Live Up to Heralds

Now the Pioneer is the flagship of the C-series fleet.

Most of the capital ships of the C series have been killed, and the remaining one is undergoing maintenance and transformation. The pioneers must provoke this beam.

She, who is well-read, has long known that this kind of war has to be accompanied by sacrifices.

But when it really came to that time, she still felt pain when she saw the people around her leave one by one.

There is no time in war to mourn comrades who died in battle. This sentence was deeply imprinted in her mind.

Everyone is nameless in the war, a fleeting flash of brilliant fireworks.

The pioneer closed the book.

The fifth ship of the Guider-class C-series fleet, the light cruiser Pioneer.

What does this name mean?

Pay tribute to those predecessors who stood up and resisted with their weak bodies.

“Please look at me, senior.”


“Now, I am the flagship and listen to me.”

The pioneer’s voice was very calm. If it wasn’t for the noisy planes and the ear-piercing bombing in the communication, everyone would have thought she was chatting with everyone after dinner.

During the bombing, she got separated from other teammates. Although everyone was safe, the formation was already in disarray.

“Pioneer! Hokkaido hit the rocks! She, her propulsion device is completely broken now, and there is no way to turn or move forward!” Upstream No. 2 reported on the voice channel.

The pioneer frowned. Her radar showed that the deep sea surrounded them, and the number couldn’t be solved by just a few of them. They needed a breakthrough to escape.

The main force on the battlefield is only Amberis, Fuguang, and Ogysius. At most, the upstream team and himself are included, a total of eight people.

Hokkaido doesn’t have any offensive capabilities, and now she doesn’t even have the ability to escape.

Although Hokkaido didn’t say anything depressing on the voice channel, her rapid breathing has already let others know her panic.

The Pioneer knows what she should do now. Her radar has scanned the weakest point of the deep-sea encirclement, and the communication has also been turned on.

“Before the encirclement circle is formed, I will strike and release mines in the direction of eight o’clock, and I will leave the rest to you.”

“Wait, Pioneer, what are you talking about?” The voice of No. 1 upstream was trembling, and everyone could predict what would happen next.

The pioneer was silent for a while, and then she said to No. 1 upstream: “No. 1, you will be the flagship for a while.Don’t embarrass the navy of country C. ”

“We can have a better solution… Pioneer… Please…” Upstream No. 3’s voice was already hoarse, “Chi Yuan is coming, we can wait for her, there is no need…”

“It’s too late. She’s at least an hour away from here.” Ogysius shook her head. Although she agreed with her own breakthrough, she disagreed with the pioneers: “Leave the assault to us.”

I originally thought so, but the positions of the three gunboats have been separated by the deep seas. If they want to make a surprise attack, they have to penetrate a group of deep seas to go to the center to pick up the Hokkaido and upstream teams.

“It’s too late, Ogyseus, after Chiyuan comes here, please tell her that I didn’t embarrass the C department.”

She raised the corner of her mouth slightly, the torpedo was ready.

The communication channel was very quiet, because there was no better way, and everyone agreed with her plan.

The torpedo sounded at eight o’clock on time, and the pioneer rushed out from behind the island. In an instant, countless flames engulfed her petite body.

“Jiangyin naval battle, this moment I will never forget.”

Her ship suit ignited raging fire, but she rushed over without hesitation.

“Use your own death in exchange for victory.”

She aimed at the β-type deep-sea chief who was hiding in the deep-sea group and led the attack—a deep-sea aircraft carrier—just as she wanted.

“The time-traveling criminal.”


The pioneer was covered in raging fire, and like a scorching sun, he slammed into Kaga in the deep sea at the highest speed.

Her torpedo tubes fired torpedo salvos, and the turrets were also firing randomly—but her bow was always aimed at the β-type Deep Sea Kaga, and she was an arrow that could not be turned back.

The deep sea in front of β-type Shenkai Kaga couldn’t stop her charge at all, and soon the scorching sun-like pioneer came in front of her.

“Kaga, with the wrath of the ROC Navy, go to hell!”

The collision and explosion with the aircraft carrier shook the entire surface of the sea, and the deep-sea warships were thrown into a daze by waves after waves.

Taking advantage of this time, Amberis led two other gunboats to meet up with the upper reaches of Hokkaido, and they rushed directly to the gap.

Fuguang and Ogysius fired wildly, and the upstream team behind them led Hokkaido, and followed closely behind Amberis and the others.

But the deep sea is also the deep sea after all, it is impossible for them to watch Hokkaido and the others escape and surround them very quickly.

“Damn it! There are too many!” Ogyseus spat fiercely, she was in charge of the rear, facing the indiscriminate bombardment of giving up on saving the β-type Shen Hai Kaga and the pioneer Shen Hai, she dodged left and right Shem was struggling.

“Sorry! I’m out of shells, please cover me to reload!” Amberis shouted loudly, “Run and run! Chiyuan will be here soon!”

“Speed ​​up! Run up, little ones! Don’t disappoint your companions’ sacrifice!” Fu Guang shouted while using his body in front of Amberis to cover her from changing bombs.

She has already been shot several times, and the air strike just now has made her a little bit unbearable.

The sound of bombing on the battlefield was mixed with the cries of the upstream team, and this chase was extremely noisy.

The speed of the upstream team leading Hokkaido was completely incomparable with the deep sea, and soon several deep sea destroyers approached Hokkaido.

“Give up on me! I can already hear the sound of their torpedo tubes opening!” Hokkaido cried in the communication, and she finally couldn’t bear her fear.

I’m not reconciled, obviously I’m also a human being who changed a ship, why can I only watch myself die…


A voice was inexplicably inserted into the communication.

When all the ships were fleeing quickly, the owner of this voice ran counter to them.

“The first, second, and third flight formations are targeting the deep sea.”

Everyone looked up, and there was a dense group of planes above. They flew to the deep sea with heavy explosives.

In an instant, the pitch-black deep-sea fleet lit up one after another.

“Director-class C-series fleet.”

The second team?

“Ship No. 3.”

It’s not just me.

“Armored aircraft carrier, Red Kite.”

The blue-black armored aircraft carrier once again stood in front of his teammates.

She was wearing Feng Huanlin’s cloak that had turned into pure black.

Seeing that the ship’s outfit was broken and Hokkaido was exhausted mentally and physically, Chiyuan took off her cloak and covered Hokkaido who was lying on the sea.

Hokkaido raised his head and saw Chi Yuan who had completely lost his eyesight, saw her blue eyes shining with electronic light, and watched her stand up and face the deep sea rushing towards her.

“Damn you, Deep Sea.”

The four flying platforms were fully deployed, and countless fighter jets, bombers, and torpedo planes flew into the sky, like migrating migratory birds, rushing towards the sky above the deep sea.

“Of course, don’t make me feel bored, Deep Sea.”

Chiyuan raised her head.


My wish – to be a pioneer.

Just like my name, I am the one who guides victory.

I know this is an uphill and painful battle.

But I know that it is precisely because of our successors that the final victory is so important.

I, the pioneer.

my wish.

Use my blood to pave the way for victory.

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