Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicated King To The Infinite World Chapter 118

Facing the darkness of the night eclipse, I felt calm, and I couldn't avoid it anyway. It's better to enjoy it, Excalibur of the black king!Few people in the world have experienced it so close, ha ha ha so happy T^T!

"Oh, just a punch here, right?"

What the hell!

The sudden sound made everyone look upwards, and the screen wall of the world shattered under Alaya's nearly collapsed eyes, and all this was caused by a fist wearing a red glove.

But everything was not over yet, the moment the barrier was broken, a huge shock wave blasted towards the night eclipse and the exploding Excalibur.

"My day! Not an ally!" I saw Excalibur being easily torn apart. Eclipse just breathed a sigh of relief, but found that the impact of this punch was too strong, even with the armor on Eclipse's body and the screen under his feet. They were broken together, and then the night eclipse fell straight down under the impact.

The last thing I saw was just a simple style...bald!?

Chapter 5 Summon...I rely on it!

Holy Grail War.

Seven heroes from different eras fought each other around the almighty wishing machine until the last one was left.

Saber, rider, archer, assassin, caster, lancer, berserker have the strongest comprehensive strength and the weakest assassin, but all these will change because of one person...


"The Tosaka family in the Holy Grail War a year later must win, and for this I want to summon the strongest heroes!" The man in a red suit gently picked up the red wine in front of him, his every move could only be described with elegance. He is the back of the pot... Tosaka Shichen, the head of the Tosaka family in Toki City's Yusan Family, and his apprentice Kirei Yanmine is opposite him.

"For this~ we must get his holy relic!"

"But in the teacher's history, he left nothing." Yanfeng Qili replied blankly.

"Indeed, he left nothing in history, but history also has omissions, such as the sword!" Tosaka Shichen was not surprised by Yanfeng Kirei's answer, after all, "he" left nothing when he died. Down, but everything has an accident, and Tosaka Shichen discovered this accident.

"Could it be possible that the sword is still there!" Yanfeng Qili quickly reacted, her stiff face showing consternation, "If that's the case, wouldn't the master who got the sword have already won?"

"Almost, but I'm not the only one who got the news. Einzbern, the Magic Association, or some magicians know it, so Qili..."

"I know the teacher, that Tong family..."

"So it's time to pass Sakura over...Forget it, wait until the holy relic gets your hands." It's a headache to mention Makiri Tosaka, but if Sakura Tosaka adopts Makiri, the Tosaka family will It’s equivalent to getting another magic circuit, thinking of Tosaka’s time here, the expression relaxes, “Then Qili has already booked the ticket for you. You can set off for the Republic of Southern Europe tomorrow morning. You must bring the holy relics back. !"

"I see." Yanfeng Qili nodded, turned and left the room, but her emotionless eyes fluctuated at the moment the door closed, "Europe?"



The night eclipse fell into the dark space and yawned. At first he was a little scared, but later it became boring, yes, it was boring!From the beginning to the present, the picture has not changed. It is completely dark, and there is no information other than knowing that he is whereabouts.

"Couldn't the heroic spirits teleport like this? Let me see how long it will take...Fuck me! It will take another year! I'd better sleep for a while."

The night eclipse thought that nothing could be done anyway, it’s better to sleep. He turned his body and closed his eyes, but as soon as the eyes were closed, there was a strong light shining from the darkness. The night eclipse suddenly opened his eyes and looked subconsciously. To time.

The Holy Grail War is still one year away.

In other words, someone is calling illegally!Then there may be only one!That is the call from Sakura's despair written in most of the novels!

"Haha! Sakura heard your call, I'm here!"

The night eclipse burst into the light with a big laugh, and at the same time, countless dark thunder bursts on his arm, and the old bug died!

The light dissipated, and Night Eclipse couldn't wait to open his eyes, and at the same time released the thunder on his arm.

Boom boom boom boom!

The pitch-black thunder and lightning arbitrarily destroyed everything around him, destroying all lives except the existence of the weak breath of life under his feet.

The night eclipse clicked with satisfaction. Just now, it blew up with the ceiling, and the long-lost sunlight illuminated everything around it, and the murder scene that should have been terrifying became warm.

"You are my mas..." Eclipse smiled and lowered his head.

However, it was indeed an expressionless uncle's face that appeared in front of him, and the corners of his mouth were still twitching.

"..." Night Eclipse was indifferent for an instant, stepped on the face of the person under his feet, and ran a few times by the way.


As a substitute, Yanfeng Qili's strength should not be underestimated, but one thing he miscalculated is the attraction of the holy relic!

At the beginning, he successfully obtained the holy relic-a rusted sword. Yanfeng Qili knew that this was the sword of the patron saint back then. Although I don’t know why it rusted, the stubborn breath of life proved it. The extraordinary, and then the tragedy began...

The hotel she was staying in was bombed out inexplicably, and fortunately, Feng Qili escaped with extraordinary skill, followed by a mercury attack, and then she was pursued and killed by a bunch of artificial people, and was shot halfway...

It can only be described in one miserable word.

In the end, even the dead man ran out, but Yanfeng Qili resisted desperately, and as a result, he was completely injured because of the previous continuous pursuit.

The blood spread along the floor, and the rusty sword in her arms also fell out. Yanfeng Qili lay on the ground silently looking at the sword and blood, as if the blood on the ground was not his at all.

The footsteps behind him got closer and closer, Yanfeng Qili closed his eyes and waited for death to come. It is said that he would see the most precious things before death. Yanfeng Qili laughed at himself and laughed that he has no feelings even when facing death. Will be afraid, let alone seeing the most precious things.

Suddenly a touch of silver hair flashed through her mind, which made Yanfeng Qili's memory begin to churn. A woman who was married but did not feel sad when she knew her death. Instead, there was a strange feeling in her heart, which made him feel at the time. It was a heinous sin, but I was eager in my heart, but now I am dying!

I really want to experience it once!

I really want to know what that is!

But to die!

I want to live!

The strong desire seemed to resonate with the unknown existence, a sharp pain came from the back of the right hand, Yanfeng Qili opened her eyes with difficulty, and her goal was a scarlet mark.

Strange things have happened!The blood on the ground began to move in circles, forming a magic circle, and the rust sword was in the center of the circle!


Yanfeng Qili was surprised to find that her mouth began to move on her own.

"You listen to my orders, and my life is with your sword--"

The magic of the whole body began to converge on the back of his hand.

"In response to the call of the Holy Grail, if you are willing to follow this will, this reason, then respond--"

Light began to appear, and a hurricane blew.

"Swear here—"

The rust on the sword began to fall off.

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