

Damn, after spending the night driving piles with the succubus yesterday, I couldn't stand it anymore. Shaking his head, Rhodes took out a huge piece of Neptune meat from his pocket, and then took it out on the beach. Some barbecue tools, let's play outdoor barbecue.

The food in the One Piece world, especially the Neptune meat, is full of nutrients. Rhodes discovered a long time ago that eating more of them can increase his physical fitness.

No wonder the human physique in this world is so abnormal. Before time travel, many sea fans on the Internet discussed the world of One Piece. The reason why the human body is so abnormal is because of the unique meat in this world.

Rhodes is not a native resident of the world of Azeroth, but a traveler from Blue Star who traveled to the dangerous world of Azeroth.

After getting a golden finger, I can travel across the world at will, but it is just a travel ability and has no other functions. Moreover, this kind of travel also needs to consume its own energy, at the beginning.

He can only travel through time for a few days. As his strength improves, this time gradually increases, and now he can travel through time for more than a month.

Even the space storage bag on his body was purchased in the world of Azeroth by his own warlock mentor in Stormwind City.

And just recently, he gained a perception, that is, he can transform a creature in this world. Take it to other worlds.

It was precisely because of the emergence of this ability that Rhodes decided to summon the boss of the Burning Legion to prepare for his next plan.

Since coming to the world of Azeroth, he has located a total of three worlds, of which Azeroth is his main world.

The first world explored was the famous Marvel Universe. However, Rhodes did not explore this world in depth. Instead, he immediately escaped after gaining some benefits.

In just a few days in this world, Rhodes not only harvested a large number of modern items, but also secretly obtained the energy of some space gems.

At that time, the space gem was being kept in SHIELD, and Rhodes used the invisibility potion to sneak into SHIELD secretly.

Before the first battle of the Women's Federation began, they used the magic crystal from the world of Azeroth to extract part of the power of the space gems, and then immediately escaped.

As for using the ability to travel to steal space gems, Rhodes had never thought about it at all.

Because the Space Stone has unlimited energy in the Marvel Universe, it is equivalent to a key to control the principle.

But if you go to other universes, then this key will not have a corresponding door. It is just an ordinary stone. It is better to use the power of gems in the Marvel Universe to absorb part of the space energy.

These stored space energies are the crystals that Rhodes used to attract the Burning Legion.

The second world is the world of One Piece. There is the sea everywhere, and there are pirates running rampant on the sea, and these pirates look extremely weird.

There were even weird humans three or four meters tall, as well as a navy. Rhodes easily determined the world he traveled to for the second time.

This is the second time he has come to the world of One Piece. The last time he came, Rhodes used some magic items from Azeroth and successfully exchanged them for some useful things. This time he wanted to contact the big patrons of this world, and then Find a way to meet someone.

After eating the Neptune-like meat, Rhodes took out a phone bug and dialed the phone on the other side.

"Zoro! Zoro! Is it Mr. Rhodes? We haven't seen each other for a long time."

"Well! It's been a long time indeed. Mr. Tanaka, I need your help. Can you send me to Wano Country?" Rhode said.

"Please, Mr. Rhodes, please stop joking. The country of Wano is in the New World? The sea there is quite bad, and I don't have the ability to send you there." The person on the other end of the phone was stunned for a moment, and then a look on his face He spoke wordlessly.

"Then let the big boss behind you think of a solution. I have something very important to go to Wano Country," Rhodes said.

After all, if you want to see Kaido of the Beasts, you must go to Wano Country.

The highest combat power on the surface in the One Piece world is the New World Four Emperors and the Navy Admiral. In terms of physical strength, the most powerful of the Four Emperors now is Kaido, and the foreign aid he is looking for is also this guy. .

There is no way, the admiral himself cannot be hired, the only one who has any hope of getting it done is the four emperors.

The red-haired Shanks among the Yonko has nothing to impress the other party. After all, he is a person with the legendary face fruit ability. The same goes for Big Mom. Maybe in the future, if he finds a world related to food, he can take down Big Mom.

But now I don't have the ability. As for the other whitebeard, he just wants to play house, so let him play house!

Whitebeard can be said to be the least ambitious among the four emperors. He just wants to live with his family and children.

The only highest combat power that he can call upon should be Kaido of the Beasts, especially after he has the blood of the Abyss Lord.

"Can I take the liberty of asking? Why did Mr. Rhodes go to Wano Country? Do you want to meet the Grand Governor of the Beast Pirates, Kaido the Beast?" the man on the other end of the phone said.

"Mr. Tanaka, this is my business. I just want to know if you can help. If you can help, I am willing to donate two recovery stones." Rhodes said.

Although it is only the most inferior Legion Healing Stone, in this pirate world without any magical healing power, it is still a valuable thing.

"Mr. Desolo, of course he can do it, but if Mr. Rhodes wants to find a big force to join him, our king of the Grand Desolo, Mr. Desolo, will also welcome you, and with all due respect, "The Beast Pirates are not a good place, and Beast Kaido is not as easy to talk to as Desolo-sama," the man on the other end of the phone said.

Desolo was still very interested in this businessman who brought out a very magical potion when they first met.

"Say hello to Mr. Desolo for me, but I have already decided that I want to join the Beast Pirates. If Mr. Desolo is not willing to help, then I will have to go to Tenyaksha." Rhodes said. said.

"Hahaha! Mr. Rhodes, I really want you to become my subordinate, but since you said so, then I will agree to your request. It happens to be one of the big signs of the Beasts Pirates. Plague is playing in my place, and I will send someone to pick you up now." Another man took the phone away and said.

The person who spoke was none other than the captain of the Big Desolo, the Gold Fruit Power user Desolo.

"Excuse me, Mr. Desolo, I'm on the island at XXX." Rhodes said and hung up the phone.

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