Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicated King To The Infinite World Chapter 115

Listening to the familiar roar, the blood of the night eclipse began to boil, and the pitch-black flames began to wrap around the night eclipse, turning into chains, and the night eclipse roared:


Ho Ho Ho!

The roar from the crack along with the almost roaring call of the night eclipse stopped instantly, but a stronger roar erupted in the next moment.


A huge dragon claw protruded from the crack and pressed to the ground, dozens of chains were wrapped around the dark dragon scales, but what was surprising was the thunder on the dark dragon claw!


With the drag of the chains, the huge body hidden under the cracks finally appeared. Unlike the dark arms, its body shines like silver. It raised its huge arms and hugged it in front of the night eclipse, as if protecting Own children are average.

Unknowingly, tears ran across his face, watching the lightning night eclipse entwined around him, as if seeing Bud holding his arms and looking at him, he was no longer serious, the majestic General Bud smiled and lifted his sturdy face. Pressed his hand on the night eclipse's head and his lips moved slightly, and finally turned into lightning and disappeared.

Go eclipse!

"Let's go together!"

The huge body disappeared, and at the same time, the night eclipse was enveloped in the white mist, and at this time Sasaki Kojiro's sword arrived.


The blade of the blade hit the target, but it didn't cut down like Sasaki Kojiro imagined. Instead, there was a feeling of hitting an extremely hard object. The backlash from the blade almost made the blade in his hand escape.

The fog began to dissipate, and Sasaki Kojiro's pupils shrank and hurriedly retracted the knife, but a dark hand stretched out from the fog and directly grabbed Sasaki Kojiro's long sword.

The fog dissipated completely, revealing the appearance of a night eclipse. The white silver armor was wrapped in a scarf formed by flames. The difference from the body was that the armor turned black from the shoulders, and an electric arc burst out from time to time.

"It seems that I have already lost," Sasaki Kojiro was somewhat calm after the failed attempt to pull the knife back. "I had already lost the moment the knife was taken."

"By the way, I haven't introduced myself, maybe you know, but I still have to say, my name is Sasaki Kojiro, I hope I can fight with you in the future!"

"Really? Remember that the one who defeated you is called the night eclipse! There is still a good way to go."

The dark thunder and lightning erupted from the arm holding the blade, and instantly flooded Sasaki Kojiro, but Sasaki Kojiro did not let go of his weapon from the beginning to the end, nor did he show any pain but disappeared with a smile.

"Unexpectedly, I lost, Sasaki Kojiro won't let the water go!" Gaia said unhappy when he saw his pioneer (cannon fodder) turned into a pile of coke.

"Hey! It's not good for you to say that! Somehow, if someone is working hard for you, just say that, care about the working class!" Now the night eclipse is not happy, and Sasaki Kojiro started to use his full strength!(Although it didn't break the defense, Sasaki Kojiro cried out in the toilet) But his boss suspected that it was waterproof, so the night eclipse wanted to seek justice for Sasaki Kojiro, who is also a working class!

"Ha! Don't say that you are the same! The heroes here are all voluntary work. Although some heroes have personalities, they are of no use! Like you gang of travellers all day long playing and fighting the villain Bubble Girl, by the way It's so cool to spoil a wave of plots, it can't be compared!" Gaia said loudly what made all the heroic spirits cry to death in the toilet.

"This...this...actually, I also have difficulties here," Gaia said when he was talking about the night eclipse and found that he was actually doing pretty well, but the next moment he remembered his boss [future], "My boss always targets I, what kind of vulgar aesthetics I also designed to open the treasure chest and mold, what a vulgar aesthetic..."

Unknowingly, the night eclipse began to complain of suffering, but the night eclipse seemed to have forgotten something crucial.

Chapter 2 Wang Jiang is dead again

"I want to hack him!"

There are three figures standing in the vast starry sky outside the moon world, namely the petite and lovely loli [future], the fairy-like girl [now], and the lustful but pure and pure [past].The three big brothers rarely get together. To be precise, [in the past] rarely get together with her sisters, but getting together is definitely something big, but...

