Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 77 Ordinary species, transformed beast species fruit?

The next Beasts Pirates will have a great engineer. There are about 30,000 combatants in the Beasts Pirates, and they will also mobilize some Wano forces.

The construction of the Dark Portal can barely be completed within a month, and it must start immediately.

"I understand, boss, do you want me to call over the general of Wano, Black Carbon Orochi?" Yan Liangjin asked.

"We don't need to inform that guy about anything we do. We just need to mobilize the power in his hands. That kind of waste is not worth caring about." Kaido snorted coldly and said.

In the past, Heotan Orochi was kept so that he could help rule Wano Country, but now Kaido feels it is no longer necessary.

Kaido's original plan was to make his daughter Yamato the general of Wano, but this stinky girl had been disobedient before, and now she has finally been corrected, and Rhodes can also serve as the general of Wano.

If the guy Rhodes was talking about could really seize the opponent's Devil Fruit ability, then it would be too much of a waste to put the Yamata-no-Orochi ability of a fantasy beast species on such a waste.

Kaido plans to kill the Black Carbon Orochi directly and then seize the opponent's Devil Fruit. The ability of the phantom beast species is extremely precious.

"Yo! Hee hee! This beauty is very beautiful. She has purple-black skin. She is a race I have never seen before!" Quinn said while looking at Sylvanas in front of her.

Sylvanas's appearance, no matter where she is placed in the world, is among the top beauties, and her long pointed ears and blood-red eyes give people a different kind of charm.

In the pirate world, no one would think that she is an undead. After all, the traditional understanding of the undead is that they are all skeletons and zombies!

Quinn immediately came over with a smile on his face and wanted to start getting closer.

Looking at the huge, extremely fat man in front of her, who was obviously not a normal person, Sylvanas frowned. There seemed to be some steel in this guy's body structure. As the Banshee King, she could feel it. Some life energy.

She could indeed accept men, but only those who were as handsome and strong as Rhodes, but that didn't mean she would accept a fat giant like this.

"If you don't want to die, get away from me." Sylvanas said unceremoniously.

"What a fierce personality!" Quinn clasped her hands together, twisted in place, and said.

This scene made Sylvanas feel sick again. This damn fat man was so disgusting.

"Quinn, don't embarrass me! A waste like you is really embarrassing to the Beast Pirates. How can you be on the same level as me? These two are obviously the boss's guests." Jhin stood aside speechlessly. He spoke.

Yan Liangjin looked up and down at Sylvanas and the old orc. These are two special races that have never been seen before. One has green skin and there are some flames burning on his head. Could it be similar to them? A special race like Lunaria?

If the old orc knew Jhin's inner activities, he would definitely complain fiercely. The reason why my head is burning with flames is because of the sequelae of the injury. I don't want to become a flaming head!

As for Sylvanas on the side, Jhin thought that she was just a special race with a slightly different skin. There were many races like this in the pirate world.

But the strange thing is that Jhin's domineering attitude seems to be unable to sense the existence of this woman! It was as if, as if, the woman in front of him was not a living creature.

How is this possible? She was clearly standing in front of him, but his eyes were not blinded. It was really strange. Could it be some special racial ability that could block his life breath?

"A few big posters! Did any great news happen here while Boss Kaido and I were away?" Rhodes asked.

If we count the time, the war on top should begin! You should be able to receive some messages now.

"If you say so, there is indeed some special news recently! We are planning to report to Boss Kaido!

Kaido's boss, Fire Fist Ace, the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates, was arrested by the navy.

And decided to travel openly, the old man with white beard could not sit still at all. With his fleet and a large group of pirates under his command, he had entered the paradise of the first half of the Grand Line. Yan Liangjin said.

This is the big event that happened recently. As for some supernovas causing a big fuss in the Shampoo Islands, this is not considered breaking news in the eyes of the New World Yonko Pirates.

After hearing this, Kaido and Rhodes looked at each other at just the right time.

"How long will it take for Fire Fist Ace to be executed?" Kaido asked.

"Three days, three days from now will be Fire Fist Ace's execution day. Lord Kaido, are you going to get involved?" Jhin asked.

