Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 85 Big change in temperament, terrifying will to die

At this time, Whitebeard's temperament completely changed, his eyes became extremely cold, and his whole body exuded an extremely dark and evil aura of death.

Just standing there, there was an overwhelming power and a terrifying aura spreading out, and everyone present felt their hands and feet feel cold.

It was a severe cold that came from death, and some of the ground under Whitebeard's feet was even covered in ice. Although they were blood death knights, don't think that they couldn't use the power of freezing.

"Welcome back, Whitebeard, this is your new weapon, the Rune Magic Sword, and this is your armor." Rhodes said.

At the same time, he gave Whitebeard an order in his heart not to expose his relationship with Kaido, and now he declared that he was Kaido's subordinate.

In fact, after controlling Whitebeard, Rhodes has absolute say and slave power. Even if he violates the previous agreement between the two, Rhodes can forcibly control Whitebeard.

But in that case, Whitebeard will completely become a walking zombie without any self-awareness. Only Whitebeard who retains self-awareness has the strongest combat effectiveness.

At least the overlord-colored domineering, the armed-colored domineering, and the use of some death knight skills require the preservation of one's own personality in order to exert maximum power.

Otherwise, Whitebeard's corpse is not even as cost-effective as a giant soldier transformed into a death knight.

I don’t know if the ability to shake the fruit is retained?

Whitebeard nodded and glanced at the armor on the ground. It seemed to fit him very well. It must have been specially tailored for him! They have already targeted themselves.

"That's right, it's what you think. I've been targeting you for a long time. Don't be surprised. I know exactly what you are thinking." Rhodes used his soul link ability to convey his thoughts to Whitebeard. idea.

I am your master, and the Lich King's Crown of Command is more useful. If there was a Crown of Command, Whitebeard couldn't resist at all just now, and while retaining his complete self-intelligent personality, he would be used by himself. .

Whitebeard nodded to Rhodes, slowly put on the armor on the ground, and picked up the rune sword on the ground.

The blue-black armor is worn on Whitebeard, which looks very domineering. There are some skulls or horns carved around the armor, making it look even more majestic.

As for the rune sword in his hand, Whitebeard could feel the new power in his body, as if it had some kind of resonance with the sword. The combination of the two should be able to exert stronger power.

"Master! If possible, I still like my original weapon. I don't know how to use a sword." Whitebeard said.

At this time, Whitebeard's voice lost that hearty feeling, and instead gave people an extremely hoarse, cold, and terrifying tone.

"This, this, what's going on with daddy?"

"Dad's voice has become so strange! Has it become so strange?"

"Hey, you bastard, what did you do to dad? What's wrong with you, dad?" The members of the Whitebeard Pirates began to become anxious.

Although they didn't know exactly what happened, one thing they were sure of. His father seemed to be controlled by someone in some way, and his image changed drastically.

"Marco, why didn't you take them away? You should have heard my last order clearly, right?" Whitebeard's face was extremely cold, he looked at Marco and his former sons and said.

Before he was transformed, all he could think about was protecting his sons, but after transforming into a death knight, this feeling disappeared, replaced by a will to die, as if everything in his life was no longer important.

Everything became meaningless. This terrifying will to death made Whitebeard's heart become extremely cold. Although he remembered everything he had with his sons in the past and all the laughter and laughter, that was all in the past. Now he couldn't feel anything.

"Old, Dad! You, what's wrong with you? You, do you remember us? Damn bastard, what did you do to my dad?" Marco shouted at Rhodes with great anger.

Bode did not reply verbally, but Whitebeard spoke directly, with the same hoarse, cold and terrifying voice.

"I made a deal with my master. I accept his eternal servitude and become his death knight, and you can live. I will take you out of here safely, but from now on, you and I will have nothing to do with each other. Relationship." Whitebeard said.

it's wired! Is this the will of death? Everything that happened during his lifetime is now meaningless.

"Damn bastard, you actually controlled dad in this way! I will never let you go." Marco shouted violently! He transformed directly into the form of a blue phoenix and flew towards Rhodes.

Now he doesn't want to care about anything, he just wants to beat this kid up. Why did dad become like this?

"Air shock!" Whitebeard shouted violently, his fist was covered with a layer of white light, and then he punched the air.

