Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 64 Yamato, Rhodes and Queen join forces to fight Kaido (update, please subscribe)

"Forget it, let's go to Tirion Fordring! Xiaorun, get ready, go to Tirion Fordring, then become his disciple, learn the Holy Light, and then find an opportunity to show him your devil fruit. The ability to transform is your innate ability," Rhodes said.

Scarlet Crusade, if you don’t want it, don’t want it.

Letting the Runti brothers and sisters go over would just be a good way to pave the way for the future expedition to Northrend, and at least get into the senior ranks of the Silver Crusade.

However, for the invincible Lao Den, there is no need to hide the Devil Fruit ability. Showing it directly can gain the other party's trust.

And Tirion Fordring does not reject warlocks. One of his dwarf warlock subordinates even summoned a demon to kill himself!

"I know, so I won't go to the Scarlet Crusade! Xiaorun knows, don't worry, Xiaorun is not an idiot.

Remember to send little Peggy Wan over, we agreed. "Runti nodded and said.

"Okay, it's settled." Rhodes nodded and said.

Next, Sylvanas asked a Forsaken to draw a map for Runti. After bringing some dry food, Runti set off directly that day.

I don’t know what kind of sparks this girl will have with the Holy Light energy, or whether she will directly fail and run back.

Rhodes was slightly looking forward to it.

"Actually, the blood elves now have a new theory, which is the energy of holy light.

In fact, like arcana, it can be controlled. Take control by force rather than needing to believe in Him. "Sylvanas said.

Many high elves believe that holy light is like magic and an energy that can be controlled. The blood knight, the latest research of the blood elves, uses arcane magic to absorb some holy light creatures in a special way. energy of.

It is said that this kind of holy light creature was teleported from the outer realm of another plane by the blood elf prince Kael'thas.

Has a very large amount of holy light energy.

"That holy light creature is very special. It can be said to be the representative of the holy light force. The blood elves can indeed obtain the right to use the holy light energy through rough methods, but it is not their own holy energy. This kind of blood knight is destined to be unable to survive. Far away." Rhode said.

In the early setting, Naaru was full of kindness and selflessness, but in the Legion is coming version.

Rhodes felt that the Mother of Holy Light was actually similar to Sargeras of the Burning Legion, both wanting to transform other lives into light-forged lives of the Holy Light.

In the end, Illidan shot him directly with his eyes and a fel prism.

Hearing this, Sylvanas nodded thoughtfully. This little man seemed to know a lot of things.

Time flew by quickly, and the seventh day came in a blink of an eye.

During these seven days, Rhodes did not harass Sylvanas anymore, but stayed with Yamato. When he had time, he practiced warrior moves with Yamato, or practiced evil magic with his mentor.

To put it bluntly, the warrior's moves are to stimulate the power of one's own body, and Rhodes' current physical body has reached the standard, so with Yamato as a top sparring partner, it only took a few days to control the warrior's ability.

Successfully generating anger will further strengthen the user's body. This is one of the benefits of being a warrior.

Although the profession of a warrior is terrible, a warrior who masters anger is beyond the ordinary level. After understanding anger, both the skills released and the physical fitness and strength of the warrior will be improved.

After Rhodes also understood the anger. Kaido brought Rhodes and Yamato together, sparred with him, and then ravaged the two of them crazily.

Rhodes once suspected that Kaido wanted to take revenge and beat him up in the name of being a sparring partner.

However, Rhodes was not a vegetarian, so he directly roped in the Queen and asked her to use a bow and arrow to perform remote dPS output, and the three of them attacked Kaido together.

Sylvanas's bow and arrows were entangled with powerful shadows and the power of death, and she kept shooting at Kaido.

From time to time, she flies into the sky, transforms into a banshee form, and launches a banshee howl at Kaido.

Then he was defended by Kaido's Overlord-colored Haki and Insight-colored Haki.

Rhodes was holding a staff and constantly releasing evil spells.

Black shadow arrows, coupled with Rhodes' hell flames and chaos arrows, attacked Kaido.

But he was defended by this guy's powerful anger and armed domination. After being transformed by the power of evil, some evil spells now do much less harm to Kaido.

"Bastard Minotaur Gorilla! Take the move, Raging Flame Bagua." Yamato's whole body was flashing with red light, and he brought his anger to the extreme. A warrior jumped directly into the air, raised the two-handed sword in his hand, and faced He grabbed Kaido's head and chopped it off.

