Dedicate One’s Mind

Chapter 1067: : The demon ends

Under the mighty power of the Destiny Astrolabe, the demon's figure gradually faded away, and the cause and effect of its existence was gradually eliminated by the Destiny Astrolabe, and his past and future became blurred.

The demon was still struggling to death until the last moment, but it was not just Wu Yi that he was fighting against, but also the golden dragon of brilliant luck.

Fundamentally speaking, the demon is not as far away as the Qiyun Jinlong, just because it captures the qi of the Daji Dynasty, shaping itself like the dark side of the Qiyun Jinlong, so although the Qiyun Jinlong is powerful, it cannot be wiped out. Of.

However, at the last moment, although the demon was not reconciled, he had to admit the reality of his failure. He changed like Wu Yi and said, "I never thought I would be defeated by your hands," he said. He raised his head and glanced at the Fortune Star Chart, and said: "This kind of god, you should own it, it's really a violent thing!"

"Thank you predecessor for the compliment!" Ben came to the last juncture, Wu Yi could easily win, without giving the demon a chance to comeback, just ignore what he said and do everything, but, I don’t know why, Wu Yi still The ghost replied in a wise manner.

As soon as he said that, Wu Yi felt bad, and his feelings of arrogance were hard to restrain.

Corroded by the magic of the devil, first came the complacency in the heart, and then there were illusions in front of him.

Wu Yi had to close his eyes. Now his eyes were no longer windows to observe the outside world, but instead brought a series of false images to Wu Yi.

But after that, not only the eyes, but the rest of the senses, all appeared fallacies, and the fallacy was so deep that it was unimaginable, and the devil's frantic laughter echoed in his heart. When confronted with opponents of this level, he still underestimated each other.

At the critical moment, it is the golden dragon of Qi Luck to help Wu Yi get out of trouble, otherwise, the demon will be expelled to the void and Wu Yi will also be dragged into the water.

With a soft dragon chant, Wu Yi reappeared in light, and when he looked up, it was difficult to conceal the disappointment between the demon's brows and said: "It's a pity!"

This time, Wu Yi would not give him any response, his face was expressionless, coldly like a robot puppet.

The demon's figure became increasingly dim, and at the end, except for his slightly gloomy laughter that still echoed between heaven and earth, in this world, no trace of it could be found.

In front of Wu Yi, there was only an eight-and-a-half-rank black lotus spinning in mid-air, representing the purest meaning of extinction between the world and the earth. It also condensed and perfused the endless fate of the Great Dynasty Dynasty. , The heart could not restrain the thought of rebelling against the court.

There is no doubt that although the uncommon demon is gone, the essence of the problem has not been solved. It is like a dynasty that has defeated a peasant uprising, but there are still peasant uprisings brewing one after another.

If you want to completely wipe out the peasant uprisings, you can only rely on sufficient increments, and no matter how good it is, you also need to have enough stocks to maintain.

what for? It can be simply understood as food, or land, the two are originally one.

The general climate of the upper realm is the promotion of the world. In this process, countless demons from the outer world will enter the world and disturb the situation. When the period of real promotion is reached, it will be internal and external difficulties. First Reading Network

The Daji Dynasty was located in the Western Land Boundary of the Upper Realm. The Daji Dynasty has almost completely occupied the Western Land Boundary.

This is the big climate. In addition, the Daji Dynasty has been established for thousands of years. For a humane dynasty, it has been extremely long-lived. It is incredible to be able to persist until this day. So it is not difficult for us to see that the Daji Dynasty has been going on. Change, politics becomes more and more democratic, culture gradually declines, and the status of men and women is gradually balanced.

Gou Rixin, every day.

Speaking of it, it has been more than a thousand years since the last emperor Huidi, and it is also the stage where contradictions are concentrated, and the changes that should come will eventually come.

The Qi Luck Golden Dragon cannot interfere with these calamities. The nature of the Qi is changed. As for the calamity that will eventually become a calamity, whether it is a good calamity, it depends on the specific person who should be. Be the one who should be robbed.

Looking at the black lotus in front of him, Wu Yi fell into deep thoughts as to how to face it. Such treasures of heaven and earth are rare treasures that have emerged from the catastrophe of heaven and earth. Although the risks are huge, they have lost the opportunity this time. Next time, I don't know when it will be.

It’s just that the gaze of the Qi Luck Golden Dragon behind Wu Yi is like a man’s back. In addition, Wu Yi’s body is extremely incompatible with the attributes of the black lotus. After a little thought, Wu Yi decided to send the black lotus to the demon body. .

The meat is rotten in his own pot, and no one can eat it. This is Wu Yi's simple thoughts, direct and greedy.

With a start, the black lotus came to Wu Yi's palm and slowly rotated. The Qi Luck Jinlong's eyes became more severe. He opened his blood basin and opened his mouth, choosing people to eat. If Wu Yi took the black lotus, it would be Its current greatest enemy must do everything possible to destroy it.

The black lotus who inherited the tribulation of the great dynasty, the golden dragon of Qi Luck cannot destroy it, but the host of the black lotus is no problem.

But the next moment, Wu Yi stretched his sleeves and sent the black lotus thousands of miles away. Along the way, the calamity billowed, as if there was a mighty power in the robbery.

Qi Luck Jinlong took a deep look at Wu Yi, and did not have the slightest attachment to Wu Yi, and went after Black Lotus.

Qi Luck Golden Dragon went to and its majestic aspiration that was instilled in Wu Yi's body also disappeared. With the help of Qi Luck Golden Dragon, Wu Yi was able to surpass his own cultivation level and play beyond the level. Out of the power of the immortal in the early days, and even the immortal of Taiyi.

At this moment, as soon as the strength is gone, Wu Yi seems to have become a Bodhisattva who has no one to worship. The golden body falls off and no longer has the previous glory. To put it more popularly, it is just a chicken with plucked feathers.

The sense of loss during this period was very uncomfortable, but it did not affect Wu Yi's mind for long. No matter how strong he is, there is nothing to miss. Before and the Qi Luck Golden Dragon are all alliances, the next moment, wait until the mind and body Taking on the black lotus, the two are opposed to each other.

I just don't know whether the Qi Luck Golden Dragon can discover the connection between the human body and the mind and demon body. In the future, the two need to reduce communication.

Putting away the fortune chart, Wu Yi slowly exhaled a sigh of breath. This night, at this moment, there were few stars in the sky. It was almost dawn, and it was not long, but the feeling it gave Wu Yi was the same as in the past few years. .

On the other side, Black Lotus traveled thousands of miles far and wide, and came to the side of the heart demon.

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