Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 93 Navy undercover, the role of Big Mom Soul Fruit

"That's right, it's this kid. This bastard kid just came to the new world and said he wanted to join my pirate group." Kaido said.

"Father-in-law! The navy is not trustworthy. They will often arrange undercover agents for you. Think about it, a fallen rear admiral and pirate, but his fruit ability is still your favorite, the ancient dragon fruit. .

As soon as I entered the new world, I said that I wanted to join your army. Isn't this obviously directed at you? I wouldn't believe this guy if he wasn't an undercover agent. " Rhodes said.

Who in the New World likes the fruits of ancient animals the most? Needless to say? Of course it’s Kaido.

"You mean this X Drake is here specifically for me? He is an undercover agent sent by the Navy." Kaido asked.

"That's right, he just came to the new world and he came to you without saying a word. Don't you think there's a problem?" Rhode said.

In addition, recently, the performance of Kaido's Beasts Pirates has been a bit too impressive. In this case, the Navy must be very anxious and eager to know the situation within the Beast Pirates, and Drake's undercover mission should start in advance.

"Tch, so do you have direct evidence? If it's just a suspicion, kill this guy or not accept him. Then what will others say about me, Kaido of the Hundred Beasts?" Kaido said.

Although Rhodes has a nose and eyes for analysis, the problem is that he has no substantive evidence.

Convicting people of death crimes based on just a wave of analysis is obviously not in line with the style of their Beasts Pirates. In this case, no pirates in the new world will dare to join him in the future.

Rhodes was speechless. With such an obvious flaw, couldn't you tell that he was an undercover agent?

Moreover, the opponent's ancient Dragon Dragon Fruit and Allosaurus form are also good things.

The fruits grown in ancient times should not be wasted! After taking the evil blood, the ancient species transformed into a beast species instantly! Or perhaps some of Azeroth's other powers could be incorporated into the mix, with Ragnaros the Firelord being one example.

"I can be 100% sure that he is a Navy undercover agent. Let him come to Wano Country to tell the Navy our news." Rhodes said.

The construction of the Dark Portal in Wano, or even the opening of the Dark Portal in the future, must not be leaked. This Drakerod does not intend to let him live, and any unstable factors must be eliminated.

Just as a few people were talking, a black figure flew over from a distance. The person who came was Flame Calamity from the Beasts Pirates.

"Boss Kaido, I have your phone number." After Jhin said that, he took out a black special phone and handed it to Kaido. The phone said it was making a blah blah sound.

"Who called?" Kaido turned around and asked.

"It's Charlotte Lingling, one of the Four Emperors." Jhin said.

If some unimportant phone call came, he would not come to Kaido in person. Recently, he had gained the power of evil flames and his physical fitness had improved to a higher level.

Now I am practicing these abilities and practicing new tricks! Time is very tight.

"What does this old woman want to see me for?" Kaido asked with some confusion. Although he was once a member of the Rocks Pirates, there was basically no contact between the two.

Kaido is keen on improving his strength and collecting people with animal devil fruit abilities, while Charlotte Lingling is keen on finding men to have children and all kinds of delicious sweets.

The relationship between the two can be said to be a harmonious one.

"I don't know!" Jhin shook his head and said.

Kaido snorted and directly answered the phone.

"Old woman, what do you want from me?"

"Well! Kaido kid, you've been in a lot of limelight recently! I've heard everything about you." A woman's voice sounded from the phone bug's mouth, and at the same time, the phone bug's shape also changed. The face of a sinister old woman.

"Hmph! It's none of your business. Lingling, if you have anything to do, just say it. If you don't tell me, I'll hang up." Kaido said.

"I'm going to hold a tea party and let the newcomer kid come over as a guest. It's the kid in your hand who controls the white beard and the cursed kid who ate the cursed fruit." Charlotte Lingling said.

Rhodes, who was sitting next to Kaido, was shocked.

Holy shit! My aunt actually wanted to find me. I had just returned to Wano Country for about ten days, and I was immediately targeted. It seems that news of the war spread very quickly.

"Tch! Why should I let this kid pass?" Kaido curled his lips and said.

Sure enough, after regaining Whitebeard, all the major forces have focused on his Beast Pirates, but he, Kaido, will not be afraid, nor does he care. Now, Kaido's strength is extremely powerful, not to mention that there are Whitebeard is here.

The combat power of the two surpassed the Yonko level. Even if the navy and the other two Yonko came together to fight, he would not be afraid.

"Hmph! Brat, you owe me a favor. You won't forget it, right? I'm asking you to return this favor to me now," Charlotte Lingling said.

"Have I ever owed you a favor? Why don't I remember? Is there such a thing?" Kaido said.

"Don't think about defaulting on your debt, kid. This is a lifelong debt. The reason why you are here today is because of my help. This is what you owe me. Did you forget what you told me when you left the Rocks Pirates that day? Did you pass?" Charlotte Lingling said.

Hearing this, Kaido's face darkened, and his fists clenched. He indeed owed Charlotte Lingling a huge favor.

When he left the Rocks Pirates, Charlotte Lingling gave him a Devil Fruit of the Phantom Beast Species, which is exactly his current fruit ability, the Phantom Beast Species Fish Fruit, in the form of a blue dragon.

"You don't want to default on your debt, do you? You bastard, I just asked this kid to come over for a tea party."

Hearing this, Kaido's eyes instantly burst into flames. He really wanted to default on his debt. The importance of Rhodes is self-evident, and more importantly, it's damn good. I am his subordinate, not him, he is mine. subordinates.

Although this kid was quite polite to him after subduing him and indeed fulfilled his promise, Kaido couldn't command Rhodes.