Click! Click! The air began to shatter, and Marco spit out blood in mid-air. Then he was grabbed by Whitebeard's hands, pinched his neck and carried high into the air.

Seeing this scene, Rhodes was a little surprised, your sister, Whitebeard's ability was actually retained!

The Shock Fruit, coupled with Whitebeard's Death Knight ability, and Whitebeard's three-color domineering power.

Have you made a lot of money this time?

In addition to Kaido, he has a second Yonko-level combat power.

No, no, no, with the blessing of the Death Knight's power of death, Whitebeard's current combat effectiveness is even stronger than when he was at his peak, and his combat effectiveness is beyond the Yonko level.

After all, the current Whitebeard is not suffering from any pain, and he has no weaknesses to speak of.

And he completely controls the power of death. Even if he learns the moves of the Frost Death Knight and the Evil Death Knight at the same time, then the potential of Whitebeard, a fellow practitioner of the three series, is not much weaker than Kaido.

"This old man has regained his peak strength and is even stronger." Kaido said from the side.

That's fine. After he goes back, he can have a good competition with Whitebeard.

This time he was Whitebeard at his absolute peak, even more powerful than at his peak.

"Ahem! Dad, you, please let go, I, I am your son." Marco slapped the arm that grabbed his neck hard and said with tears on his face.

"Marco, why don't you obey my orders?

But forget it, I will take you away in a while, but before that, don't cause trouble for me and stand aside honestly. "Whitebeard said with an extremely cold expression.

"Dad, you know me, you still remember me, do you remember our past? You brought us all together, we are a family!" Marco said.

"I remember everything in the past! But so what? In the face of the will of death, everything is just a passing cloud. I can't feel any emotions that a living person should have now, so you don't need to tell me this. I will complete the last step of my life. My last wish is to send you away," Whitebeard said.

It was clear that just now in his soul state, he cared so much about these sons, but in the blink of an eye, he no longer had any feelings at all.

Rhodes also secretly marveled at the changes that Death Will can make to undead creatures. It's simply terrifying!

You clearly remember everything about your life, but you don't care at all. In other words, you can't show it no matter how lonely you are.

"Woo! Daddy! Daddy! I'm not going anywhere, I'm going to stay with you." Marco said.

"When you are with me, you must serve your master. You decide for yourself. My master is now Rhodes, and Rhodes is Kaido's subordinate. You must serve Kaido." Whitebeard said.

I almost let it slip, the master just told me that Kaido of the Beasts is the boss now.

"Damn it! Kaido of the Hundred Beasts, dad, we will definitely save you, we will definitely save you." The members of the Whitebeard Pirates said.

"The situation is a little not right for Rhodes. The will of death is indeed very terrifying, but at least he will retain some of his feelings during his lifetime.

Whitebeard is a bit too cold now. "Sylvanas came to Rhodes, frowned and said.

"Maybe in this world, after he transformed into a death knight, he underwent some kind of change. After all, he is the first death knight in the world." Rhodes said.

The laws of each world are different. Using Azeroth's necromancy to transform death knights in the world of pirates is definitely different from the world of Azeroth.

Whitebeard's current extremely cold look doesn't look like he's pretending, because it's not necessary at all.

Rhodes has promised to take away all his sons and pass the soul contract.

Rhodes could sense Whitebeard's true thoughts. He really didn't care about these sons anymore, not at all.

Now Whitebeard will only obey all his orders unconditionally. After transforming into a blood death knight, Whitebeard has completely changed.

Now he can only be described as ruthless.

"How is this possible, Whitebeard? We finally managed to hit him, and Whitebeard actually came back to life." Akainu said through gritted teeth.

I have just recovered 20 to 30% of my strength, but this guy Whitebeard actually came back to life intact. Is there any mistake?

"Sengoku, have you noticed? Something is wrong with Whitebeard's current situation. He should be controlled by someone. This is a bit like the zombies of Moonlight Moria in the Shichibukai." Lieutenant General He said.

"I have seen that the situation is very unfavorable to us now. If the two four emperors join forces to make a big fuss, things will be very serious." Buddha's Warring States said.

The strength of this guy Whitebeard. He has probably returned to his peak condition, plus Kaido! Their navy is in serious trouble!

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