Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicated King To The Infinite World Chapter 107

Everyone is a bloody evil spirit in human skin.

But girls will never understand this![Before you understand the true desire of the night eclipse,] [Now] stretched out his hand, stroked the face of the girl who was crying on the screen, and sighed [I must hold on, Lena!]


The night eclipse slowly withdrew the giant sword from a corpse. This was the last enemy. The extraction of the giant sword meant the complete destruction of the revolutionary army.

The pure white faded from the body, the white coat turned back to black, the long hair that was tied up was also scattered, the red dragon pupil turned back to gold, and the ferocious giant sword returned to its original shape.

The defeat of the Revolutionary Army means that the girl, or Lena has "completed" the bet, so the mentor form is automatically cancelled.

But Lena did not appear, and the Emperor Sword was surprisingly dim.

Night Eclipse looked at the Emperor Sword in silence, and put it on its back again, and a strand of gold shined through the dark clouds on the battlefield that was stained with blood.

The empire ushered in the dawn, but no one cheered.

Because they witnessed the darkness before dawn.


"Here is the commentary time!The explanation is of course the pure white girl who has been staying next to the protagonist!

Needless to say who the girl is, if you don’t know, go to "Legend of Heart (Legend of Funding)".

The girl’s name is Lena, and she is called [Lake Otome] in the show, but I call her [Lake Elf] because of my personal opinion, because the two are essentially the same. Anyway, they both drew this sword. Anyone can do anything.

Here, according to the needs of the plot, Lena has been waiting for someone who can draw the Emperor Sword, so Lena did not sign a contract with anyone before the eclipse, so Lena here is more naive and innocent than the somewhat mature Lena in the plot. To be simple, not to watch others hurt.

There is also the mentor mode. I can’t stand the mentor’s dress in high heels and pants that are indistinguishable from the white silk in the show, so I changed it again.

I am a person who respects the setting of the original book, so you can rest assured that you will not easily turn a good person into a bad person, and will not distort the character of the character. At most, you will change your clothes, equipment, or something.

Finally, "Slashing the Crimson Eyes" is coming to an end. As the one who finished reading the comics and fan dramas, I am responsible for telling readers, don't go to the comics, the fan dramas are not a tragic ending, the comics are absolutely disgusting!

Although it is almost over, there should still be three or four chapters. After all, I have to respond to the ambush before. By the way, the next world is...

(?′?`?) Guess!

Author's message:

ps: Oh my god!I actually have to go to class until the 18th or 22nd!This world not only ravages my body, but also tortures my soul!

Chapter 91 Cannot be Alone

After a thousand years of the empire, the empire once again defeated the rebels and succeeded in the feat of extending a dynasty for a thousand years. At the same time, the corruption of the empire itself was solved once and for all, and it was one person who made the greatest contribution.

The people are cheering for the continuation of the empire, but the palace is a sad atmosphere.Because the general of the empire died, at this time the entire palace was used as the place of Bud's funeral.

The dead Bud still frowned, not angry, still wearing armor, as if he was alive.Surprisingly, Bud’s body did not have any wounds. Even if [Zhi Gao Di Ju] stepped on Bud’s body, the real cause of death was that [Jad Miller]’s lightning stimulated the activation of physical cells. The resulting heart failure, which means that Bud would not die if it were not for saving people.

But now everyone in the palace is running, looking for someone.

One who inherited the name of the general, Bude's only family, was also the one who ended it all.

He was supposed to be the person who presided over the funeral, but now he is nowhere to be found, as if that person was deliberately hiding from them.

In fact, that person, the night eclipse is indeed hiding from them, or the night eclipse stays in a place that no one can think of.

Amidst a complex of buildings that were not known to have been destroyed by [Supreme God] or by the night eclipse, the night eclipse was sitting under a half wall that was still erected. The sun’s rays were completely blocked by the wall, and the night eclipse fell into shadow. Only a pair of crossed golden dragon pupils were shining.

At this time, the night eclipse was drinking wine with small sips. Although he didn't like this kind of nerve paralysis, he just wanted to get himself drunk now, even if the wine was of no use to him.

[Does it make sense?Now your body's metabolism is almost ignoring alcohol, drinking alcohol should be useless.]

[Now] A voice that seems to be always full of vitality sounded in the night eclipse's brain, and the system's chat panel also appeared in front of it, and the faint blue light of the screen illuminates the night eclipse's face without happiness and sadness.

Even though [Now] spoke to him, Night Eclipse still didn't speak, just sipped the wine, staring at the darkness with godless eyes, silent for a long time.

[By the way, I didn't expect the dragon bloodline to be so powerful, that the accelerating language spirit can actually reach that level.] [Now] It seems that I really want to talk to Night Eclipse, so I started to talk nonsense, but [Now] The nonsense words made Night Eclipse's eyes solidified.

"Now, I said," Night Eclipse put down the cup and said lightly while looking at the screen, "Do you know everything?"

[Ugh?] [Now] I froze for a moment. Although I don't know what the night eclipse is thinking, Now] I am very happy that the night eclipse finally speaks.

[I know everything about [now] and [past]!]

"Really?" The night eclipse lifted the wine glass and drank the wine in one shot, a flash of thinking flashed in the golden dragon pupil.

The speed at that time was definitely not [Time Zero]. If even his mixed race could reach the speed of that kind of unit, it would be higher than his blood, and the black king who mastered all the spirits would be defeated by humans without any reason.And he was completely unconscious at that time, which was different from the feeling of using [Time Zero].

But Now said that this was the power of the dragon family. There was only one thing to explain. The power that he reached that speed [now] didn't understand it, so [now] would consider it as the power of the dragon family.

So that power comes from the [future] that [now] does not understand!

But this has nothing to do with the night eclipse now.

Eclipse poured another glass of wine and continued to sip.Asking now [now] will definitely not be able to ask anything, maybe it will cause trouble, only when [Future] wakes up.

[Lena, how is Lena?After discovering that the night eclipse didn't even want to talk to himself, Now finally asked the question she wanted to ask the most.

"Probably still asleep." The night eclipse looked a little complicated and touched the position of the heart. There, he could clearly feel another heartbeat, and he could also feel that he was sleeping in the dark while holding his knees. The appearance of a girl, the tears on the corners of her eyes, made people feel affectionate.

[is it.] [Now] I pinched my hands together and said hesitantly, [Um, can you understand her?After all, her thoughts were a bit naive, and the Emperor Sword was not originally used for this.]

"I did nothing wrong," Night Eclipse put down the glass and said lightly, "I used this sword to guard the empire."

[But you killed a lot of people!]

"Not everyone in this world will be saved. Some people are destined to be unable to help. You should understand, or say..." Eclipse twitched the corner of his mouth tauntingly and said, "Don't you even know this?"

[Of course I know this!] [Now] murmured angrily, [but Lena is different!]

"Huh, I know." Night Eclipse sighed helplessly, "I won't use the emperor sword to kill creatures anymore."

[The relationship is good, I'll go find something to make Lena happy, let's go!]

The cheerful voice of a girl gradually disappeared, and the night eclipse picked up the wine glass, but found that there was no thought of drinking, and sighed weakly.

Am I alone again?

How long have you not felt the feeling of being alone?

Eclipse couldn't help asking himself.Think about it, before he came to this world, or was entangled by [Future], he had always been a lone traveler without any companions.But I don't know when it started, there were a few more figures on the road alone, some who followed him silently, and some made a big noise around him. I don't know when it started, he was used to following them around.

But today, he is alone again.Throwing away the loud noises, avoiding those who followed silently, and walking on the road again, with no one around him.


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