"Change your request! Old woman, you should know the importance of this boy. He has now married my daughter and is my son-in-law, so don't try to take advantage of her." Kaido said.

Hear this. Charlotte Lingling on the other end of the phone was obviously stunned and silent for a few seconds.

"Well! I didn't expect you to have a daughter? She won't be as ugly as you, right?" Charlotte Lingling said with a joking face.

"Hmph! My daughter is more beautiful than all your daughters put together." Kaido said.

He was very confident when he said this. After all, Yamato's appearance was something he could take advantage of.

What's more, Charlotte Lingling's daughters all look pretty good, only a few of them are passable, and most of them look like monsters.

"What a pity. Originally, I planned to marry one of my daughters to that boy! Then I would have a marriage alliance with your Beasts Pirates.

Kaido! Tell me, how did that kid control Whitebeard? What's Whitebeard's situation now? "Charlotte Lingling suddenly changed the topic and asked.

After all, everyone knew why she called.

"You've exposed your true thoughts, Lingling. As expected, you also took a peek at the old man's power.

Do you want to know? Then it doesn't matter if I tell you, now Whitebeard, he is already the combat power of our Beasts Pirates, and his combat power is second only to me. Kaido said with a smile.

"I really didn't expect that the old guy Whitebeard would be controlled by you. But with such a huge combat power, do you think the World Government and Navy will let you go?

How about the two of us joining forces! If the three of us get together, the Rocks Pirates will be reunited.

At that time, neither the world government nor the navy will be our opponent. After the world government and navy are solved, we will kill each other. Charlotte Lingling said.

Kaido sneered when he heard this. With my current strength, I don't need to join forces with you.

Kaido smiled and wanted to reject Charlotte Lingling's words, but Rhodes on the side shook his head and nodded to Kaido.

This is a huge opportunity! This is the aunt you brought to your door.

If I can control you and find an opportunity to control the Golden Lion in the future, then the Rocks Pirates will really be reunited.

"I know! Old lady, when is your Camellia Party? I will take the boy there to participate." Kaido said.

"Well, well, you stinky brat, the time is set to be five days later. Then you can bring the brat over here!

If possible, bring Whitebeard with you. After all, he is an old friend and I want to meet him. Charlotte Lingling said.

"Hmph!" Kaido snorted and hung up the phone directly!

"Jhin! Go and inform that X Drake that I am not going to send anyone to pick him up. Let him sail to Wano Country by himself. I will wait for him in Wano Country." Kaido said.

Yan Liangjin nodded! He activated his Devil Fruit ability and flew away.

"Rhode! Why did you agree? That old woman is obviously here for you." Kaido said.

"Didn't you still want to drag her into the water some time ago? Let's implement this plan now, wouldn't it?" Rhodes smiled and said.

"Sign that kind of contract? Aren't you unable to do it now?" Kaido asked.

"I can't do it anymore, but we don't need to sign a contract to conquer her. Can we just beat her until she is convinced?" Rhodes said.

Charlotte Lingling is a user with the soul fruit ability. She has the ability to extract the souls of others and give souls to other items. She can turn a dead object into a living object. This life will have its own thinking, such as the Prome she made. Zeus is an elemental force in nature.

To put it bluntly, Charlotte Lingling's ability is very buggy no matter which world it is placed in.

Rhodes really couldn't guarantee whether the soul contract or the devil's slavery contract would work for her.

So to recover this old woman, we have to use some special methods, such as pirate methods.

"The world of pirates is about the jungle of the jungle. Since she was able to board the ship of the Rocks Pirates back then, there is no reason why she can't board the ship of your Beasts Pirates.

You and Whitebeard went there together, couldn't you still subdue that old woman? Just beat her into submission. " Rhodes said.

The world of pirates is where big fish eat small fish. He has fully understood this. If this is the case, then Kaido and Whitebeard, the two bigger fish, can eat Charlotte Lingling.

"That's true. Now that old woman is indeed no match for me, Luo Luo! Then do as you say, let's subdue this old woman and beat her into submission." Kaido also looked excited. said.

Auntie's power is also crucial. Rhodes wants to do an experiment to see if Charlotte Lingling's soul fruit can replenish his soul energy.

"I remember that Lingling guy has a daughter. Her fruit ability is the memory fruit. This fruit is very useful." Rhodes smiled and said.

The fruit of being able to view memories and tamper with them at will is very useful.

If used properly, it may have unexpected effects. After all, you don’t want anything to happen to your mother or siblings! Brynn.

"You kid, you really have your eye on her daughter." Kaido said.

"I did have an idea for her daughter, but not in the way you think.

After X Drake comes to Wano Country, you can use the Memory Fruit to check whether he is an undercover agent of the Navy. Then you will know whether I lied to you or not. " Rhodes said.

“It will take at least ten days to drive from the entrance to the New World to Wano Country, after the tea party is over.

We can just come back and deal with that x-Drake. If he is really an undercover agent of the World Government, then take out his fruit power. Kaido said.

"Mom, should we still follow the previous plan and force the boy to stay?" Charlotte Perospero asked.

"Kaido is coming this time, but if our plan works, we should be able to control Whitebeard through that kid." Charlotte Lingling said.

"Whether this matter can be successful depends on whether that girl Brynn can modify that boy's memory." Charlotte Katakuri said.

"Well! Brynn, you must be able to control that kid and modify his memory to become a member of our family. Your husband, you won't let your mother down, right?" Charlotte Lingling looked at her daughter He spoke.

"Love! Don't worry, mom, I will definitely be able to modify that kid's memory, hee hee." A girl with three eyes who looked fourteen years old said with a gloomy smile.

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