Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 61: Weapon enchantment transformation, is Kaido’s dragon form a cloud flying dragon? (Update

A few days later, good news finally came from Silver Moon City.

Aqiang, the regent of the blood elves, agreed to send Rhodes and others to the outer realm, and also sent several enchanting and carving mages, as well as gem setters.

Kaido and others were also sent over from Orima, and the teleportation ceremony was completed by the blood elf mages stationed in both places.

Rhodes and his team finally met in the Undercity.

"Have you settled things here, kid?" Kaido asked.

To be honest, after living in Orgrimmar for a while, he liked these orcs very much.

This group of orcs are simply the most perfect subordinates, and their fighting power is simply too tough, which is very consistent with the style of his Beasts Pirates.

However, after getting to know them for a period of time, he also realized that it was extremely difficult to conquer these orcs.

These guys can't be conquered by force. This is what Kaido hates the most.

"I've almost finished handling the matters here. Next, I've prepared a surprise for you. It's a special gift!" Rhodes looked at Kaido and smiled, then said.

Sylvanas, who was standing aside, also walked over and looked up and down at the huge Kaido.

He is really a giant, his size is not much smaller than some Titan Guardians. Is this what that kid Rhode said, a dragon king level existence?

"Hahaha! Give me a little surprise? Is it some way to increase strength? I'm super interested in this." Kaido lowered his big head, looked at Rhodes and laughed.

After following Rhodes to this world, his strength has improved a lot, and he has surpassed the level of the Four Emperors. The future path has become clearer, which makes him very excited.

"I'll take out your and Yamato's maces later. The blood elf mage here will enchant and carve your weapons, and then inlay some gems for you," Rhodes said.

"Huh? What does the coated carving mean? Inlaid with gems? Forget it. I don't need weapons that are too gorgeous, with gems inlaid or something flashy." Kaido shook his head and said.

"It's not the kind of inlaid gems you imagine. It's not just about improving the beauty of the weapon. Inlaying gems here will add various special magical properties to the weapon. Enchanting is to apply various magical effects to it, and magic carvings are to add various special magical properties to the weapon. The weapon undergoes magic transformation to improve its quality and power," Rhodes said.

Come on, you are such a rough guy, you can't even look down on it. There are not many weapons in the world of Azeroth that the blood elves can personally use to enchant glyphs.

"Are there any benefits like this? Can this kind of weapon be mass-produced? If all my subordinates are equipped with this kind of weapon, hahahaha!" Kaido let out a maniacal laugh.

"Can't you deal with the other three Yonko by yourself now? Come on, take out your weapons quickly, Yamato, too." Rhodes said.

Kaido nodded and threw down his four-meter-long mace. It made a thumping sound when it fell to the ground. The whole ground shook. You can imagine how heavy the weapon Kaido used was. !

Sylvanas nodded, and dozens of undead came over to drag Kaido's mace away. Then the mages of the blood elves began to conduct various magical explorations on Kaido's weapons.

"This weapon looks like! It seems to be made of ordinary steel."

"That's right! It's just that some special methods were used to compress and create it."

"What a rough workmanship! If the dwarves had made it, it would have been much more perfect than this."

"But the compressed steel is quite good, and the weapon is well protected. We'd better melt some arcane ingots into it, and add some real steel ingots to improve the quality of the weapon."

"Agreed! We can also do some reinforcement on the weapon, and then we can laminate, carve, and inlay gems."

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's start quickly." A dwarf Forsaken said impatiently.

Among the Forgotten, there are also several former Forgotten Dwarves. After these guys became undead, they were also engaged in the work of forging weapons for the Forgotten.

Sylvanas, who was standing aside, began to listen to the report on the forging plan of this group of blood elves and her own dwarf Forsaken.

"Rhode! After they have discussed it, they will add some arcane ingots and real steel ingots to these weapons to improve the quality of the weapons, and then enchant and carve them, and inlay them with gems. It will take about seven days, so you can wait. !" Sylvanas said.

"No problem, just wait for seven days. After seven days, we will go to the outer realm." Rhodes said.

"Okay! So where are the scales you promised me? I'm really looking forward to it." Sylvanas said.