"I'm going to hack him this bastard!!" [Future] threatened with her cute voice, but in the eyes of others, it is no different from acting like a baby. If you can ignore the [Future] Frostmourne that is raised high above your head if.

"Sister, don't be impulsive! The night eclipse is still inside!" [Now] cautiously discouraged [Future] from the side for fear that she would insert it with a flick of her sword.

"Little San is okay, sister supports you!" [Past] unconsciously encouraged [Future] on the side.

"Sister! Don't mess with it!"

"Little...little...little...three! Die to me!"

[Future] raised the big sword in his hand and looked at [Past] with a smirk on the side, then the whole person flew out and hit the ground a few times.

it is good!Let us replay it in slow motion!

[Future] rushed to [the past] with an invincible aura, and slashed the Frostmourne on the hands to the dreamy chest (your resentment is too big!), and then the soles of the feet slipped (Loli fell flat since ancient times) She hit [Past]'s chest and was shot out.[Past] Win!

[Now] sighed, looked at the night eclipse that was delaying time (spitting bitter water) and said firmly: "We will save you soon!" Then looked at the sister aside, at this time [Past] was using her proud The chest carried out a cruel chest-kill on the poor breast [Future] (buried [Future]’s head into the plump chest), and [Future] seemed to faint!

"Sorry for the night eclipse, you must hold on to it! You guys stop it now┻━┻︵╰(‵□′)╯︵┻━┻"

—————————— Hall of Valor————————————

"Hey! I think you are so miserable, how about letting me go to the west from you?" Gaia watched the night eclipse and grumbled a little dizzy, and directly said the words that made the night eclipse freeze instantly.

╮(▽")╭ No! After talking for a long time, you tell me to send me to the west to help me out! Thank you!

Although I didn't think that two loli could be persuaded at the beginning, but so anxious!Could it be... I have something in me that even the will of the world will take risks to get!

Gaia, who didn't know how many thoughts the eclipse had because of his own words, saw the eclipse suddenly motionless, and was curious to poke Alaya with his hand, "What's wrong with him?"

Speechless.Alaya gave Gaia a sideways glance, I'd better ignore her.

Night Eclipse sighed to let go of the doubts in his heart, after all, the opposite would not let him be distracted!

This time it was a hero holding a red spear.

But...a mere pervert wearing a blue tights is just a lancer, I don't know that the pikemen have been lucky since ancient times and died in the chest!

"Yo! Brother, what you just said is very interesting!" His face was full of blue veins and crosses.


"I just said it all?" Night Eclipse scratched his head.

"Haha! Brother, I'll take your heart! Gae Bolg... I'm going! Where are people going!" Under the double torture of night eclipse mockery and pretending to be stupid, Cu Chulin decided to use himself His treasures sent him directly on the road, the violent magic power and the curse that must be shot, but...the night eclipse is invisible!That's right, one of the most powerful abilities of [Evil Haunted] can not only be used to steal......ahh!Concealment, assassination, etc., the most important thing is surprise!

For example, this panicked dog in front of me!

Kuchurin said that the coach can't fight this one!The other party is fucking invisible!The Gae Bolg is very strong, but it must also have a target!

"Damn it! If you are a hero, don't use three kinds of tricks! Give me upright fight!!" Kuchulin roared.

"Then don't release your real name," the words that made Cú Chulainn go wild in the empty space.

"This is my housekeeping skill. Using it to deal with you shows that I have tried my best! You should also respond with the same awareness!" Cuchurin endured his inner anger and tried to let the night eclipse come out.but……

"Sorry, my treasure releases its real name and this effect ╭(▽)╮" The lazy tone explained the fact that Cú Chulainn collapsed.

Kuchulin: Σ( ° △ °|||)︴There is such a treasure!Treasures are sublimated from the deeds of the heroes in his lifetime. What have you done to make you have invisible treasures!Didn't find the goddess taking a peek?It is indeed a good treasure from a certain angle!

A spear pierced through Kuchurin who was filling his brain without warning.The sharp pain from his chest made him return to reality, and by the way, it made Cuchurin recognize the reality that he was pierced!

"Damn it! Not only are you invisible, but you also sneak attack!!!"

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