Dedicate One’s Mind

Chapter 1099: : Changes in Duqiong County

The sacred tree of the Baima tribe is called the snow tree among the outsiders. On the one hand, it will release a snow-white liquid after cutting its bark. It is a rare raw material for white lacquer. On the other hand, it is also because the leaves are very similar. Feixue.

   After autumn, the rest of the trees will become yellow and withered, but the leaves of this snowy tree will turn from green to white. After a period of time, it will look like flying ash and blow away with the wind.

   In the autumn and winter, watching this scene is very beautiful, but it is a little bit cold and cold, and it makes people think that whatever your status is in your life, you will also be a piece of loess after death.

   In order to increase the total economic output of the counties under his control, King Lu, the eldest prince, ordered his men to come to Duqiong County to discuss cooperation with the local Baima people.

After roughly knowing what happened, Wu Yi is naturally not particularly optimistic about the matter. Before he came to Duqiong County, the treatment he received is vivid. The Baima people yearn for peace and are content with the status quo. How could they sell themselves for money? Belief.

   But what happened afterwards was beyond Wu Yi's expectations. In just two or three days, that is, not long after the white-clothed celebrity entered Duqiong County, he had already developed to the point where he organized the public to obtain white paint.

  How did this white-robed scholar impress the Baima tribe? Is it just a temptation? Or he promised to be top-notch, is Wang Lu willing to pay the price of his reputation for this white paint?

   Wu Yi couldn't figure it out. He simply followed the people who picked the white paint and secretly observed their attitude towards this.

  As the Baima people and the Lu King gradually became more and more deep, the Yi Qi surrounding Duqiong County was originally enough to cause the Yi Qi movement in Wu Yi's body, but now it is much weaker.

   King Lu participates in the selection system and may become the emperor in the future. It involves the future direction of a country. Wu Yi really doesn't understand why the Baima tribe wants to swim in this muddy water. It is reasonable to say that it can maintain the heritage for thousands of years. It will not be so ignorant!

  Since they yearn for peace, they should take the initiative to stay away from entanglement. The Baima clan has a reputation for being absolutely neutral. If the Baima clan really refuses, King Lu can’t be strong. After all, he cares about his reputation.

   Listening to the dialogue between the Baima people in secret, Wu Yi was a little surprised to find that the joint mining of white paint seemed to have been proposed by the Baima people themselves in order to spread the purity of the world.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   is similar to a religious complex, spreading the three views that one believes in, and this explanation is justified.

   It’s just that although Wu Yi rarely communicates with people on weekdays, his mind and body control a huge bright moon world anyway! In order to deal with the relationship between his disciples and grandchildren, in order to reconcile the internal interests of the sect, the human body can be regarded as clear for many things.

   This kind of thing that we insist on purely for the sake of personal belief is to deceive the people at the bottom. The real reason is definitely not the case. At least this is not a good thing for the Baima people. Too much wealth is a disaster for them.

  In any society, there will be distinctions between elites and common people. However, in some places, the division is based on knowledge, and in some places, the division is based on wealth or status.

   Although the Baima ethnic group is not large, there is a division between the elite class and the civilian class, and the method of dividing them is based on the external perception.

   In other words, the more you know about the outside world, the better you will be able to achieve a higher status within the Baima tribe, and this group of elites is mainly responsible for foreign exchanges on weekdays.

   Ordinary people of the Baima tribe, because of their regular work and rest schedules, they do not compete with others. In fact, they are a very simple group. Among them, it is common for them not to close their homes at night.

  Although the elite groups who often deal with the outside world know more, their simple meaning is more obliterated by the intrigue and intrigue of the outside society.

   This also needs to be viewed objectively. If you don’t approach the outside world and learn those methods and techniques, how to protect the interests of the Baima tribe, a group of naive tribesmen will easily be deceived by outsiders and end up as slaves.

   But if you learn the conspiracy and tricks of the outside world, you can use it on outsiders, and if you think about it, can’t it be used on the people of the tribe?

  Difficulty, this is the case of the upper class of the Baima tribe who lied to the tribe, did they intend to gain fame? This was what Wu Yi thought in his heart. Although the possibility was great, it was just a guess and needed empirical evidence.

   It doesn't make much sense to continue to observe the white lacquer collected by ordinary Baima people. To ordinary people who have never seen the dark side of the world, the heaven and the earth are clear, naive and helpless.

Turning into a breath of breeze, Wu Yi returned to Duqiong County, which was "far away" for half a year. This time, Taotie had already taken the carp to the coast to absorb his lifelessness, and Taotie could not hide his figure, which made Wu Yi want to be with him. To show up and be alone right now, I don't need to care much.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}  Besides, because the Baima people have been associated with King Lu, they have actually participated in the election system of the Daji Dynasty and have been involved in the overall situation. Can no longer sit on the sidelines and watch, attracting the qi from all directions.

The Yiqi circling outside Duqiong County in the past gradually dormant. It can be said that the cooperation between the Baima tribe and King Lu is to destroy the Great Wall. If a monster came to Duqiong County, it would still I am afraid of the ecstasy here, but now the ecstasy has faded away, and Dusong County is just an ordinary county seat, which is at your disposal.

   Ordinary people don't know this, but the patron saint of the Baima tribe, the middle-aged woman who blocked Wu Yi from entering Duqiong County in the past, should understand this, why not stop this cooperation? With its authority status within the Baima tribe, there is no need for daylight manifestation, just a dream in secret.

But when Wu Yi entered Dusong County cautiously, he was surprised to find that he could not sense the breath of this woman. What a joke, this woman is the patron saint of the incense produced by the Baima people to worship their ancestors. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the most lofty existence in the Baima clan. With divine power all over Duqiong County, Wu Yi can't even notice the other side's trace.

   The cultivation base of this deity is just barely reaching the level of a middle-ranked god. It is impossible to hide the magic eyes of the heart and demon body. Therefore, there is only one situation left, and that is the god, who should be suppressed.

   With this ability, in the place where the Baima people live, suppress their guardian deity, it should be the white-clothed scholar. As the disciple of King Lu, a password from King Lu can easily achieve the goal.

   Wu Yi thought in his heart.

   After various investigations, and even using the method of tracing back, Wu Yi realized that the middle-aged woman had not disappeared.

   To put it more precisely, there is a change of person. The priesthood is no longer to protect the Baima people, but to lead the Baima people to get rich. When the priesthood changes, the whole person's breath also undergoes earth-shaking changes.

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