"Ahem! Just wait a moment, I'll get it to you now." Rhodes touched his nose and said.

Sylvanas smiled and followed Rhodes. She also wanted to see how powerful this Dragon King-level creature was.

"Kaido, Yamato and Runti, how are they training? Do they have the power to control their anger?" Rhodes asked.

"Don't worry, the two of them have very good qualifications. They mastered anger after you left for 2 days, and learned a lot of warrior skills here. Even I learned a recklessness, and some roars and so on. Skills." Kaido said.

The warrior skills of these orcs still have some merits. At least this kind of battle cry is very easy to use, similar to the use of spiritual power like seeing and hearing or overlord's domineering spirit.

It can make enemies fearful, improve the morale of allies, and even increase a certain amount of endurance, while Recklessness increases some of his attack power.

If the Dark Portal can be established by then, the entire members of the Beast Pirates might be able to change their profession and become warriors.

"Kaido! I want to discuss something with you. Can you take some of your dragon scales and give them to me? I want to make some pieces of armor." Rhodes said.

"Huh? You said you want my scales? Are you kidding me? Don't you know that the devil fruit transformation is just a form of mimicry? Even if these scales fall off, they will turn into skin flakes or something like that?" Kaido rolled his eyes and said.

Do you know what the fantasy beast is? Why add a magic word? If he really had this ability, Vegapunk would have used my scales to make weapons.

Hearing this, Rhodes was a little surprised. He didn't expect to say this! But Kaido is right.

If his scales were really that powerful, Bega Punk would have used his scales for experiments a long time ago. After all, this guy has been captured by the navy many times.

But that was in the world of One Piece. If it were in the world of Azeroth, would it have a different effect? And the current Kaido is not the original Kaido.

"The situation is different now, and we are in another world, a completely new world. How do you know it won't work? Come and try to transform." Rhodes said.

In the world of pirates, your fallen scales will return to their original skin condition, but this is not necessarily the case in this world of Azeroth, not to mention that your guy has been baptized by evil energy and anger.

"What a brat, I know, what are we doing out here? If I transform here, I will destroy the entire city." Kaido said speechlessly.

He wasn't kidding. If he transformed now, he would be even bigger than before. Even after taking evil blood, his height increased a lot, reaching a height of 7.6 meters, and after learning anger.

He has also acquired a muscle explosion mode, and his size will increase a bit, even reaching eight meters.

These increases led to the strengthening of his divine dragon form.

Rhodes nodded, and after explaining the situation to Sylvanas, the group arrived at Tirisfal Glades outside the Undercity.

Kaido moved his body. Then he came to the distance and started the dragon transformation directly. This was the first time he changed into a dragon form after coming to this world.

Kaido's entire body began to become distorted, and his head began to deform, developing in the direction of a dragon.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!" A roar echoed across the sky. Kaido turned into a giant dragon and hovered above the Undercity. The sky began to thunder and lightning.

At this time, Kaido's body reached the size of a kilometer, which was simply terrifying to the extreme. A terrifying coercion and wild aura rushed towards his face.

At this moment, Rhodes could clearly feel it. Compared to the first time he witnessed Kaido's transformation on Onigashima, Kaido's current strength has been improved.

"This, this! It seems to be the Cloud Serpent from the Lost Continent? But its size is too huge." A blood elf magician said.

As a former high elf mage, he still recognized some things. The high elves came from the upper-class nobility of the night elves, so there were some historical records of the Pandaren Empire.

But an ordinary Cloud Serpent is only about ten meters long! The largest recorded Cloud Serpent is no more than thirty meters tall.

This kilometer-level dragon is a bit too huge, especially the feeling of oppression coming from this huge dragon is simply terrifying.

"It is indeed the size of a dragon king, and its aura is quite fierce. It should not be the dragon descending from the clouds. The dragon descending from the clouds cannot be so strong, nor can it be of such a large size." Sylvanas said.

No wonder Rhodes was so confident. She was also looking forward to this huge creature that looked like a cloud serpent.

"This is not the Cloud Serpent. The Cloud Serpent is just an ordinary mount tamed by the Pandaren. But this is a divine dragon that can call the wind and rain, and control the power of wind, fire, thunder and lightning." Rhodes said.

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