"Hahahaha! This is still my trick. It's just based on Thunder Bagua and adding anger. You stupid girl is still far away. Look at my Thunder Bagua!" Kaido was also holding a pair of hands at this time. Da Jian looked excited.

After adding overlord-colored domineering, armed-colored domineering and anger, he bravely charged forward against Sylvanas's shooting and Rhode's evil spell.

At this moment, the weapons used by the two of them in the competition were the warrior two-handed swords provided by the Undercity. After all, their weapons were still being forged.

So it can only be replaced by something else, and Kaido has been using transformation potions to maintain a figure of more than two meters, and he can also use a big sword smoothly.

Kaido has not used the power of evil in these days of fighting. Kaido obviously prefers anger to adding evil power.

Although it has only been a month since he mastered anger, Kaido has already mastered it very well.

As the two waves of overlord-colored domineering energy collided, black lightning appeared in the sky, and then Yamato was once again sent flying out and hit a mountain.

"Are you sure they are father and daughter? How could anyone hit his own daughter so hard?" Sylvanas rolled her eyes as she watched Yamato being beaten away.

Aren’t daughters always very attached to their fathers? Why is it the other way around?

But this bastard Minotaur is really powerful in combat! Sylvanas promised that in her more than a thousand years of life, she had never seen such a strong warrior.

"The relationship between father and daughter is a bit complicated, and the way they communicate their feelings is through combat. You can be the DPS! I'll be responsible for the close combat."

After speaking, Rhodes directly grabbed a warrior's two-handed sword, then quickly rushed towards Kaido, made a sliding shovel, and swung the sword directly to Kaido's lower body.

"You insidious boy, you can use such dirty tricks, take the move!" Kaido jumped into the air and dodged Rhodes' insidious attack.

Then a huge sword was thrown over, and Kaido used the back of the sword to knock Rhodes away again.

"Damn! If all three of them work together, they still can't beat you. Let's not fight." Rhodes got up from the ground, shook his head, and said.

We have long-range output and melee combat, but we just lack a healer! After Runti learns the Holy Light, the four of us will beat you when we come back.

Yamato on the other side also climbed out of the pile of rocks, shook his dizzy head, raised his two-handed sword and wanted to fight again.

"You guys are still far behind! Keep working hard! I will get stronger and stronger. I will wait for you at the top, hahaha!" Kaido said.

Rhodes smiled and stopped Yamato who wanted to attack again. That was it for today.

I am truly worthy of you, Teacher Kai. I have been ravaged by you for seven days, which is equivalent to my hard training for a long time. My warrior level and combat quality have skyrocketed in the past few days!

Yamato's combat effectiveness and various skills are also steadily improving.

"You are very strong, and you basically have no shortcomings." Sylvanas looked at Kaido and said.

"Hmph! I'll beat you up next time." Yamato snorted coldly and threw aside the broken two-handed knight's sword.

"Hahaha! You are still far behind! Silly son, this thing called anger is really a good thing.

Cultivation can also enhance the physical body to a certain extent, and physical enhancement is all-round enhancement. "Kaido sat on the ground, took a sip of wine, and said.

"Indeed, it's just a pity that we don't have enough time. Now we are almost going to deal with the abyss lord." Rhodes said.

In the game, when the player has just passed through the Dark Portal, he can see an Abyss Lord Commander directly opposite the door. However, this guy is an unknown person, and it is difficult to use a model.

In the original Warcraft plot, he was killed by the Alliance and the Horde, but this guy was just a sidekick-level Abyss Lord, and his strength was not very strong.

So Rhodes' target was still Magtheridon, who was imprisoned in the Hellfire City Wall.

"I can't wait any longer. Let me challenge that Abyss Lord this time. You said that guy is very powerful. I just want to try it. All of you, please don't take action." Kaido said.

At this moment, Kaido was very excited. After coming here for so many days, he finally had to fight a decent opponent. Among the opponents he had encountered before, the one named King Saurfang could still fight some.

The others basically just picked up his stick. When he lived in Orgrimmar, Thrall, the chief of the tribe, also found a guy who seemed to have eaten the oxen fruit, named Kane Bloodhoof.

It looks like a minotaur and is more than three meters tall. This guy is very powerful, which makes Kaido a little happy.

However, after Kaido showed his human-animal form, the tauren was quickly defeated. In the end, he and Saurfang teamed up, plus a group of top tribe warriors, so that Kaido could have fun. .

"The Abyss Lord is very powerful. Let's go. The agreed time has come. Let's go see if your weapons and my armor are ready." Rhodes said.

"Well! Let's go!" Sylvanas said.

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