Several young pirates suddenly felt that their bodies were out of control, and their entire bodies began to become limp and weak, and then it seemed as if their bodies had been hollowed out.

Rhode's palms glowed green, and dark green rays enveloped all the pirates, directly imprisoning their bodies.

This is the true power of a warlock. The magic controlled by a warlock is very terrifying. A warlock who has been practicing for a period of time can easily deal with a mage who has been practicing for decades.

The power of evil energy is the nemesis of arcane energy and the nemesis of all life. When ordinary professionals face warlocks, they will naturally be at a disadvantage.

Only the power of holy light can restrain evil energy.

"What the hell is this? Devil fruit powers, our power seems to be disappearing."

"Damn it, this bastard, this bastard is a devil fruit user."

"Our bodies are completely unable to move."

"Please, the treasure, the treasure is all for you, let us go, we, we are just pirates of an ordinary pirate group." The leader of the pirates said in horror.

At this time, he had already discovered that some of his weak team members had completely lost consciousness, their eyes were white, and their bodies had begun to dry up, and they looked like mummies.

"I have no grudges with you in the past, and I have no grudges with you today. It's just that I happen to practice some spells and need some souls and life energy, so please contribute and lend me your life energy." Rhode finished. , took out a magic crystal.

All excess life energy and soul fragments are stored in crystals. To be honest, the pirate world is really a geomantic treasure. There are too many experimental materials here. If I were to use the power of evil so frequently in the world of Azeroth to absorb the lives of others.

So long ago, it attracted mages from Dalaran or paladins from other areas to attack.

Before coming to the world of pirates, Rhodes was actually not very strong and could only be regarded as a warlock apprentice.

But it took a long time after coming to the pirate world. Rhodes absorbed a large amount of life energy from ordinary pirates and practiced evil spells, which made his strength rise by leaps and bounds.

But unfortunately, the last time he came to the pirate world, he could only stay for more than ten days, so the evil power he absorbed was not too much. This time, he could stay for more than a month, but he could absorb it well.

A few minutes later, a dozen little pirates all turned into dry corpses, and Rhodes harvested their life energy with great satisfaction.

"In the world of pirates, the life energy of an ordinary pirate is equivalent to that of several ordinary humans in the world of Azeroth. The human physique of this world is really strong." Rhodes said with great satisfaction.

The world of One Piece is such a great place.

I don’t know how strong Kaido is. If his plan can be successfully realized, he will undoubtedly gain super combat power.

In the next few days, Rhodes stayed quietly on the island, practicing his newly obtained evil spells.

Shadow Bolt, Corruption, Banishment, Fear, Life Tap, Curse of Weakness, Shadowburn, Immolate, Incinerate,

These are offensive spells that use the power of evil and shadow to summon the evil flames of destruction to attack the enemy.

The defensive auxiliary spell, Eye of Kilrogg, can create an illusory eye to observe an area from a distance.

Making primary soul stones and primary healing stones are better than secondary ones and have stronger recovery power.

The demon summoning circle summons demons from the twisted void. Currently, the demons that Rhodes can summon include the lowest level imps, hellhounds, succubi, and void walkers.

Endless breathing. Can breathe underwater for 10 minutes.

The first few spells could be cast, but the summoning demon circle failed when cast in the world of One Piece.

In this world, even if you build this demon summoning circle, you cannot summon demons unless you summon the demons in the world of Azeroth in advance and then bring them to this world.

In addition to these spells, Rhodes also practiced the spell of summoning a hell horse, which can summon a hell horse to gallop on the water.

The spell that Rhodes practices the most is enslaving demons, and it is a high-level enslaved demon. This spell will be used soon.

The real enslavement demon spell is a signature skill of the warlock. Using this spell, you can permanently control and enslave a demon. However, you must burn the enslavement circle on the opponent's soul and suppress the opponent's soul in order to control the demon.

In the world of Azeroth, this technique can only control demonic creatures that are weaker than you. After all, you have to completely eliminate it so that the opponent has no ability to resist before you can burn the magic circle into his soul.

But in this world of One Piece, Rhodes intends to cheat. Kaido's character is absolutely impossible to cooperate with, let alone make the other party his subordinate, and he must use some underhanded tactics.

So the next thing Rhodes has to do is to completely control Kaido of the Beasts. Thus further controlling the entire Beast Pirates.

As long as Kaido of the Beasts drinks his own blood of the Abyss Lord, he can transform it into a demon. Before he transforms into a demon, Rhodes burns the soul enslavement array on his body in advance.

Before that, what he had to do was to gain Kaido's trust, and make Kaido believe that drinking this stuff would greatly enhance its power.

Five days later, a huge golden ship arrived near the island where Rhodes was located. The famous Desolo was actually sailed to this unknown desert island.

A black, big-headed doll emerged from the ground.

"Zoro! Zoro! Mr. Rhodes, it's been a long time no see. Mr. Desolo and Mr. Quinn, the boss of the Beast Pirates, are waiting for you. Please come on board with me!" Mr. Tanaka He spoke.

"Then I'll excuse you, Mr. Tanaka, please lead the way!" Rhodes put away his staff.

After applying a magic armor spell and endless breathing on his body, he boarded the Grand Desolo.

Others don't know what's going on aboard the Big Brother Solo, but he knows it very well. If he doesn't use magic armor, he will be controlled by Desolo as long as he is stuck by those golden powders.

Magic Armor Warlock, the Warlock's signature skill, can improve his defense and form an illusory armor on his body. These armors can effectively isolate Desolo's golden powder.

It was precisely because of this move that Desolo did not dare to take action against him when they first met.

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