Dedicate One’s Mind

Chapter 1072: :Incarnate into a robbery

The mind demon raised his hand a little, and injected a force of willingness into the body of the alien beast. The alien beast image gradually disintegrated to stabilize the figure, and then regained the previous power.

The strange beast shook its body like a mysterious tortoise, with no limbs, only one head in front, but when it saw it raised its head, it was not black water, but black fire that exterminated the world.

Before the Luan Demon was outside, he had already seen the power of the black fire that extinguished the world, and knew that it would be difficult to extinguish it if it was contaminated by this fire, so it was impossible to let the flame get close and tremble. Burning a bright flame, it was made by his own divine feather.

The world-killing black fire can burn all things in the world, but there is a premise that there are enough world-killing black fires, and the alien beasts can’t use as many world-killing black fires at all. Moreover, there are too many places to use, beyond Wu Yi’s control. It is not easy to end up raging on one side.

Wu Yi came here to test his supernatural powers, but not to cause trouble for himself.

As soon as the vestment came out, Luan Demon held the black fire of exterminating the world, followed the mana channel opened by the great alchemy, rolled up pieces of fire feathers, and aggregated them into a long spear. The sharp tip of the spear shone with cold light, like a The long snake, chooses people and wants to eat, and stabs at the demon body deity.

It turned out to be the case, use the great pill to delay the image of the alien beast, and then take advantage of the situation to kill the demon body deity? Wu Yi chuckled and turned into a phantom in front of Luan Demon's eyes, disappearing without a trace. Without the method of locking aura like a cow demon, the mind demon body is an invincible existence.

Luan Demon's heart was shocked, and when he felt a gust of breeze in his neck, he subconsciously looked behind him, but there was nothing. This is actually the most scary, because you never know where the enemy will come from.

The guardian monkey demon made a long roar, and the sound waves echoed around in this narrow space, and the echoes continued, and then returned to the monkey demon's sea of ​​consciousness, even the slightest aura fluctuations could be sensed.

But the monkey demon didn't notice the slightest trace, and became nervous, looking at the left and right directions from time to time.

When the Second Demon was guarding against Wu Yi's sneak attack, Wu Yi once again manifested his figure in the same place, with the corners of his mouth rising, making the Second Demon angry.

"The thief is arrogant! Watch me stick it out." The monkey demon of the main guard joined the battle. He did not know where to draw an iron rod, gilded with jade, and it shouldn't be something that the monkey demon could refine.

After a few sticks came down, although he couldn't hurt his heart and body, his strong energy and blood made Wu Yi disgusted and burned.

Another aura rises from the forehead of the heart demon's body. It is not as bright and upright as the first few auras. On the contrary, it gives people a sense of darkness. When the two demon saw this, they did not expect Wu Yi to have a back hand. They looked at each other. I saw the caution in the opponent's eyes.

This time, the appearance of the ghost emperor is the image of the ghost. The ghost is intangible. The ghost is just a cloud of black fog. It seems that there is not much threat to it, but if you want to see through the black fog, it seems to be facing an abyss. Same, there is no limit.

The image of the ghost emperor cooperated with the black fire of the last era, and the threat posed by it is far better than the image of the Taoist monarch and the alien animal. It is entangled by the image of the ghost emperor. The kind of flame that can't be extinguished.

Luan Demon looked at the scarred Bull Demon, and then at the Monkey Demon who was screaming and wailing burned by the extinction black fire. He sighed in his heart, knowing that the opponent is an opponent he could not defeat, took back the inner alchemy, and then went to the Shenyi , Make a gesture of showing weakness and surrendering.

Wu Yi's heart was boring. This trip was just a trial. The goal has been achieved, and there is no need to continue teasing them.

Before they left, they planted the seeds of magic thoughts in their hearts, and it was up to them to see if they could germinate.

Regarding the wall of fire as nothing, the mind demon body leaves the fire demon mountain and turns into a breeze again, circling between heaven and earth.

To say that the demon body is playing, the demon body is pursuing the circulation of the tribulation energy. Where the tribulation qi is strong, it will go wherever it goes. While absorbing the tribulation qi, it also arranges the seeds of demon thoughts to increase its belief in the people.

But if Wu Yi is not playing, he can be more purposeful, so that he won't wander around like this.

Of course, this is not what Wu Yi wants to do. You need to know that tribulation and qi are of the same kind, and they are illusory. The heart and demon body can indeed sense these things, but sometimes the more you pursue them, the more you stay away from them. On the contrary, they are unintentional. The willows are full of shades, and there are often no small gains.

The state of mind is calmer, and it belongs to oneself, and no one can take it away.

In fact, the heart demon body refining has black lotus at this moment, even if he does not deliberately pursue the tribulation qi, there is also the tribulation qi spontaneously converging, the black lotus is a symbol of the tribulation qi.

Therefore, to a certain extent, the demon body is the fate. Wherever he goes, there will be a lot of people's grievances and bandits will be rampant. In some places, there have even been small-scale uprisings, killing many corrupt officials.

However, to say that Wu Yi was the culprit of the chaos is to frame Wu Yi. Jieqi itself has no good or evil. It can only be said that Wu Yi's arrival has accelerated the outbreak of local conflicts.

The contradictions that might have arisen in stages suddenly appeared all at once, and the turmoil became much more intense.

Wu Yi naturally understood this. He laughed at himself and became a catastrophe. Wherever he went, there would be anger and grievance, but can Wu Yi be blamed for this? Flies don't bite seamless eggs. If those counties and counties are stable and undisturbed, how can they be disturbed?

Moreover, thinking from another angle, after the turmoil, the tribulations dispersed and the contradictions were alleviated, which was conducive to their governance and long-term stability.

There has not been a big change in the Daji Dynasty for thousands of years, and it has already reached the time for As long as Wu Yi does not take the initiative to intervene in the incidents in the counties, it is at best regarded as the natural evolution of disasters. Behind Wu Yi, he didn't kill Wu Yi either.

Compared with the person who walks on thin ice, being a grandson in the Yongwang Mansion, he is cautious in his words and deeds.

To a certain extent, the demon body, like the innate god, represents the order of heaven and earth, giving the demon body thousands of years to grow up like a golden dragon of air luck, and it is far more free than the golden dragon of air luck.

In the next period of time, it is also time for the Daji Dynasty to hold a selection system. When the time comes, the person will come to the place to assist King Yong, and there will be less to speak of. Leaving the central capital will have a weaker impact on the situation.

The demon's body gradually became Wu Yi's focus. Summoning the demon body at the beginning, there were still some afterthoughts at first, but now, it is one of the few correct choices of Wu Yi.

Yes, in Wu Yi’s opinion, he followed the decree of the sect predecessors and came to the Daji dynasty. He did many things wrong. It seemed that he had walked a lot and saw some high-ranking officials and eunuchs. Yu Wu.

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