Dedicate One’s Mind

Chapter 1030: : History of the Development of the Daji Dynasty (Part 2)

After the death of Emperor Ming, many of the good governance promoted during Emperor Ming’s reign were abolished one by one. The above was abolished.

The dismissal of the preferential policies of ethnic groups has intensified the relationship among ethnic groups in an unprecedented degree, with conflicts between the central regions, civil and military forces, north-south contradictions, contradictions between the rich and the poor, contradictions between farmers and businesses, and all kinds of contradictions have all emerged.

The huge platter burst into rupture. This time the rupture was much more serious than the one after the death of Emperor Zhao. Many people even thought that the Daji Dynasty was going to fall.

After all, it is more than a thousand years away from the founding of the country at this moment. According to the perspective of historical cycle theory, this is the number of days, and ordinary people cannot violate it.

The result, of course, was not. However, when the fifth emperor succeeded to the throne, the Daji Dynasty actually controlled the area, which was less than half of the mainland, only one-third stronger, and it was not as good as when the Taizu established the country.

The fifth emperor was Ruidi. He did not succeed to the throne through a selection system, but succeeded by stepping on a sea of ​​blood with a real sword and a spear. In fact, he was the first emperor to be ruled by a vassal since the founding of the Daji Dynasty.

In fact, his succession path is not much different from the peasant army uprising. From this, you can also see how messy the Daji Dynasty was after the death of Emperor Ming!

Ruidi can also be said to rebuild Xuanhuang, which is not much different from the founding of the motherland. Therefore, in Ruidi's temple name, there is an ancestor, not an ancestor.

Because he entered the central government from the locality, Emperor Rui was familiar with the conditions of the people, restored many of the Ming Emperor's good governance, and carried out reforms to make it more in line with social reality.

The biggest reform has two points. The first is to seize the military and political power of the vassal state. Since then, there have been fewer and fewer vassal states, and now there is no vassal state;

Second, improve the selection system, how to obtain the qualification of heirs, the voting mechanism, the determination of county qualifications, and the establishment of a supervision mechanism.

Mingdi could not achieve these two points. The reason is very simple. Mingdi used his strength to bridge the contradictions of all parties and integrate forces. However, without sufficient strength, it is impossible to shake the foundation of some interest groups.

Secondly, Emperor Ming created this selection system to win over localities and royal families. At the beginning of its establishment, in order to satisfy the interests of some people, it left a back door so that some people could take advantage of the loopholes.

However, the Emperor Rui rose up on the mountain of corpses and blood. In his anger, the blood drifted on the boat. If you want to abolish the vassal kingdom, then the vassal kingdom was abolished. Especially at the time when public opinion was on the side of the Ruidi, they were tired of the vassal king. In chaos, the power of the vassal prince has been much smaller.

If you want to implement the nomination system, you need to implement the nomination system. You don't have to care about that much at all.

In fact, from these two reforms, it is not difficult to find that although the territory under the Ming emperor’s rule is large, it is puffy. Many areas cannot be effectively ruled at all, but it is only a check; the territory under the rule of the Rui emperor has shrunk a lot, but They are all real territories.

After Ruidi, it was Emperor Xuan, the sixth emperor, and the first emperor to be elected by the election system in the true sense.

He is the seventh son of the Emperor Ruidi, and he will not have his turn whether he was born from the expensive or the long-term. However, the emergence of the selection system broke the eldest son's inheritance system and gave him a chance.

Through the forbearance in the early stage and the hard work in the middle stage, he, who was originally unknown, counterattacked in one fell swoop and became a symbol of the arrival of the new era.

After Emperor Xuan, the concept of the emperor’s democratic election has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the luck is so strong that it can no longer be suppressed.

That is to say, after Emperor Xuan, it has become unprecedentedly difficult for foreign powers such as Daomen to intervene in the affairs of the Daji Dynasty, because the Daji Dynasty has achieved the same heart, just like a hedgehog, covered in thorns. Not where the flaw lies.

For the first time, the sudden rise of the humane force of the Daji Dynasty had the strength to challenge the authority of the Dao Sect.

Emperor Xuan is an emperor elected by the people, and the praise he has received far exceeds that of his brothers, reaching an appalling 99%. You know, the others are around 70%, and at most they are barely close to 80%.

Even in a small county, the forces are extremely complicated, with different occupations, different status, poor and low, rich, wise, stupid, and...

The interests of each group are different. Some demands are even completely opposite. No matter how good the policy is, it is impossible to be perfect. No matter how big the cake is, when the cake is divided, someone will definitely eat better than the original. That’s the truth.

So after the approval rate of Emperor Xuan appeared, it was questioned by a lot of people. After re-evaluation, the same data was obtained, and the position of the crown prince was finally established.

Emperor Xuan won the hearts of the people so much that he was extremely surprised by Emperor Rui. After saying that Ruzi would defeat me in the future, he freely surrendered the throne.

This also opened an unwritten rule. The emperor is elected by the people, and the emperor is elected, and the emperor in office is not qualified to dismiss him. The idea that the people are better than the king is also deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

As the biggest beneficiary of the selection system, Emperor Xuan did the first thing after he succeeded to further improve the selection system. The selection system improved by Emperor Xuan has basically continued to this day and has not changed for thousands of years.

In addition, almost all emperors will do things like building water conservancy projects. Because of the support of the people, Emperor Xuan can let go and regain his homeland in the name of revival. Those opponents will be in front of the great dynasty with the same heart. , Is a group of chickens and dogs.

The last few years of Emperor Xuan's reign roughly unified the eastern and southern parts of the mainland. Like the reign of Emperor Taizu, he occupied half of the mainland and became the celestial kingdom in the eyes of everyone, attracting all nations to come to the dynasty. .

The Great Kingdom was established for thousands of years. In the first two thousand years, it should be said that it was the most exciting stage. A total of six great emperors emerged, which basically established the foundation of the next dynasty. After eight thousand years, there were only three great emperors in total, and the gap was quite large.

However, some people think that in the first two thousand years, the emperors have mixed good and bad. Some of the emperors are horrible, and they are murderous, and they are simply unsightly. These emperors are outstanding because of their peers.

And with the implementation of the selection system, the emperors elected are all upper-middle bourgeoisie, and those despicable ones are eliminated. It is more important to stand out among the emperors who have upper-middle bourgeoisie. For difficult things.

I do not deny that this statement does have his truth, but is it not worthy to be called a great emperor to be able to make a career when all kinds of contradictions intersect?

Regardless of other things for the time being, let's take a look at what the remaining three great emperors have done!

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