Early the next morning, Kaidorod and others gathered together again. The war on top was about to begin, and it was time for them to set off.

"Do you really not want me to come with you this time?" Yamato stood aside and asked.

"It doesn't matter, there is no need for this time. You and the three major disasters will protect the country of Wano." Rhodes said.

"Okay! Then be careful on the road, I won't say anything else." Yamato said.

"You brat, let's go to the Marine Headquarters, Marinevando, now!

If we set off from Wano Country, even if we fly, we will have to travel for a day and a night. "Kaido said very impatiently.

Yep, what a bastard boy. Every time he saw him and Yamato staying close together, Kaido felt an inexplicable feeling of discomfort.

How strange! He obviously wanted the two of them to get together before, but why did he get inexplicably angry every time he saw this kid Yamato being very close?

It must be because he was so close to the woman with purple-black skin and red eyes, which made him uncomfortable.

This bastard, after having Yamato, he still wants to flirt with women?

"Well! Let's go! Your Lady Queen, we're going to set off right away. We'll take that skeleton with us. This time, it's just the four of us." Rhodes said.

"I can't wait!" Sylvanas smiled, carried her bow and arrows and came to Rhodes' side.

A giant blue dragon soared into the sky, taking Rhodes, Sylvanas, and Skeleton Brooke, who had been tied into a rice dumpling, away from the Kingdom of Wano.

"But you stinky boy, why do you want me to transform into a dragon and fly you there?

Isn't your teleportation ability very useful? "Flying in the air, Kaido said very dissatisfied.

What are you doing? He, the Yonko, has almost become a means of transportation, okay?

You kid obviously has a faster way, wouldn't it be better to just use that magical ability to teleport?

We arrived in a blink of an eye, why do you want me to fly so long?

"Don't say that, Kaido, you have to know how to use space magic. It is very troublesome, in case one position is not good.

Most likely teleported to an unknown place. For example, teleporting into the deep sea.

Or you could be transported to an orbit in outer space, or even appear suddenly in a very dangerous place. " Rhodes smiled and said.

If he wants to use his space teleportation ability, he can indeed do it, but he must have a positioning mark made in advance.

He had just learned this thing from the blood elf mage of Silvermoon City. Currently, he could only passively carve it before positioning and teleporting it. And he had never been to the Marine Headquarters, Malinfando.

Without leaving safe space coordinates there, if you activate the teleportation ability rashly, you have no idea where you will go, so it is safest to fly there on Kaido himself.

"Tch! You kid can obviously turn into a dragon and fly, okay?" Kaido said.

"That's right! I do have this ability, but I don't know the way! You are the only one who can get there as fast as possible, and didn't you say so?

We need to capture that Blackbeard guy and take him to Wano Country, and then ask him to help take out the phantom beast seed fruit of Black Carbon Orochi. " Rhodes said.

After learning that Blackbeard could steal other people's Devil Fruit abilities, Kaido also focused on Blackbeard. This ability is very useful.

"When we get to the battlefield, I won't have time to take care of you, kid. You have to protect yourself," Kaido said.

"Don't worry! I have my own life-saving tools. I have left spatial coordinates in Wano Country. You can pass the spatial coordinates at any time and return to Wano Country in just an instant." Rhodes said.

Just kidding, Wano Country is my current home base, and I must have carved the spatial coordinates there.

If you encounter danger, you can directly activate your teleportation ability and run over, and just pick up the Queen on the way.

As for Kaido! How could Kaido be in danger? And this guy can also fly and can run back by himself.

With Kaido's current strength, Rhodes really doesn't need to worry about his safety.

"Then I'll be relieved. If you go with me this time, you should also be rewarded. Try not to show too many abilities, especially your devil fruit abilities.

If possible, try not to use it. Kaido said.

The Navy will not allow another Kaido to appear, so it is best to keep Rhodes' abilities secret as long as possible.

Rhodes nodded, indicating that he understood.

"Sylvanas, if you don't do well, you may also be rewarded by the navy!" Rhodes said.

"I don't care, I only care about one thing, how to seize all the abilities of this slave." Sylvanas patted Brooke's skull and said.

"Woo!" Brooke, who was tied into a rice dumpling and had a piece of tape wrapped around his mouth, began to struggle crazily.

