Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicated King To The Infinite World Chapter 104

The arms of the night eclipse disappeared. To be precise, it was his eyes—[Five Visions] could not capture the speed of the night eclipse, and even the afterimage of the face could not be seen. It didn’t seem to be crushed by many fists, and It was crushed by countless fists.

The armor of the palm of his hand was completely shattered in the continuous sonic boom, and the black thunder pierced the flesh under the armor, and a scorched smell filled the air.


Facing an attack that was more difficult to deal with than before, Eclipse only did one thing.

He took a step forward with his right foot forcefully, stepped deeply into the ground, and made a throwing motion at [Zhi Gao Di Gu] with his virtual right hand.

The black thunder entwined around the arm turned into a strip of thunder dragons and threw out, the number of which was completely incomparable with [Swivel Axe], but the black thunder split at the moment when it hit [Swivel Axe] and rushed towards the surrounding [Swivel Axe] ], and continue to chain, every [Revolving Axe] hit will become a ball of sparks.

In an instant, sparks filled the air between [Supreme God] and the night eclipse.

After knowing that the night eclipse cannot be knocked down by ordinary attacks, countless red light spots spread all over the upper body of [Supreme Emperor]. The next moment, countless crimson lasers covered the place where the night eclipse was located like a shower of rain, and was hit. All the land in China turned into dust.

Before the smile appeared on the first emperor's face, his heart was filled with panic.

In the laser light like a shower, countless afterimages flashed in it. The afterimages were constantly being penetrated and reappearing. The Lord walked in the laser like a walk, although the speed may have exceeded the biological ability. The limit reached.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! The mushroom cloud rose slowly.

"Die." The First Emperor gasped hard, his eyes fixed on the mushroom cloud that hadn't completely dissipated, dragging the blessing of the night eclipse, and the emperor who fell into a runaway awakened a little after feeling the fear, but also because of this, The sensible first emperor was even more frightened.

That is definitely not something biological can do!

Just as Emperor Shi was thinking about it, a ray of lightning pierced the smoke and passed through [Zhi Gaodigu]'s right armpit. Before Emperor Shi had not reacted, it flashed upwards.

Bright red liquid sprayed from [Zhi Gao Digu]'s right arm, and the huge arm separated from the body and fell heavily on the ground.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Broken [Zhi Gaodigu]'s arm is no different from breaking his arm.

The gust of wind was howling, blowing away the smoke, revealing a night eclipse holding a knife made of black thunder, and black flames burning in the surrounding air.

The hollow but powerful golden pupils shone, and the surrounding black flames gathered towards the night eclipse.

The black flame brushed over the armor, and the beast-shaped armor quietly changed its shape, returning to the human shape again.The helmet faded in the flames, and the long night hair fluttered in the flames.

He grabbed the black inflammation scarf on his neck with his left hand and flicked it to the left. The scarf shattered and expanded, turning into a black cloak.

In the center of the dark clouds in the sky, a black thunder descended from the sky, and was placed in the palm of the night eclipse. Numerous light particles gathered from the surroundings, and a black thunder gun gradually formed.

The right hand dropped the lightning gun randomly, and the black arc flashed in the gun's trajectory.

The wind blew between [Zhi Gao Digu] and the night eclipse, bringing up the long hair of the night eclipse, and also taking away the reason of the first emperor.

"Hahhhhhhhhhhh! Kill you all!" [Zhi Gaodigu] raised his left hand high, aimed at the night eclipse and took a strong shot. At the same time, a crimson laser shot out, but the target was everything around, the building Easily destroyed under the laser, the imperial capital was as deep as hell.

The attack came in front of him in a blink of an eye, and the night eclipse body flashed and disappeared in place, and the strong wind broke out. Only the arc left in the air when the lightning gun moved could find the night eclipse.

Above the left hand of [Zhigodigu]!

The night eclipse that appeared above the left hand of [Zhi Gao Di Ju] was pierced with a gun below, and the arc in the air condensed on the gun, piercing the left arm of [Zhi Gao Di Ju].

The night eclipse that succeeded in a blow suddenly twisted his body, his left arm blocked him, and the crimson laser instantly drowned him.

Without waiting for Emperor Shi's triumphant smile, the crimson laser light began to spread outward, and gradually returned, as if something was pushing it back.