"Well! This time, I will end my relationship with Whitebeard and go do other things." Kaido said.

This time, Whitebeard cannot die in the hands of others. He must die in his own hands. After all, he is still a member of the Rocks Pirates.

I have to give you a good ride, old man with a white beard.

When I came back this time, my big goal was to go to the top of the mountain to find the corpse of the old war general Whitebeard, and to find a certain pirate named Blackbeard.

Now in the pirate world, Kaido no longer takes anyone seriously. His current strength is completely crushing.

And soon, the members of the pirate group will experience a leap in strength. The power of evil energy and the power of anger can increase the strength of the members of the pirate group.

In the world of Azeroth, Kaido is not idle. He has the power that pirates like them can easily control. In Kaido's opinion, the most useful and practical thing is anger.

As for the other powers of the wilderness, what else are there, the power of nature, the power of holy light, the power of death, let's not consider it for now, let everyone master the power of anger first.

The Beast Pirates are extremely strict even when recruiting new members, at least in terms of physical fitness. All members of the Beast Pirates.

Even a small soldier's physical fitness will be greatly enhanced after experiencing the baptism of evil energy.

When the time comes, after the Dark Portal is opened, you can go to another world and learn anger, and you will be even more powerful.

After chatting with several of his big signboards for a while, Kaido asked them to leave first. He first called all the people over, and then collected materials to prepare to build the Dark Portal.

"My apprentice! Can you give me the Devil Fruit you mentioned, which can heal my injuries now?" Treson asked.

This time, his ultimate goal in coming to this new world was to heal his injuries and integrate evil energy.

"Don't worry! Here is your mentor, this is the Devil Fruit we talked about before. After eating it, you will gain the ability to transform into animals.

You can also maintain a human-animal transformation form and greatly enhance your physical fitness.

If it is developed to the extreme, it can still be awakened. " Rhodes smiled and took out the ox-niu fruit in wildebeest form.

After arriving in the world of pirates, this devil fruit immediately regained its pattern, and its color also changed to its previous color.

The old orc took a deep breath, took the fruit and bit into it. Then his expression changed, but he still didn't say anything and ate up all the Devil Fruit.

The taste is indeed unpleasant, but for orcs, as long as it is food, there is nothing they can't eat.

After eating the Devil Fruit, the old orc clearly felt a power flowing in his body.

The evil power in his body, as well as the power that had been infected with Laglaros before, actually began to appear in his body under the action of some special laws.

The old orc relied on years of application of evil spells to forcibly suppress the restlessness of the three forces.

"Mentor! Find a way to let the energy in your body reach a balance point, and then let them fuse together." Rhodes said.

When I first took the Devil Fruit, the power of evil came out and caused trouble, but Kaido's blood helped a lot at that time.

But even without Kaido's blood, if done properly.

Because it should be possible to suppress evil energy, but my mental strength was still there at the time, and my control over evil energy was really poor.

The old orc nodded, sat cross-legged on the ground, and used his extremely powerful mental power to begin to guide the evil energy in his body, the Devil Fruit energy that had just entered his body, and the energy of the Fire Demon King Ragnaros on his head. Integration of forces.

About an hour passed. Treson, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, suddenly opened his eyes. A red light flashed in his eyes. At this time, the flame on his head had disappeared.

"Roar! Moo! Moo!" The old orc roared and began to transform into a wildebeest state. After the transformation, his size was extremely huge.

It is four meters tall and more than seven meters long. Its four hooves are still burning with green evil flames, and its head, back, and tail are burning with the red color of Laglaros. flame.

"I feel a brand new power." The old orc said.

Rhodes, Kaido, Yamato and others standing aside were all extremely surprised, holy shit! An ordinary animal devil fruit was turned into a fantasy beast devil fruit by you!

First of all, it is much larger than an ordinary wildebeest, and there are flames burning on its back and green evil fire burning on its hooves.

It all shows that this form can control evil energy and fire. This damn thing has been directly upgraded to a fantasy beast species!

"Congratulations, mentor, you successfully integrated the power and grew the devil fruit normally, but now you have transformed into a fantasy beast species." Rhodes said.

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