Help, Captain, if you don't show up again, I'm dead.

Woohoo! I originally wanted to use the power of music to help this lady heal her inner trauma!

As a result, it was not until the end that Brooke discovered that the other party was an old monster who had lived for more than a thousand years. Brooke had always considered himself an old man.

In front of the banshee king's age, he is just an ordinary little kid.

Moreover, the other party also rules a country full of undead, and there are endless undead creatures in it.

She calls herself the Queen of Banshee, and this guy is simply a replica of Moria, who likes to control zombies, skeletons, ghosts, etc.

No, no, no, she is much scarier than Moria. Moria can only control low-level zombies, but the undead under her hands are self-aware.

Really, why are you targeting yourself? Is it because I feel like a living person?

The group of dark rangers under her are also very jealous of her abilities.

He is always tortured in different ways. When will this hard life end?

"Don't worry. If you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, you won't be disappointed this time." Rhodes said.

"I'll wait and see. I'm ready to transform the death knight. I also have a four-meter-long frost rune sword and the matching death knight armor. But unfortunately, there is no way to deal with his mount." Sylvanas said. said.

After knowing that the other party was also a giant, Sylvanas ordered the craftsmen of the Undercity.

I designed and forged a huge rune sword, and then used the technology captured from the Scourge Legion and the rune furnace to carve some runes.

As the Forgotten Ones separated from the Scourge Legion, they have mastered a lot of Scourge technology.

Especially when attacking Naxxramas, I gained a lot of knowledge about the Death Knights in the residence of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

It's just a pity! This important floating city of the Scourge Legion was not captured.

There was no way, who said that the forgotten group at that time was just a soy sauce! The real main force is the elite troops of the Alliance and Horde, as well as members of the Knights of the Silver Hand.

And if it weren't for the protection of the tribe and the persuasion of a certain great lord, the paladin of the Silver Hand at that time would have evolved together with the Forsaken under her command.

To be honest, this is also her first time trying to make a death knight.

"Yeah! Just do your best." Rhodes said.

Sylvanas's current wealth is not very rich, after all, a certain warden has not contacted Sylvanas yet!

Nor does she have the Val'kyr troops to raise the undead for her and increase the numbers of the Forsaken group.

Most of the current Forsaken are free undead who have escaped from the shackles of natural disasters, or some lost people who accidentally turned into undead creatures.

However, among the Forsaken group, there are still some necromancers who have participated in the creation of death knights.

But it has never been used in these years. In these years, the Forgotten strictly enforced the order not to transform the undead.

They are the Forgotten, and they survived until now in order to avenge the Lich King. If living people are turned into undead creatures, what is the difference between them and the Scourge?

This time, in order to help Rhodes, Sylvanas made an exception.

Even the transformation method of the blood death knight was secretly worked out by her subordinate. Many Forsaken people in the Undercity did not know this.

This time, in order to help Rhodes transform the death knight.

Sylvanas really made many exceptions. If some Forsaken people knew the truth, I'm afraid her queen's prestige would drop a lot.

Rhodes still sees all this.

"My men assured me that he has completed all the blood death knight's transformation rituals, so there should be no problem." Sylvanas said.

Moreover, with her own death power, there is no problem in this matter.

"Thank you, Sylvanas!" Rhodes nodded and said.

In the following time, Rhodes and Xi'anvanas rode on Kaido's dragon head.

Overlooking the vast sea, it feels like a fairy riding a dragon.

Riding on Kaido's dragon's head and looking down, the view of the entire sea is truly wonderful.

After flying for a day and a night, Kaido, Rhodes and others finally arrived at the destination of their trip, Marine Headquarters Marinelvando.

At this time, the Whitebeard Pirates had launched an attack, and the entire war was in a state of intense intensity.

Countless pirates and navy were fighting together. The captains of each division of the Whitebeard Pirates also showed off their magical powers and had a fierce collision with the navy. On the high platform, the Shichibukai was standing aside.

"Kill! We must rescue Ace!"

"We must rescue Captain Ace today."

"Dad is watching us! Kids, please work harder."

The members of the Whitebeard Pirates, led by their captains, are frantically attacking the navy's front.

At this moment, no one knew that a huge blue divine dragon was slowly approaching.

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