This is indeed the case. The black lightning gun cut through the laser and pierced [Zhi Gao Di Ju]'s head straight, but the pierced head was repaired in an instant.

The characteristics of the bio-type emperor are reflected in [the highest emperor], but it seems that because there is only one core, the broken arm cannot grow out.

"It's useless, it's useless!" After the First Emperor realized that he had the repairing power of the biological emperor, he laughed wildly, "I am immortal!"

The night eclipse that fell on the ground again, silently watching the First Emperor, who was still in madness, took out a ring from his arms and put it on his hand. The first emotion except emptiness appeared in his eyes-attachment.

The imperial secret book that did not know where it fell was blown away by the wind, and it kept turning, stopping on a picture.

The man with the thunder gun stood on the hillside, and on the opposite side was the black giant with red light.

Now it is exactly the same as a thousand years ago!

Chapter 89 Becoming the Last Darkness Before Dawn

"Disappear, disappear, disappear for me!"

The crimson laser condenses again, at a slower speed than before, but the energy contained in it has begun to twist the surrounding air, and the armor at the corner of [Goldigu's] mouth melts, exposing the muscles that are constantly scorching and reorganizing inside.


The laser sprayed out, and the huge recoil even made [Zhi Gao Digu] back a few steps, and the crimson light seemed to be the only color in the world.

The night eclipse did only one thing. Holding the long spear with his backhand, his right foot stomped into the ground. The power of the whole body was condensed to a point, and the thunder gun was thrown out at the speed of the previous movement. The circular shock wave shattered the surrounding ground. , The rubble was picked up by the strong wind, but hit by the arc in the air and melted into molten slurry.

The black light and the red light collided together, and the devastating impact continued to destroy the surrounding environment, and the energies ate each other and destroyed each other, just like gladiators fighting in the arena.

The stalemate did not last long. The black light hole pierced through the red light and penetrated the arms of [Zhi Gao Di Ju] and [Supreme Di Ju] blocking him, and the dark clouds in the sky opened a gap.

The meteorite collision-like scene disappeared, leaving only the electric arc still flashing in the air, and the gradual cooling of the molten slurry on the ground can prove that everything is true.

"You can't kill me, you can't kill me!" The first emperor suddenly laughed wildly. The wound on [Zhi Gaodigu]'s chest grew granulation and healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. The terrifying speed of regeneration was the source of the first emperor's confidence. .

"I have merged with Digu, you can't kill me!"

A figure appeared in front of the First Emperor, and the ensuing strong wind blew the person's long hair, revealing a pair of crossed golden dragon eyes.

Without waiting for the first emperor to say anything, the night eclipse punched into the first emperor's chest, and the black blood ran down the night eclipse's hand armor.

"I didn't say it," Emperor Shi drew out his dry hands and firmly clasped Night Eclipse's right hand. There was a horrible smile on his face with only one layer of skin, "You are, you do What's wrong!"

Before the emperor had finished laughing, a strange sensation emerged from his body. The black cracks began to spread from the place where the night eclipse had penetrated, and the cracks began to turn into powder wherever they went.

"Could it, no, it can't be like this!" Thinking of something, the first emperor screamed sorrowfully. He clasped the right hand of the night eclipse and tore at the night eclipse, trying to pull his arm out, but it broke due to excessive force. Up.

The black flames began to burn again, and the silver helmet slowly covered the face of the night eclipse, and the black thunder followed the night eclipse's right hand into the body of the first emperor, and flowed into the [Supreme Emperor].

Eclipse slowly raised his head and whispered:

"Together with your delusions, be banished into the dark!"

The right fist was swung down, and the already fragile Emperor First Emperor, who could not even beg for mercy, turned into dust and disappeared.[Zhi Gao Digu] also stopped, and the bright red muscles slowly turned back to white.

For a generation of emperors, when he gave up being king, it was only natural to die so humble.

"Not enough! Not enough!" Night Eclipse jumped from the top of [Zhi Gao Digu]'s head, slammed into the ground with a strong wind, and the no longer hollow eyes flashed with light that made the girl afraid.

"To completely destroy everything about you! Start with..." Night Eclipse turned his head and looked at the outskirts of the imperial capital filled with battlefields. "Start to destroy the revolutionary army!"

Every step roared like a drum of war, and every step would bring a gust of wind, and the dark clouds would condense over the night eclipse again, and the center of the vortex was the night eclipse.

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